logoNational Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges


NSPCB 2025 Meeting Dates

Updated on March 16, 2025


All meetings on Sunday's starting at 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted

Restrictions on public gatherings could cause meetings to be cancelled on short notice. If you plan to attend, please confirm that the meeting will be taking place a couple days before the scheduled event. Updates will be posted on this page, the NSPCB homepage or contact Bill Caswell for additional details.

March 23 - Horace Chase Masonic Lodge, Boscawen, New Hampshire. (In-person & virtual). Map
Presentation: "Bridges as Civil Engineering Heritage and Cultural Icons in Numismatics and Philately" by Mohamad Hussein

April 27 - Museum of Old Newbury, Newburyport, Massachusetts. Map
Presentation by Bob Watts. Reserve your seat today, there is no charge for NSPCB members.

June 22 - Contoocook Covered Bridge, Contoocook, New Hampshire. Bring your own chairs. Map

July 27 - The Barn Yard, Ellington, Connecticut. Learn about the construction of this traditionally-built bridge. Map

August 9 & 10, 2025 – Joint Safari with the New York State Covered Bridge Society to visit bridges in southwestern New Hampshire, southeastern Vermont and northern Massachusetts. Lodging and other particulars will be presented as they are worked out.

August 24 - Annual picnic at Beaver Meadow Village at the end of Waumbec St., Concord, NH. The cookout is at noon and the meeting at 1 pm.  Map

September 28 - Baltimore Bridge, Springfield, Vermont. Bring your own chairs and picnic lunch. Map

Sunday, October 26 - NSPCB Annual Meeting and Dinner, Brigham Hill Barn, 37 Wheeler Rd, North Grafton, MA.   Meal at noon, meeting starting at 1:00 PM. | Map |

For meeting dates of other covered bridge societies, see the Calendar on the Covered Spans of Yesteryear website.