January - February - March - Winter 2006
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44 Cleveland
Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 4856 Spencer Oaks Blvd Pace, FL 32571 E-mail:
sanibel93@aol.com |
Richard Roy 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@verizon.net |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: klingensmith@ilp.mit.edu
David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707
Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 239-433-1551; May thru
Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805,
207-596-7472 |
MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2006
Sunday. March 19 at Ipm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA.
Sunday. April 23 at Ipm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA.
Sunday, May 2006 Executive-Only Board Meeting.
Location and time to be announced. |
newsletter is scheduled for April 2006. Therefore, anyone wishing to
submit photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela or KC by
March 20, 2006. Any newspaper or magazine articles must
include source information and details (such as name of publication,
date, etc.). Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU!
to top
Dear Fellow Members,
Greetings!! And my very best wishes to each and everyone of you
for a Most Happy New Year!
That having been said, my message shall be fairly brief this
First of all, I want to thank Douglas and Pauline Smith for the
excellent job they have done during the past year preparing
Topics and The Newsletter for mailing. As the only
contact the Society has with many of its members is by means of its
publications, the task so ably accomplished by Doug and Pauline has
been crucial to the work of our group, even to its continued
existence. Now, however, Doug and Pauline have to move on. Other
obligations and/or interests are taking up more and more of their
time. The present issues of Topic and The Newsletter
are therefore the last to be "stuffed" by Doug and Pauline. Once
again, Doug and Pauline, many thanks for a job well done!
With the resignation of Doug and Pauline Smith, the Society is
obviously in need of new volunteers willing to help with the mailing
of Topic and The Newsletter . As indicated above,
contact with most of our members is maintained by means of our
publications. Without a member or several members willing to
undertake the "stuffing" of Topic and The Newsletter ,
we should certainly have trouble continuing to exist as an organized
group. The stuffing of Topic and The Newsletter is an
ideal job for a couple, though a single individual could undoubtedly
handle it. Should anyone be interested in taking over this
responsibility -- and I do hope that someone shall be! -- please get
in contact with me at Post Office Box 171, Westminster, Vermont
05158-0171, or by telephoning me at 1-802-722-4040.
On an entirely different subject, it is my sad duty to announce
the passing of one of our longtime and most esteemed members,
Valerie Whitney. Valerie and her husband, Russell, joined the
Society in 1978, subsequently becoming life members, numbers 62 and
63 respectively. Valerie was a lady whose presence graced any
gathering which included her. Her quick wit and bright intelligence
were a joy to anticipate, to experience, and to remember. She will
be sorely missed by all those who knew her. The Society extends its
deeply felt condolences to Russell, and to the rest of her family.
Finally, the Officers and various other members of the Executive
Board of the National Society for fiscal year 2005-2006 are as
President - David W. Wright Vice Presidents - Colonel Wilbar
M. Hoxie, Roger Easton, & Richard Roy Statutory Agent -
Christine Ellsworth Treasurer - David Topham Directors -
Joseph S. Cohen, David C. Fischetti, & Pauline Prideaux
Editor of Topic - Joseph D. Conwill Production
Assistant thereto - .Irene Eberhardt Editors of
Newsletter - Carmela Sciandra & K.C. Klingensmith
Membership Chairman - Pauline Prideaux Engineering
Consultant - Colonel Wilbar M. Hoxie Director of Computer
Programing - Roger Easton Official Historian - Joseph D. Conwill
Assigning World Guide Numbers - Dan Brock Numbers to
Removed Covered Bridges - Dan Brock, Joseph S. Cohen, 7 David W.
Wright Committee to Establish Standards for Inclusion of
Covered Bridges in the World Guide - Dan Brock, Joseph S.
Cohen, & David W. Wright Acquisitions and Sales - June Roy
Guide Salesman - June Roy Back Issues, Topics,
Newsletters - Richard Roy Archivist and Official
Photographer.- Joseph D. Conwill Nominating Committee - Richard
Roy, plus two others Recording Secretary - Joye Olson
Happy bridging! Sincerely, your President, David W.
to top
Olin's Museum of Covered Bridges First
Annual Covered Bridge Swap Meet
This year Olin's Museum will kick off the summer with a new event
that we hope will be useful to covered bridge collectors as well as
provide a fun day of sharing and fellowship for our wide spread
"covered bridge family." So get out your bridges and dust off your
doubles, new or used collectibles, post cards or hand made crafts.
Anything covered bridges, nothing but covered bridges. Whether you
have something to sell, trade, or just want to browse, come and join
us for what is sure to be a good time. Saturday, June 24,10
am -- 5pm rain or shine. Table space $10.00. If you don't have your
own canopy, we can provide one for an additional $5.00 fee. Check
our website at: www.coveredbridgemuseum.org for more info and
directions. Questions? Call Julie at 440-998-0025.
Francis Converse Obituary: We have received word that
Francis passed away in November. Most of you will remember Francis
because of his Safari hat with the paintings of covered bridges on
it. There was a covered bridge on top of the hat also. He has done
some beautiful covered bridge paintings. Francis and his wife
Marjorie had joined the National Society in 1973. Our thoughts and
prayers go out to his family.
You can contact Marjorie at: 76 Depot St., Apt. 307 Lyndonville,
VT 05851 802-626-0712
File Cleaning
Tribune-Star, Terre Haute, Indiana, October 10, 2005,
For Bridgeton, the Bridge is Gone but the Covered Bridge Festival
Goes On The Parke County Covered Bridge Festival will begin
without one of its primary attractions -- the Bridgeton covered
bridge -- a 267-foot-long, double-span Burr Arch model, built by
J.J. Daniels in 1868 and vanished in a fire on April 18th.
www.boston.com. October 8, 2005, County Seeks to Build
Longest Covered Bridge in U.S. Ashtabula County, Ohio, with more
covered bridges than any other county in Ohio, hopes to add another
distinction: the longest wooden covered bridge in the United States.
Officials say the 600-foot bridge could end up being the cornerstone
of a budding tourist economy. Work is now scheduled to begin next
year and wrap up in 2008. The span will replace a dilapidated
steel-beam bridge. Federal highway officials have pledged $5 million
toward construction costs.
Union Leader, NH, November 16,2005, They're NH's Top
Nerds. Two NH residents were named recipients of the National
Medal of Technology awards: Ralph Baer and Roger Easton. Easton
helped develop the global positioning system while working at the
Naval Research Lab in DC in 1964.
CONTRIBUTORS: James Crouse, Charles Lovastik, Dick Roy.
Ghosts of the Jericho Covered
Bridge by Sandy Adrion
It was on Saturday May 28, 2005, Memorial Day weekend that I
learned a big lesson about ghosts and covered bridges.
My sister June, her dog CoCo and I had gone down to my brother
Bud's summer home in Maryland, on the Chesapeake Bay, for the
weekend. As it was my Mom's first birthday after her death, it was a
tough weekend for us all. So we tried to keep busy while we were
down there and did some sightseeing. On Saturday we decided to go
down to see the Jericho Covered Bridge located in Kingsville,
Maryland on the border of Harford and Baltimore Counties, as I have
been trying to see as many covered bridges as I can, in the areas
that I visit.
We had a hard time finding the area of the Gunpowder Falls State
Park, where the Jericho is located, because the State Park is the
only State Park in the country that is not all connected. So
needless to say, we stopped to ask for directions and the woman we
asked had heard of a covered bridge and if it was in the Gunpowder
Falls State Park, it had to be at the southern end which was east of
Rt. 95. But on the map it was located west of Rt. 95. I kept saying,
"This is not right," and it wasn't. When we got to the entrance of
that part of the State Park, the Ranger tried to explain how to get
back north to where the Jericho was located. He said, "It is in the
State Park -- just not this part of the State Park."
We headed north on Rt. 40 for three intersections, turned left on
Rt. 152 to Jerusalem Road, turned left again and we came into the
Jerusalem Mill Village area. At the street right before the mill you
make a left and the covered bridge is just down that road a short
distance. We had seen all the names of the roads in the areas that
we had passed trying to find the Jericho, but we were on the west
side of the area. We actually just circled it until the woman who
gave us directions sent us the wrong way. She tried to direct us to
the right area and we thanked her for her help but she also was the
only one who had heard of a covered bridge down there. Others we
asked looked at us like we were crazy and as much as said, "What is
a covered bridge?" After all of that, about an hour later and
probably a good 20 miles down and back, we found the covered bridge
and also something very strange when we got there.
My sister was driving, so my brother and I got out to take
pictures, which I do at every covered bridge I visit. This was a
little stranger than our normal visit and the picture taking
sessions that we usually experience. There were four ladies walking
through the covered bridge coming towards us from the other end. I
like to take my pictures with no one in them and then I take them
with family members, or they take pictures of me at the covered
bridges. Two of the ladies went down the hill to the water on the
side of the covered bridge and two others kept coming towards us. I
said to my brother that I wished they would move because they saw I
wanted to take pictures and I thought they were just trying to get
in my pictures. So I waited and waited and finally they came out and
said to me, "We got permission, you can take pictures inside." I
said, "Since when do you have to have permission to take pictures of
a covered bridge? I've got hundreds of pictures I've taken and never
asked anyone if I could take them." She proceeds to tell me that she
asked the ghosts who live inside of Jericho Covered Bridge and they
said it was OK.
By then I'm looking at her and then at my sister and back at her.
Now the one who told me that, starts walking back through the
covered bridge to go down the side and the second one just kept
hanging around inside. Well, I finally started taking pictures and
they got out of the way, so I thought. My brother took a couple of
me at the entrance and he said he didn't have the ladies in the
picture. He proceeds to go down the other side of the covered bridge
to get pictures from underneath and the second lady came back over
to me and began to tell me the story behind the ghosts inside the
Jericho Covered Bridge. The story was a little creepy but was
interesting and sounded so real. So I thought!
She told me there were two little girls, Megan and Samantha,
whose father had killed them, brought them to the covered bridge and
threw their bodies into the water up stream, a little ways north.
They are the ghosts that are inside this covered bridge today, so
whenever you want to take pictures inside, you have to ask for their
permission. Then she says to me, "Look at this on my digital camera,
if I'm lucky, you will see the ghosts up in the rafters." She took
several pictures and I didn't see anything, but she sure was trying
to point them out to me. Then finally, there was a little bit of
something white on the picture, but to me it looked like the way the
light was shining through. She was excited and kept showing me the
picture of this on her camera. And to top that off, she was wearing
something around her neck to ward off the ghosts or it did something
to the ghosts. I was feeling too creepy at that point to even be
paying attention to what she was telling me but it had something to
do with the ghosts. That is all I remember about it. There were a
couple of things hanging from this necklace and she said they all
wear them when they come looking for the ghosts. She said they come
out there at night and light candles. It felt a little strange and I
finally said I had to leave. My sister was waving for me to come
back to the van. All I wanted was to take some great pictures of
this covered bridge that took us so long to find and then to have
this told to me. My sister said to me that I must have the kind of
face that people like to talk to. I said, "Maybe I'm a ghost --
Then from there we went back to the Jerusalem Mill and I went
inside and was talking with the Ranger about the covered bridge. He
gave me the history of the mill along with the Jericho Covered
Bridge and also about the Jerusalem Covered Bridge which was located
right at the old mill but is now just a regular span going across
the Little Gun-Powder Falls which goes through that area. He was so
interesting and then he got to the part where people think there are
ghosts in the Jericho Covered Bridge. I said, "You have four ladies
down there. now looking for them and one giving me the history of
the ghosts."
He said they had people come to check out the area and also the
covered bridge to see if there were ghosts and he said, "There are
none." He told me that the reason they think there are ghosts inside
of the Jericho is because there was a general store right across the
street form the mill, where we were standing. He said that on the
other side of the Jericho was an old house and an old lady lived
there. She walked to the general store to get her groceries and
sometimes had to make two or three trips back and forth because the
items were too heavy to carry them all at the same time. People
would see the old lady walking back and forth and then the woman
died. So everyone felt that she is the ghost inside the Jericho
Covered Bridge. He said, "It's not true, there are no ghosts in
there." I said, "That is not the story I just heard down by the
covered bridge." We both laughed.
The Ranger inside the mill, whose name I did not get, was so well
informed and interesting to listen to. He also gave me the history
of the Jerusalem Covered Bridge that has been gone since the late
l800s when a vehicle fell through it and it was not replaced with a
covered bridge. That was located just outside of Jerusalem Mill
about 300 feet.
When we got home, I took my film to be developed as I was anxious
to see just what I had gotten in my own pictures. I'm looking
through them and I said, "Where are those ladies? They are not in my
pictures." Then I said, "They were the Ghosts of the Jericho Covered
The topper of this story is, one of my own pictures had these
white blotches on it when I took it looking up at the rafters. Is it
haunted or not? You be the judge. All I know is that I don't think I
believe in ghosts, but then again, who knows what lives out there in
those covered bridges of years ago. Do Megan and Samantha really
live inside of the Jericho Covered Bridge? Or the old lady that
walked to the general store for supplies, is she the ghost? If only
they could talk or maybe, we don't want to know.
I do recommend to anyone that is in the area, check out the
Jericho Covered Bridge and the Jerusalem Mill Village. It was a very
interest and entertaining history lesson and a day I won't soon
forget. What a way to take our mind off a day that was not too happy
for my family and me. Now when I think back about it, I am sorry
that my Mom was not there to enjoy this story with us, as she loved
her mystery and ghost stories and also our visits to covered
bridges. It is certainly a day that I will remember, always.
Address: Friends of Jerusalem Mill, P.O. Box 480, Kingsville, MD
21087, 410-877-3560, www.JerusalemMill.org
Located off Rt. 40 or Rt. 95 at Exit 74, head north on Rt. 152 to
Jerusalem Road, go left and follow about 1 mile to the Jerusalem
Mill Village.
NSPCB Annual Dinner Cancelled
Due to a fire at the French King Restaurant, the NSPCB annual
dinner had to be cancelled this year. To save a few dollars for the
organization, rather than returning everyone's check, we have
shredded them. Thank you for your understanding in this matter and
we hope to see you all at next year's annual dinner.
Postcard Request
Dear Fellow Bridgers,
Several years ago while at a postcard show in Columbus, Ohio I
bought what I thought was a postcard featuring a Michigan covered
bridge. Arriving home, I immediately began researching this bridge
and to no avail. So I turned to our buddy and covered bridge expert,
Richard Donovan, and was able to locate the bridge, which is, by the
way, in Illinois.
The bridge in question was the Wolf Bridge in Knox County,
Illinois. The problem and confusion for me was the fact that written
across the front in white stamped lettering is; Houghton Lake,
Michigan. Later I was to find yet another of these cards, however
this one featured another city in another state. So thus, began a
collection of this misrepresented covered bridge postcard. I have 7
postcards featuring various cities and states. I often have wondered
how many this publisher made and how many different cities this
wandering covered bridge could have been in before it settled in
Knox Co, IL.
The postcard is published by The L.L. Cook Company in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. The primary card number is 71168 and the secondary is
G-416 "Covered bridges are becoming a rarity Vacationland Scene" is
printed across the left top.
Along with the card featuring Houghton Lake, MI, I also have
Naubinway, MI, Port Washington, WI, Indian Lake,OH, Charles City,
lA, Indianola, IA and Grayling, MI.
I am very much interested in seeing how many of these cards I can
find. Would you people be so kind as to assist me? I would be
interested in purchasing these cards you may find.
Thank You and Happy Bridging,
Harold Scudder 317 Goldup Lane Homer, Michigan
49245 hlscudder@cablespeed.com
From River to Mountaintop: The Margaretville
Covered Bridge by Diane Galusha
High on a hilltop, a vigorous one-mile walk out of the Village of
Margaretville, is a handsome cabin, built in a forest clearing with
a wonderful view of the valley below. There is beauty and
tranquility in the air here, and history, too. For the broad beams
that have framed the foundation, doors and windows of this little
cabin for the past 70 years supported the Margaretville Covered
Bridge for nearly 70 years before that.
The bridge is believed to have been built in 1865 on what is now
known as Bridge Street across the East Branch of the Delaware River.
The builder was Scottish carpenter Robert Murray who is credited
with constructing nine covered bridges in Delaware County between
1854 and 1870. (Two of the three public covered bridges that still
stand in the county, Downsville and Harnden, were built by Murray.
The third, Fitch's Bridge in Delhi, was constructed by James Frazier
and James Warren.)
Robert Murray had a store in Bovina in the 1840s and '50s, and
was town clerk there from 1849 to 1850. It's unclear whether he
abandoned the storekeeper's trade in favor of building, or if he
somehow managed to do both. But by the time he took on the
Margaretville job, the 50-year-old Murray had already built five,
and possibly six covered bridges according to Ward Hermann's classic
book on Delaware County covered bridges, Spans of Time.
The Margaretville Covered Bridge was built c. 1865 over the East
Branch of the Delaware River. Note the proximity of the Delaware
& Northern Railroad tracks, something of a hazard for horses and
later vehicles exiting the bridge onto New York State Routes 28-30.
These included Downsville in 1854; Hawley's Station and Pepacton
in 1858, and Harnden and DeLancey in 1859. He built both the Bridge
Street span in Delhi and the Colchester Covered Bridge in 1870.
Murray is also believed to have built the More's Falls Bridge in the
Town of Andes, date unknown. In addition to the bridges, Murray
constructed the Delaware County Clerk's office on Courthouse Square
in Delhi in 1878.
The 100foot-long Margaretville bridge was a Town Lattice design.
Author Hermann claims the two-inch diameter trunnels that held the
planks together were turned out in a woodworking shop owned by
George Stimpson.
The tracks of the Delaware & Northern Railroad, which
commenced operations from Arkville to East Branch in 1905, passed
right in front ofthe covered bridge. The train tracks were a hazard
to horses and later vehicles exiting the bridge onto Routes 28/30 as
there wasn't much clearance from the end ofthe bridge to the rails.
For generations the wooden structure helped transport people,
horses, wagons and goods across the East Branch. It also provided a
good fishing platform for Howard "Bonny" Etts, JI. and his pals. "On
a rainy day we'd fish off the bridge, all us kids," said Etts, born
in 1918. "We'd look through the lattice and see trout and suckers in
the water, dangle worms on weighted hooks in front of them and wait
for them to latch on." The suckers they caught were often sold for a
nickel a piece to local Jewish families and hotels for preparation
as gefilte fish.
"A nickel was a lot of money in those days," said Etts, whose
earnings were usually spent on a matinee and a box of popcorn at the
nearby Galli Curci Theater.
In July of 1932, the state announced that it would soon replace
the venerable wooden structure with a new steel-decked bridge. A few
days after this announcement a 25-ton milk truck ripped the top of
the bridge apart and damaged the timbers. The bridge was fixed and
traffic continued to cross it -- carefully. Bids for the new bridge
were opened in September, and J. H. Ryan and Co. of Albion got the
job. Then on October 7, 1932 a major flood carried a tree into the
bridge damaging it once again. But once again, repairs were made,
and it was decided to move the old span to act as temporary bridge
while construction of the new one was underway. L. D. Dexheimer
& Son of Guilford hauled it on soaped skids about 50 feet down
river where it carried traffic for several months more.
In the midst of the Depression, the project was delayed for some
months because of financial difficulties of the contractor. But in
1933, the steel bridge was opened, and pieces of the dismantled
covered bridge found new uses. Hugh Ramp, a carpenter who had built
the concrete forms for the new span, claimed some planks to build a
chicken coop at his farm in the Millbrook valley not far away.
And Dr. Gordon Maurer, a beloved physician and an avid sportsman,
acquired several of the 8x8 beams and had them hauled up a steep
mountain road where he used them to construct a stone and timber
hideaway. Priscilla Burrage, the doctor's daughter, believes that
some of the work was done by patients of her father who paid for
their treatment with their labor.
Dr. Maurer, who is credited with helping to launch the
Margaretville Hospital in 1936, was tragically killed in a hunting
accident in 1938. But the house he built of covered bridge beams
remains a weekend retreat for the family, a sturdy sentinel with a
story to tell in the forest above Margaretville.
Diane Galusha is president of the Historical Society of the
Town of Middletown, Delaware County. Parts of this article first
appeared in the Catskill Mountain News September 7, 2005.
Dr. Gordon Maurer built this small house near Margaretville using
beams from the covered bridge, which was dismantled in 1933. Bridge
beams and native field stone have supported the Maurer house for
more than 70 years. Photo by Diane Galusha. |
This 137-foot covered bridge across Ware River in Gilbertville,
MA is to be repaired by the state in 2007 so the load limit is
increased from 6 tons to 12 tons. Originally the bridge was built by
the B&M Railroad in 1886 for horse and buggy traffic across the
river when the railroad built a branchline track on the west side of
the river to serve area mills. Photo courtesy of Robert Griner.
We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in
commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges.
Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the Preservation
of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front pocket measuring 12
1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20" handle straps. Available
for $15 including shipping
Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3" round
glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available for $7
including shipping
Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges - N.S.P.C.B."
written on them. Available for $1.25 including shipping.
SPECIAL OFFER!! You may want to
have them all. One of each tote, ornament and pen will be available
for $20 including shipping. They are great gifts for family, friends
and other bridgers. We have a limited supply, so please order yours
INC and mail to;
N.S.P.C.B. INC. Pauline Prideaux 4856 Spencer Oaks
Blvd Pace, FL 32571 |
The following are items still available through the Society: All
of the items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street,
Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available
for $16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling. Society Arm
Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55
cents P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs of
Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's of
Virginia, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 CB's of
Bennington County VT, A Guide . . . $6.50 CB's of Massachusetts,
A Guide . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and
handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00
plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash
Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify,
Medium or Extra Large. This is a
fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several as gifts
for your family and friends. Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk
cotton. |
Other available books from the Society Store
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book
depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996.
Postpaid $17.00 (From June Roy) |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges
called, "Spanning Time -- Vermont's Covered Bridges." You can get a
copy by contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT
05489 or visit www.vermontbridges.com. Joseph Nelson
is the President of the Vermont Society.
New book by Joseph Conwill: Images of America, "VERMONT COVERED
BRIDGES." It sells for $19.99 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.
Both are now available on computer diskette ONLY in PC format. It
is in the compressed format to fit on a PC computer floppy disc. You
must have Zip Software to decompress it. If you do not have Zip
Software, Joe will send you a copy. The TOPICS index
includes: Table of Contents for each issue, an index to subjects and
authors, as well as more. The World Guide is kept up to date
and in regular format. Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph
Cohen, 130 Westfield Drive, Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until
mid-September. The rest of the year he can be reached at 210
Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417. |
to top  Joe
Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted 2/16/2006