MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2007
Sunday, March 18 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA.
Sunday, April 22 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA. Joe Cohen will be
the speaker. Topic will be "New Covered Bridges.” He will talk and
show slides of newly constructed bridges and the ones they replaced
(where appropriate).
Sunday, May 20 Executive-Only Board Meeting.
Meeting will be held at the home of Joe and Marianne Cohen in
Holliston, MA. The meeting will begin at noon and will include
NEWSLETTER DATESThe next newsletter
is scheduled for April 2007. Therefore, anyone wishing to submit
photos, articles, etc. should send them to Carmela or KC by March
20, 2007. Newspaper or magazine articles must include source
information and details (such as name of publication, date, etc.).
Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU! 
Dear Fellow Members, Greetings!
First of all, please accept my warmest good wishes for the coming
Holiday Season, and may 2007 bring much joy to each and every one of
The Ninetieth Birthday of
Richard Sanders Allen: Given the current
efficiency of the postal services, by the time many of you receive
this Newsletter, the event in question will probably already have
taken place; nevertheless, on January 4th 2007, Richard Sanders
Allen will be ninety years old.
For those of you who do not yet know his work, Richard Sanders
Allen is the author, amongst other things, of the Covered Bridges
of the Northeast, the Covered bridges of the Middle Atlantic States,
the Covered Bridges of the South, and the Covered Bridges of
the MiddleWest. He has also penned several books on aviation
history, and is as well an authority on early blast furnaces and
iron smelting. It was in fact Richard Sanders Allen who founded
Covered Bridge Topics, our quarterly magazine, the first
issue of which dates from April 1943. Mr. Allen turned Topics
over to the National Society in 1952.
For the past seventy years, Rick, as he is known to his friends,
has been a tireless researcher into all manner of things having to
do with Covered Wooden Bridges, and is in no small measure
responsible for the current interest in these structures. One of the
many reasons for his success in this regard is his sparkling prose
style, a sparkling prose style which makes reading any work of his a
joy and a delight.
Members wishing to send Rick a card on the occasion of his
ninetieth birthday should address these cards to Mr. Richard Sanders
Allen, The Life Care Center of Lewiston, 325 Warner Drive, Lewiston
Idaho 83501. And by all means, if any of you have not already done
so, take one of his books out of the library and read it! I can
practically guarantee that you will not want to put this book down
until you have got to the end of it.
Rick Allen has been an honorary member of the National Society
for quite some time now. The Society granted him this rather special
membership in a vain attempt to honor him, but it is in fact he who
honors us by his presence in our organization.
The Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge; a Brief Update:
Our part of this important project is fast approaching its end. The
much needed repairs to the support systems at each of the four
corners of the span have all been completed, and Timothy Andrews of
Barns and Bridges of New England is now replacing the sideboarding
and inside endboarding which had to be removed so as to gain access
to the ends of the side trusses of the span. He has also taken away
many of the materials he had assembled at the site in order to shore
up the bridge during the repairs, most notably the steel I-Beams
lent to us by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. (Many
thanks, New Hampshire D.O.T.!!) Though I had promised you a full
account of this project in the last President's Message, I am
going to put the accounting in question off until such time as our
part of the project is over and done with. I rather imagine, from
what I know at present, that this accounting will therefore most
likely appear in the Spring issue of the Newsletter.
The Pier and Wright’s Covered Railroad Bridges of Newport, New
Hampshire: As many of you may already know, there are only eight
Covered Railroad Bridges remaining in the world today, five of which
are located in New Hampshire. Three of these structures, namely the
Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge, the Pier Covered Railroad
Bridge, and Wrights Covered Railroad Bridge, are to be found along
the same abandoned right-of-way of the Concord and Claremont
Railroad. Both the Pier Covered Railroad Bridge and Wright’s Covered
Railroad Bridge -- farmer Wright, after whom the latter span was
named, is, by the way and as far as I know, no relation! -- find
themselves in somewhat isolated areas, and are thus potential
targets for both vandalism and arson. Deeply concerned by the
possible loss of these two bridges to some sort of structural
failure, the Town of Newport, New Hampshire, secured a grant which
would have financed certain repairs to them that were initially
being completed. The repairs in question were not immediately
affected, however, principally because: 1) gaining access to this
grant would have required a 20% matching share to be raised by the
Town of Newport, and Newport, not a particularly rich community, did
not feel, with all the other financial demands being placed upon it,
that it could afford to commit the legally required sum to the
railroad bridge project, and 2) upon reflection, good fire
protection seemed much more important than the repairs which had
first been proposed. Several years were to pass, however, after the
latter realization, during which time not much importance took
place. It then occurred to several members of the Newport Historical
Society, and to certain other inhabitants of the Town, that if the
matching shares were not raised fairly soon, and if a reasonable
fire protection scheme were not quickly elaborated, the grant would
be lost. Lacking an appropriate grant, of course, or that failing, a
donor or donors with especially deep pockets, nothing could be done
to or for the two structures in question. The Historical Society
therefore got busy. As of this date, not only has a reasonable plan
for fire protection of the Pier and Wright’s bridges been worked out
-- application of “nochar” fire preventer, installation of a fire
detection system, and finally, the setting in place of a dry pipe
sprinkler system, in that order! -- but the Historical Society has
already raised about a third of the sum needed to secure the above
mentioned grant. Furthermore, the Historical Society, given the rate
at which monies have coning in, fully expects to have raised about
half the required amount by shortly after the first of the year.
This is a good project, well thought out and well supported at
the local level. I would thus encourage all members of our Society
who can, to donate to it. Checks should be made to the Pier
Bridge Preservation Project, and sent along to the Sugar River
Savings Bank, Post Office Box 565, Newport, New Hampshire 03773. Be
sure to include on your envelope the notice, Attention Leighann
Yours sincerely, David W. Wright President, National
Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Incorporated
Letter to the Editors
From: Sent: Thu,
14 Dec 2006 Subject: Covered Bridges in China
Dear Carmela Sciandra and KC Klingensmith:
Over the years, I have learned a lot from your online newsletters
and admire the wonderful work your organization -- made up of so
many concerned individuals -- to preserve the legacy of covered
bridges in North America.
My own research specialty is Chinese vernacular architecture,
including especially houses and bridges, subjects I have published
widely on over the past 40 years.
My current project is 'China's Old Bridges: Architecture Over
Water,' which will be published in Fall 2007. A significant part of
this book will highlight scores of unknown covered bridges in China,
most of which have never been published about before. You'll be
surprised that many pre-date the 19th century and that none have
trusses. One of the most extraordinary support systems is called
'woven timber arch-beam.' Until recent years, it was believed this
type had died out in the 12th century, but several dozen examples
have recently been discovered in remote mountain areas, many of
which I've visited.
In many ways, China is where the US and Canada were 100 years ago
in terms of the fact that their covered bridges are only now being
appreciated. Many are threatened although there have been quite a
few wonderful tales of restoration. It is estimated that some 3000
are still standing, most in remote areas of the country!
While all of the photographs in my new book have been shot by my
collaborator, a professional photographer, I thought that the
readership of your newsletter might be interested in an advance peek
at some of China's most exciting covered bridges. I've put some
images on my homepage (near the top,
province-by-province). Other provinces will be added in the months
to come.
I've just ordered the latest volume of your 'World Guide to
Covered Bridges' since I'd like to help fill in some gaps and call
attention to more in China than are normally listed.
With best wishes,
Ron Knapp SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus State
University of New York at New Paltz
Contoocook Bridge Underpinning
Continues By James L. Garvin, State Architectural
Historian, New Hampshire Division of Historical
Tim Andrews of Barns and Bridges of New England is continuing the
process of lifting and underpinning the four corners of the
Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge in Hopkinton. The National
Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc., is donating
the cost of Andrews' work from its Eastman-Thomas Fund.
Built in 1889 for the Concord and Claremont Branch of the Boston
and Maine Railroad, the double Town lattice bridge is the oldest
covered railroad bridge in the world. The span is under the
administrative care of the Division of Historical Resources, which
has no capital budget for its maintenance. Over the past decade, the
National Society has donated repairs to the side sheathing and flat
metal roof of the bridge, purchased fire retardant chemicals for the
wooden span, and provided countless hours of volunteer labor in
maintaining the bridge.
Andrews is using two large steel I-beams, lent by the New
Hampshire Department of Transportation, to lift each corner of the
bridge without the need to jack the structure from the riverbed
below. The beams have been lashed together to act as a single box
girder more than seventy feet long, and the girder has been run
through the bridge. One end is placed over the central pier of the
bridge, elevated on cribbing which acts as a fulcrum. The other end
projects beyond the portal of the bridge, where it can be jacked
from solid ground. The girder is firmly attached to the adjacent
wooden lattice trusses for stiffness. It is then connected to the
floor beams below the lower chords of the bridge by stirrups made
from high-strength steel.
By jacking the outer end of the box girder with hydraulic jacks,
the girder is transformed into a second-class lever, lifting the
entire corner of the bridge by upward pressure on the floor beams.
Decayed bed timbers beneath the lower chords are replaced with new
timbers made from longleaf southern yellow pine, treated with wood
preservative and balanced on granite bridge seats.
The Contoocook Bridge was tipped off its abutments twice: by
floods in 1936 and by the great hurricane of 1938. Despite this
rough treatment, the corners of the bridge are generally in sound
structural condition, requiring little repair. One corner suffered
some mechanical damage from the tipping in 1936 or 1938, and another
from incipient decay caused by the buildup of damp earth around the
bottom chord.
Once the bridge is firmly placed on new bed timbers, NHDHR will
move into a second phase of rehabilitation. Using funds from a
federal Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant, the Division will
install a fire detection and protection system in the bridge, and
will paint the exterior.
The nearby Contoocook Depot has been restored by the Contoocook
Riverway Association under the same federal Transportation
Enhancement grant, in addition to a federal Scenic Byway grant and
local donations. The depot was listed in the National Register of
Historic Places in March 2006.
Contoocook Bridge is one of three surviving covered bridges on
the former Concord and Claremont rail line. Two others, in western
Newport, are also state-owned, but are administered as trail
crossings by the Department of Resources and Economic Development
(DRED). Together, the three remaining Concord and Claremont Branch
bridges are among the most significant of the eight covered railroad
bridges that survive in the world. NHDHR is also working with the
Town of Newport and the Newport Historical Society to provide fire
protection for the two western bridges.
Reprinted with permission from the quarterly newsletter, The
Old Stone Wall, State of New Hampshire, Department of Cultural
Resources, Division of Historical Resources, Volume XIV, Number 1
(Fall 2006), page 5.
Update on Covered Spans of Yesteryear
Project by Bill Caswell
With the shorter days and less enticement to be
outdoors, the winter scanning and research season has gotten
underway. As a result, you can expect to see more frequent updates
to the Covered Spans of Yesteryear website –
This fall was a great time to get out and do some hands-on
research. That is, traveling around New Hampshire to visit former
bridge sites. While out exploring the Newport area I met some of the
people from the Newport Historical Society. They are presently
raising money for a $100,000, 20% grant match (grant is for
$500,000) for fire suppression and repairs for the Pier Railroad
Covered Bridge.
If you can help, donations can be sent to The Pier Bridge
Preservation Project, c/o Sugar River Savings Bank, PO Box 569,
Newport, NH 03773. They are planning some fundraising events and I
will get information about those events distributed when I have more
details. They have many Pier Bridge items for sale. Contact
Jacqueline Cote, Treasurer and Fundraising Chair at or phone (603) 863-3105 for more details.
Recent updates include Vermont pictures from the Puffer
Collection, substantial enhancements to a few counties in
Pennsylvania and addition of some former covered bridges in
Maryland, New Jersey and Ohio (Adams through Clinton Counties).
Pennsylvania pictures are being scanned and may be appearing about
the time you read this. We have begun work on New York, which, with
Ohio, is the last of the "big" states to compile. There is no
shortage of information available; it's just a matter of processing
it all.
2007 will be the 80th anniversary of the 1927 flood that
devastated Vermont. I have been working on compiling a list of the
covered bridges lost during that great storm. Any help you can offer
would be greatly appreciated. Some of you have already seen the
beginnings of the presentation I am preparing on the topic. I hope
to have it ready next summer.
To hear about updates as they become available visit the website
and sign up for our mailing list. In addition to exploring the
website, reports from the states and provinces that we have
researched are available at the Covered Bridge Museum in Bennington,
If you are interested in offering pictures of the lost bridges in
your area and have the ability to scan them, please contact me.
There is still a vast amount of territory to cover and any help will
be greatly appreciated. Email is usually the most effective way to
contact me -
File Cleaning
The Coos County Democrat, Lancaster, NH, October 4,
2006. Bridge Reconstruction Nearing Completion. The
estimated completion date for the Mechanic Street Covered Bridge is
mid-November. The approximate cost of repairs is $715K with the town
of Lancaster responsible for 20%, with the state paying the
remaining 80%. Work done includes concrete abutments replaced, all
of the bottom chords, over 350 trunnels, the roof, as well as new
siding and clapboards.
Indianapolis Business Journal, November 6, 2006. Bridge
Project Not Too Far for Zionsville Firm. The covered bridge, the
first built in Parke County since 1910, spans 245 feet across Big
Raccoon Creek. It replaces one destroyed by arson in April 2005.
The Ledger, MO, September 21, 2006. Repair Work Is
Under Way At Union Covered Bridge. The Missouri Dept. of Natural
Resources has begun work on cleaning, repairing and painting the
Union Covered Bridge State Historic Site near Paris in Monroe
County. A new fire alarm system will also be installed. For more
information visit
Brattleboro Reformer, VT, November 21, 2006. Bridge to
Close for Repairs. The Creamery Bridge will be closed to both
traffic and pedestrians for about six months. The wooden covered
bridge that connects Guilford Street to Western Avenue is being shut
down for repairs beginning Dec. 4, and continuing until June 2007.
The Coos County Democrat, Lancaster, NH, December 13,
2006. Mechanic Street Bridge Re-Opens. On December 6, the
bridge re-opened to traffic with a ceremony attended by over 100
people. Ken Olson of Penacook, former NH Bridge Maintenance
Administrator was on hand to help with the ribbon cutting.
CONTRIBUTORS: Carmela Sciandra, Bill Brandenburg, Jim
Crouse, James Hull, Tom Walczak, Joe Nelson, Joye Olson.
Lane County Public
Works Office Covered Bridge Commemorative Coin
The Lane County Public Works Department will release the third of
seventeen covered bridge commemorative coins on Saturday, December
2, 2006, in continuation of celebrating Lane County's heritage of
covered bridges.
A total of 500 coins of Office Bridge have been minted with the
first 25 numbered. 250 unnumbered coins will be available at the
Sugar Plum Festival in Oakridge at the Oakridge Elementary School at
48119 E. 1st Street on Saturday, December 2nd from 9 am to 3 pm.
Unnumbered coins are $25 each with a limit of 5 coins per person.
AUCTION of numbered coins (starting w/number one) will take place in
Westfir at 5:00 pm on December 2nd at the Office Bridge Lighting
Festival at the junction of Westfir & Westoak Roads. Limited
numbered Goodpasture Bridge and Lowell Bridge coins will also be
On Monday, December 4th, at 8 am PST 225 unnumbered coins will be
available to purchase for $25 each (Limit 5) at or in person at Public Works office,
3040 N. Delta Hwy., Eugene. Orders that require mailing will be
charged $4 per coin s/h. No mail orders will be accepted prior to
December 4th.
The covered bridge commemorative coin collection is being sold to
help keep these historic structures accessible for years to
NSPCB Officers for
Corresponding Secretary and Statutory
Custodian Eastman Fund
Mailing back issues
of Topics and Historian
Membership and Address
Changes to World Guide
David Wright
Richard Roy Roger Easton Wilbar
Joseph Cohen Pauline Prideaux David
Joye Olson
David Topham
Christine Ellsworth
Richard Roy
Dan Brock Joseph
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Let’s start the new
year out visiting our covered bridges and leaving tack up cards
behind. This is a great way of letting visitors to these historic
structures know about our society. Write or email me and I’ll send
some right out to you. Another
matter I need to address is the mail system. In June of 2006 a
deposit was lost in the mail and I sent letters to those members
affected by the loss. I received back most of the dues from members
that I sent those letters to but still haven’t heard from a few. If
you received a letter, from me and haven’t responded, I’d like to
hear from you. Thanks to those who did reply and sent replacement
checks. If that wasn’t bad enough,
another recent deposit I sent out on December 5th was torn apart by
“mechanical damage” according to the USPS. Some of those checks have
been sent back to their owners by the USPS. If yours was returned to
you, it’s stamped to the society on the back. Just mail it back to
me so I can redeposit it and keep track of who may have been
affected. As of yet, no part of the deposit has made it to the
bank. I am sorry for this
inconvenience and if I need any information from those affected I
will let you know. I guess these things happen, but twice in one
year has created a lot of work. I appreciate your patience and will
try to get everything back in order as soon as possible. Until then,
don’t miss the beauty of the season and photo opportunities.
Spanning New York State Covered
Bridge News
Bob and Trish Kane
Hyde Hall Covered Bridge Celebration
Huge Success!
Hyde Hall Covered Bridge - June 6, 2006
September 9, 2006 - In spite of a brief afternoon shower
just as the celebration was to begin, the day was a huge success! It
began with a welcome reception at the Bath House sponsored by
Glimmerglass State Park. This was a great opportunity to touch base
with covered bridge friends traveling from near and far.
At 9 am, many history buffs took
advantage of the informative guided tour of the Hyde Hall Estate
which was very interesting. Tour guides spoke of the role George
Clarke played in the building of the covered bridge. Following the
tour, those present were able to learn more about New York's Covered
Bridges through a slide show presented by Dick Wilson, President of
the NYSCB Society. Throughout the
morning, folks were able to view various covered bridge displays and
pick up covered bridge memorabilia at the sales tables. In honor of
this historic event, a special commemorative postcard was issued. A
representative from the Cooperstown Post Office was on hand to
cancel these cards with a beautiful cancellation stamp designed
especially for this event. (If you are interested in purchasing one
of these postcards, there are only a few left. Contact Bob
and Trish Kane at: to order one.)
Glimmerglass has a wonderful picnic area and those who brought a
picnic lunch, enjoyed the spectacular view of the
lake. The celebration at the
bridge was due to begin at 1:30 pm but a quick downpour postponed
the event by about 30 minutes. The Park's staff quickly moved the
podium, flags, chairs and guests inside the covered bridge. How
fitting it was that the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge provided shelter
from the storm. Once the storm moved on, the celebration got under
way. Chuck D'Emperio, DJ from the WDOS/WSRK Radio Station in
Oneonta, was the Emcee for the event and he was just terrific. Dave
Peterson, Manger of Glimmerglass State Park welcomed everyone on
behalf of Bernadette Castro, Commissioner of the Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation. Trish Kane, Event Chairperson,
also welcomed guests to the event. Following the invocation by Dan
West of the First Christian Church of South Valley, Pamela Powell
from the Sherburne-Earlville Central School sang the national
anthem. Pamela's voice is just spectacular, especially for someone
who is only 13 years old! Guest speakers included: Hyde Hall
Historian, Douglas Kent, Dick Wilson, President of the NYSCBS, and
Joseph Conwill of the National Society for the Preservation of
Covered Bridges.
Bob and Trish Kane chatting with Senator Seward
following the celebration
Our distinguished guest speaker for the day was Senator James Seward
from New York's 51st Senatorial District. He was a fabulous speaker
and all around great guy! Senator Seward grew up in the Cooperstown
area and knows Hyde Hall and the covered bridge very well. He was
pleased to know that the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge is listed on the
State and National Registers of Historic Places. He spoke about the
importance of preserving our state and national landmarks so that
our children and grandchildren can enjoy them as much as we do
today. Following Senator Seward's
remarks, Trish read congratulatory letters from the Presidents of
the following Covered Bridge Organizations: Covered Bridge Society
of Oregon, Indiana Covered Bridge Society, Ohio Historic Bridge
Association, The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of
Pennsylvania and the Vermont Covered Bridge Society. Leola Pierce,
President of the Virginia Covered Bridge Society, was in attendance
and read her congratulatory letter
personally. Next came the
unveiling of the historical marker (donated by the NYSCBS) by
Senator Seward, Dave Peterson and Dick Wilson. Bob and Trish Kane
made the presentation of the State and National Register of Historic
Places certificate to Dave Peterson on behalf of the NY Parks
Office. (The National Register of Historic Places lists buildings,
sites, structures and objects worthy of being preserved. This
official list includes places of national, state, and local
importance.) Trish and Bob Kane then presented Senator Seward with a
framed photograph of the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge in appreciation
for his taking part in the celebration. Trish went on to thank
everyone involved in making the event a success. The celebration
ended with the benediction and Pamela Powell singing God Bless
America. At the conclusion of the celebration there was a reception
at the Bath House. It was an event that will long be remembered by
those in attendance that day.
Unveiling the Historical Marker |
Bob & Trish Kane making the State and National
Register presentation to Dave Peterson
Special Thanks ~ It goes without saying that an event of
this magnitude is only as successful as the people involved in
organizing it. Bob and I would like to personally thank Senator
James Seward, Bernadette Castro, Commissioner, Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation and Dave Peterson, Manager,
Glimmerglass State Park for their generosity in using their
facilities and their wonderful assistance in organizing this
historic event. Without them, this event simply would not have been
Rexleigh -- NY 32-58-03 and Eagleville -- NY 32-58-01 --
Both of these bridges are currently under rehabilitation and are
scheduled to be completed in 2007.
Rexleigh Covered Bridge Photo by R. Kane,
November 22, 2006 |
Eagleville Covered Bridge Photo by R. Kane,
November 22, 2006 |
Oxford, NY -- Connecting the Past with the Future - A
true Bridger always gets excited when they hear of the possibility
of a new covered bridge being built. And if you are one of those
people, now is your chance to let your voice be heard! The iron
bridge that spans the Chenango River in Oxford, NY is just around
the corner from the Theodore Burr House (known as the Oxford Public
Library) and is seriously failing and needs to be replaced.and
soon. Dave Kennicutt, Project Manager for Delta Engineers,
PC is fairly certain that construction of a new bridge will be
necessary. He also stressed that the collaborative input from
citizens and local leaders are extremely important elements that
will determine the final design decisions. At a recent
public meeting, the subject of design elements, and the famous
Theodore Burr Arch came up. Kennicutt explained that a covered,
authentic Burr bridge would not be a reasonable request; however,
certain design elements suggestive of the Burr designs would be a
possibility if there was enough public demand. Well folks,
here is your chance to let your voice be heard. Please
write, call or email with your request that an authentic Burr Truss
Covered Bridge be built. Don't let them say, "It can't be done, as
we all certainly know that new Covered Bridges are being built
everyday, but there hasn't been a true Burr truss bridge built in
quite some time. And it goes without saying that it would be a
wonderful complement to the Theodore Burr House right around the
corner. It will never happen if you don't let them know your
thoughts. Please write to: Mayor Terry M. Stark, PO Box 866, Oxford,
NY 13830-0866. You may also visit their website at: Look under the Bridge Survey Section on the
right, and then click on Fill Out the Form Here section to submit
your comments. Please note we only have a small window of
opportunity to voice our concerns so please, write soon and let your
voice be heard! The next public meeting will be held in
early February.
Jay -- NY 32-16-01 -- Home Again! Many covered bridge
enthusiasts never thought the day would come that the Jay Covered
Bridge would ever be put back across the East Branch of the Ausable
River, but indeed, it is now home again! And what a site to see!
Stanley Graton, 3-G Construction of New Hampshire and Jerry Matyiko
of Expert Home Movers from Maryland combined their efforts for this
October 1994 |
Under Rehabilitation - October 3, 2004
November 23, 2006 |
November 23, 2006 |
Beyond New
Delaware Smith -- DE 08-02-01 #2
The following are excerpts from an email message we received from
Sandy Adrion from New Jersey. We thought it was worth sharing.
We went to Delaware today to
see a couple of covered bridges that we had not seen in a while.
First, we visited the Smith Bridge and stopped to take pictures as I
think it is my favorite bridge down that way. But as we were going
through the bridge, my sister June saw that someone had thrown out a
cigarette and it was on top of some leaves against the side of the
bridge. I asked her, "Wasthere smoke?" and she said, "Yes". I said,
"Stop up here and I will go back and put it out." It is a busy
covered bridge with lots of traffic and only one car can fit through
the bridge at one time so there was no convenient place to stop. We
went through the bridge and she pulled right over at the end of the
bridge. At that point, I didn't care. I said, "If people can be that
careless, then they can wait until we can get out and put it out."
June jumped out and went over to where the cigarette was smoldering,
and immediately put it out. When she got back into the car, she said
if another car had come through the bridge, the leaves would no
doubt have ignited from the breeze of it going past. I told her she
saved another covered bridge from being damaged, AGAIN.ÿ I thanked
her for doing that for all of us "Covered Bridge Fanatics." I just
can't believe how careless and inconsiderate people are. Maybe they
threw it out in the bridge on purpose, who knows!!! So that was my
sister's good deed for the day!!! Thanks to both Sandy and
June for their eagle eyes and for putting out the smoldering
Coyote Creek/Swing Log - OR 37-20-02 Bill Cockrell reports
that the Coyote Creek Covered Bridge has been closed to all traffic.
The county plans to repair the bridge in 2007. Bill also reports
that the Dorena Bridge/Star - OR 37-20-23 bridge near Cottage
Grove was repaired. It was necessary to splice both the upper and
lower chords and replace one of the diagonals. It is currently open
with a 3-ton weight limit. The rehabilitation of the Harris
Covered Bridge - OR 37-02-0 is now complete. Funds are currently
being raised to support rehabilitation of the Ritner Creek
Covered Bridge - OR 37-27-01. Thanks, Bill, for all this
wonderful information on Oregon's Covered Bridges.
Our deepest condolences are
extended to Bill Cockrell and his family on the loss of his wife,
Linda, on December 6, 2006. If you were fortunate to have known
Linda, you were truly blessed. She was a lovely person and a true
Bridger.ÿ She was by Bill's side during any and all covered bridge
events and was very active in covered bridge preservation efforts.ÿ
She was the impetus behind the Oregon Covered Bridge Festival and
her passing will be a tremendous loss to this annual event.ÿ There
will be a celebration of her life on December 30, 2006.
Tom Watrin Obituary: Tom passed away on September 28,
2006. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife Dottie, family and
Pier RR Covered Bridge Needs Matching
The Newport Historical Society is raising money for a $100,000,
20% grant match (grant is for $500,000) for fire suppression and
repairs for the Pier Railroad Covered Bridge, WGN 29-10-03.
If you can help, donations can be sent to The Pier Bridge
Preservation Project, c/o Sugar River Savings Bank, PO Box 569,
Newport, NH 03773. They are planning some fundraising events and
they have many Pier Bridge items for sale.
All items listed below are sponsored by the Newport Historical
Society, P O Box 413, Newport NH 03773 and proceeds will go to the
Pier Bridge Preservation Project fundraising for the $100,000 grant
match. Email Jacqueline Cote, Treasurer and Fundraising Chair at or phone (603) 863-3105. If you desire, I will
email you pictures of the items that you are interest in. Include in
the email any questions that you may have. Shipping charges are not
included in the prices quoted. Please send zip code for shipping
charges. Please specify if insurance is desired.
Corbin Covered Bridge print Overall print
dimensions 16” x 20”, with drawing dimensions 10 ¾” x 13 ¾”,
sketch rendering of bridge. Bridge was destroyed by arson in
1993 and rebuilt in 1994. Print is signed by artist D. Gyles
and numbered. 500 copies printed.
Bronze covered bridge
pin 1” long x ¾” high great detail
The Corbin
Covered Bridge By Sharon Christie Hardcover children’s
book, each page beautifully illustrated, telling the story of
the Corbin bridge, its fate by fire and the rebuilding and
what the bridge meant to the community. A wonderful story for
children. 21 pages
Video – The Corbin Bridge, Spanning
Generations by Media Tech, filmed by Dick Creterola
Documents the rebuilding of the Corbin covered bridge
during 1994 after being destroyed by fire. Wonderful
documentary of rebuilding process from start to finish and
dedication. Approximately 18 minutes
Book – The
Rebuilding of the Corbin Covered Bridge in Newport, New
Hampshire By Patrick O’Grady. Soft cover, (8 ½ x 11), 96
pages, 137 photos, story of the townspeople’s efforts to
replicate the bridge and the details of reconstruction
process. An absolute must-have for any covered bridge
Corbin Covered Bridge postcard (5 for
Booklet, The Covered Bridges of Sullivan County and
Surrounding Area Sharon Christie, Editor, published by the
Newport Historical Society. 26 pages of commentary, pictures
and information on 22 covered bridges.
Bumper Sticker,
I ♥ Covered Bridges
Color print
of original painting of Pier Railroad Covered Bridge, matted
ready to frame. Overall dimensions are 16” X 20”, print area
10” x 13 ½”. Available in royal blue matte or light blue
matte. Signed by local artist, Barbara Huff. Available also
matted under glass with gold frame.
Framed, color print
of original painting of Pier Railroad Covered Bridge matted
under glass with gold frame. (smaller version of item 9 above)
Overall dimensions are 13” x 16”, print area is 7 ½” x 9
Ceramic, white 11 oz mug. Graphic image of Pier
Railroad Covered Bridge on front with information about the
bridge on the back, all in black. Striking!
Note cards.
Cream stock note cards and envelopes with graphic image of
Pier Railroad Covered Bridge on the front with detailed
information about the bridge on the back. Inside is blank for
message. Package of 5
Tee-Shirts – Pier Bridge graphic
logo small image on front left side. Full size image on the
back. Graphics in black. Shirt is stone. Excellent quality, no
shrinkage Available in small, medium, large,
X-Large XX-Large
Long Sleeve Tee Shirt - Pier Bridge
graphic logo, small image on front left side. Full size image
on the back. Graphics in black. Shirt color is stone.
Excellent quality, no shrinkage. Available in small, medium,
large, X-Large XX-Large
Sweatshirt – Pier Bridge
graphic logo, small image on front left side. Full size image
on the back. Graphics in black. Shirt color is stone.
Excellent quality, no shrinkage. Available in small, medium,
large, X-Large XX-Large
Pencil sketch print of the
Wright’s Covered Railroad Bridge by Shelley Dole. This is
the other railroad covered bridge located in Newport just ¾
mile down stream of the Pier Bridge. There is very little
available on the Wright’s Bridge. The bridge is named for S.
K. Wright who sold the right-of-way in 1871 to the Sugar River
Railroad. Overall dimensions approximately 13½” x 16½”. Sketch
area is 9” x 12”. Matted in black. Striking! Signed by the
artist and created specifically for this project. The original
sketch will reside at the Newport Historical Society
Hand painted Christmas ornament of the Pier
Railroad Covered Bridge. 3” ball, front half with rendering of
The Pier Bridge, back has “Pier Railroad Covered Bridge,
Newport, NH – 1906 – 2006. Absolutely Gorgeous! Signed by the
artist, a school teacher in Maine. Packed in special box
surrounded by bubble Wrap.
Very Important Announcement Available in
February DVD Documentary on the Pier & Wright’s
Railroad Covered Bridges Interviews of
experts in the field of railroad covered bridges, commentary
from the railroad men who were conductors and engineers on the
Claremont & Concord Railroad during the 1950’s – 1970’s,
and much more. Documenting history at its finest!! Don’t miss
this one. Reservations being taken for The DVD or join us for
“Dinner at the Theatre” – A Premier showing of the DVD coming
in February.
$30.00 $59.00
$10.00 $11.00
$30.00 $32.00
We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in
commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges.
Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the Preservation
of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front pocket measuring 12
1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20" handle straps. Available
for $15 including shipping
Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3" round
glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available for $7
including shipping
Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges - N.S.P.C.B."
written on them. Available for $1.25 including shipping.