January - February - March - Winter 2005
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Mrs. Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44
Cleveland Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 382 S. Main Street Andover, MA 01810 E-mail:
sanibel93@aol.com |
Richard Roy, Historian 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@juno.com |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: kc@ilp.mit.edu
David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707
Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 239-433-1551; May thru
Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805,
207-596-7472 |
MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2005
Sunday, March 20 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA..
Sunday, April 24 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA.
Sunday, 2005 Executive-Only Board Meeting. Location
and time to be announced. |
newsletter is scheduled for April 2005. Therefore, anyone wishing to
submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela or
KC by March 20, 2005. Any newspaper or magazine articles must
include source information and details (such as name of publication,
date, etc.). Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU!
to top
Dear Fellow Members, Greetings:
At this time of year, I always have a problem, one which so far,
I have not been able to resolve, at least to my satisfaction. Due to
the publishing schedule of Topics and the Newsletter,
it is essentially impossible for me to wish each and everyone of you
a most Happy Holiday Season, at the moment when, left to my own
devices, and without any restraining factors beyond my control, I
should quite naturally want to do so. For example, were I to send
along such a message in the fall issue of the Newsletter, I
should be a bit early with it, yet were this message to be included
in the winter issue of the same publication, it would be a bit late.
What to do? My only recourse has been -- and continues to be -- to
have confidence in your understanding and good judgment. As most of
you must surely already know, I do wish each and everyone the very
best in all things. It is just that at Christmas, the timely
expression of this wish is largely frustrated by circumstances.
And now, on to other matters.
First of all, due to a number of different reasons, this
President's Message shall not be a lengthy one. There are
nevertheless several issues which I need to raise with you at
present, albeit more briefly than I otherwise might have liked:
1) There is unfortunately no doubt about it, our membership is
down from what it has been these past few years, down to the point
where we earnestly need to begin trying to do something about it.
Though I shall certainly have more to say about this question in
future President's Messages, what I am going to ask
all of you to do during the course of the next few months is
to try and enroll new members in the Society. If only half of you
were to be successful in such an endeavor, our troubles would be
over. In fact, if half of you were able to enroll one
and a half new members, we should then be
possessed of more dues-paying adherents than ever before!!
Seriously, won't all of you try to help the Society in this matter,
and, at the same time, by no means incidentally, the cause of
properly preserved Covered Bridges?!
2) After many important services rendered to the Society, not the
least of which was the wonderfully organized fiftieth anniversary of
incorporation celebration and safari last summer, Don and Pauline
Prideaux are moving to Florida sometime next spring. Though still
willing to continue as Membership Chairperson, Pauline Prideaux has
asked to be relieved of the task of stuffing Topics and the
Newsletter. I am therefore looking for a volunteer to take
over this important job. Two people will definitely have an easier
time with this chore than will one, so a married couple, for
instance, would be ideal. Anyone interested in taking on the
stuffing of Topics and the Newsletter ought therefore
to give me a call at 1- 802-722-4040. Pauline and Don will take care
of the winter issue, and perhaps one more (only 'perhaps',
however!), but after that, we shall have to have a new person or
persons in place, or else delay the mailing of either the Spring or
Summer issue of our publications. Anyone with a little time on his
hands who would like to use this time productively and in a good
cause, please give me a call. We certainly could use your help. It
would not matter much where you live, as the materials you will need
could be shipped to you, and once the stuffing has been completed,
the resulting addressed envelopes, printed labels supplied by us,
holding their precious materials, can be sent on to the person who
takes care of putting them in the post.
Once again, a Very Happy Holiday Season to all of you!!
David W. Wright, President, the National
Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges,
Incorporated. | Return to
Silent Bridger -- Editorial by Dick and June
Roy Did you ever think how many people would accompany
others in Covered Bridging?
I received an email a few days ago from Sandy Adrion, who said
that she was caregiver for her dad, Bud, for 10 1/2 years, and who
passed away after having a massive stroke. She also mentioned that
her mom had been sick for 4 months until she passed away October 8,
Sandy was interested in lighthouses as well as covered bridges
and was a member of our Society since 1999. Her mom June went on
trips with her and kept saying to her that the bridges all look
alike and how could she tell them apart. "Mom really took interest
in them because of my love for covered bridges and lighthouses,"
Sandy said. Her mother was a rare breed of silent bridge buffs that
no one ever had the pleasure of meeting.
In her casket was placed a small statue of Cape Ann lighthouse,
her favorite, and also a book mark with the bible verse John 3:15
with a lighthouse placed on the top of the bookmark.
How many people do you know that are silent
bridgers? |
Robert A. Michenfelder Obituary: of Piermont, NH, passed
away some time in October. His son called Christine Ellsworth to let
her know. Mr. Michenfelder did the logo of the Bedell Bridge for the
envelopes that are used for our quarterly mailings. He was a
Complimentary life member. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his
family. |
Knecht's Covered Bridge, PA(38-09-02) was damaged by
fire earlier. Photo by Ray Johnson, November
1996 |
Spanning New York State Covered
Bridge News
Bob and Trish Kane
Essex County
Jay Covered Bridge - NY 32-16-01 Jim Ligon, Project
Superintendent for Alpine Construction, LLC, reports that the
Jay Covered Bridge has been completely rehabilitated and the
project has been accepted by Essex County. And, the bridge
looks fantastic! It is so nice to see the Jay Bridge back
in pristine shape after such a long hiatus. It now awaits the
construction and opening of a new bridge just downstream. When
that work is completed the covered bridge can be set in place
over the river. At
this point, Alpine Construction is not involved in the
Oneida County
Erwin Park Covered Bridge -
NY-33-03 Photo by Trish Kane, October 11,
2004 |
Erwin Park Covered Bridge - NY-32-33-03 New York
State has yet another authentic Covered Bridge in Boonville.
Way to go New York! On November 19, 2004 the shell of the
Erwin Park Covered Bridge was gently lifted and placed across
the Black River Canal. As you can see in the photo, it is a
Town lattice truss. It measures 70 feet long and although the
bridge is quite capable of carrying modern day traffic, its
primary use will be to transport pedestrians, bikers and
snowmobiles. Plans are in the works to host a Black River
Canal Museum at this site in the future. Congratulations to
the Erwin Park Covered Bridge Committee on doing such a
wonderful job on the construction of this covered bridge.
Rensselaer/Washington Counties
Buskirk Covered Bridge - NY 32-42-02/58-04 The
Buskirk Covered Bridge is coming along nicely. Recently,
engineers determined that more timbers and steel rods needed
to be replaced than they had originally flagged. These items
have arrived and installation has begun.
Ulster County
Mill Brook Bridge - NY-56-06. Photo by
Bob Kane |
Mill Brook Covered Bridge - NY- 32-56-06 (Formerly
known as Grants Mill Covered Bridge.) At long last, the State
and National Register of Historic Places certificate was
presented to Hardenburgh town officials on October 9, 2004.
Forty-nine people gathered that beautiful fall morning
including Bob Vredenburgh and his wife, Sue. Bob, along with
family and friends, was responsible for the rehabilitation of
this bridge back in 1992. Please note that through an
official proclamation by the Town of Hardenburgh, the name of
this bridge has been changed to the Millbrook Covered
Beyond New York
New Hampshire - Gorham Pony Truss -
NH-29-04-P1 As reported in the September 29, 2004 Berlin
Reporter, the rare Gorham Pony Truss bridge over the Moose
Brook on the old Boston and Maine Railroad line was set on
fire by arsonists on May 20, 2004. It was one of only a
handful of such bridges left in the world. James Garvin, New
Hampshire State Architectural Historian went before the NSPCB
to see if the Society would help in the preservation. The
Society hired Tim Andrews of Covered Bridges and Barns in New
England to lift what was left of the shell and set it aside.
Any salvageable parts are being preserved for possible use in
the rehabilitation. Meanwhile, a replacement bridge has been
constructed and temporarily put in its place.
Ohio - Rinard Covered Bridge - OH-35-84-28
This Washington County Bridge was a victim of Hurricane Ivan
and was washed off its abutments on September 18, 2004.
Although it seemed there would be nothing left of the bridge
to salvage, at the request of the State Historic Preservation
Office, the county engineer hired a contractor to try and
salvage what they could of the bridge. With the help of
federal funds, there is a possibility that the Rinard Bridge
will be rebuilt within the next two years.
Oregon - Thanks to Bill Cockrell, we were
very pleased to be able to view the new DVD/VHS Spanning
Time: America's Covered Bridges that was recently
released. And we highly recommend purchasing a copy of
it! You will more than likely recognize many of the names
and faces in the program such as: Bill and Linda Cockrell,
Arnold Graton, Jan Lewandoski, Anne Lynk, Tom Walczak and
David Wright. It is a fantastic program. For more information,
contact Bill Cockrell of the Oregon Covered Bridge Society at
3940 Courtney Lane SE, Salem, OR 97302 or email him at:
wildbill-salem@worldnet.att. Total cost including shipping is
only $22. Please note there could be a 4-6 week delivery time.
Pennsylvania - Mood Covered Bridge -
PA-38-09-07 Six young men, who admitted setting fire to the
130 year old covered bridge, will serve between 18 days to 23
months in prison. They will also pay restitution of
approximately $66,000 each to cover the cost of the
reconstruction of a new bridge. All six men were heading into
their junior years in college. Certainly old enough to know
better . . . and certainly old enough to be held responsible
for their actions.
Covered Bridge Cabin with Glass Floor
VA-46-70- a. Photo by Steve
Pierce |
Virginia - Leola and Steve Pierce report a
very unique, and probably a one of a kind Modern Shelter built
in 1989 in Powhatan County, VA. It is a little King post
covered bridge that has been converted into a cabin. What is
unique about this 12 x 24 Modern Shelter is that it has a
glass floor so you can see the creek! It has been assigned a
WG# of VA-46-70-a.
Leola and Steve also share some exciting
news! The Virginia Covered Bridge Society will be
hosting their very first Covered Bridge Weekend on Saturday,
June 18, 2005 at the Bob White and Jack's Creek Covered
Bridges in Woolwine, VA. Details are still being finalized,
but save the date and plan on joining our
covered bridge friends in Virginia for this exciting event.
Due to flooding from tropical storm Gaston in October,
there was some significant damage to two of Giles County's
Covered Bridges. Both the Sinking Creek VA-46-35-01 and the
Link's Farm VA-46-35-02 Covered Bridges suffered damage to
their bottom chords.
Other news
I always enjoy seeing our covered bridges in the news and
other means of communication. Recently, I purchased a new
American Heritage dictionary and one of their new features
includes pictures to supplement the definitions of their
words. Just for fun, I looked up covered bridges and to my
surprise, there is a small photo of the Bob Salvi Covered
Bridge, NH-29-02-13 next to the definition. What a pleasant
Here are three additional websites you can bookmark under
your favorites: Michigan: www.wmta.org/coveredbridges
Ohio: http://members.aol.com/jreinhl/OHBA.htm New
York: www.salem-ny.com (See points of interest section for
information on Shushan, Rexleigh and Eagleville Covered
Bridges.) |
Update on Covered Spans of Yesteryear
Project By Bill Caswell, Webmaster for CSOY
Since our last update,
there have been two significant enhancements to the Covered
Spans of Yesteryear website. Data from the 1999-2004 series of
Covered Bridge Topics articles about Maine covered bridges has
been incorporated into the database. The resulting material
was reviewed by experts in that area and further improved.
That information is available on the website. The project has
also been augmented by the addition of a mailing list. By
joining the mailing list, you will be notified of updates as
they happen. Members can also use this list to share
information about covered bridges of the past. Go to
www.lostbridges.org for more information.
Currently, lists of
bridges from New York, Ohio, Oregon, and Pennsylvania are in
various stages of completion. This process includes adding the
data to the database, proofreading it, and then distributing
the list to people with extensive knowledge of the particular
area for review and comment. Also, a collection of Vermont
photographs and post cards is in the process of being scanned.
Selections from Addison and Bennington counties are already
available and others will be posted as they are completed.
Information from many
other states and provinces is still needed. As we mentioned in
the last update, early editions of Topics mention 125
bridges in Georgia while only half of those have been
documented so far. They also mention 50 bridges in Virginia
while we only have details about 11. New Brunswick once had
many more bridges than those remaining today. If you have
additional information about these areas, please send it
along. Although complete details of each structure is the
ultimate goal, that is rarely possible. Any details will be
greatly appreciated. |
Henniker, NH Covered Bridge as seen through the
Edna Dean Proctor Stone Bridge. Postcard photography by Terri
W. Trier; submitted by Dick and June Roy. A nice image of the
stone bridge can be downloaded from www.screesavers.com.
Search for Henniker |
to top
File Cleaning
The Morning Call, September 1, 2004, Another Bucks
County Historic Span is Damaged by Suspicious Fire. The
picturesque Knecht's Covered Bridge (38-09-02), built in 1873, and
crosses the Crooks Creek, sustained minimal damage from a suspicious
fire; A passing motorist actually extinguished the flames using his
1unchbox as a makeshift pail. A contractor will be hired to repair
the damage and the bridge will be closed until it is fixed.
The Springfield News, Springfield, Oregon, September 9,
2004, County Gives Lowell Bridge Repair Project the Nod: Overruns
Add $530K to Tab. The creation of a new interpretive center
which features information on other historic bridges as well as the
Lowell Bridge (37-20-18), is expected to go to bid in early 2005.
The nearly $2.5M project will rehabilitate the bridge and
reconstruct the approach spans. It will feature 18 exhibits in all
and will expand the existing fill area to accommodate parking and a
picnic area.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 30, 2004 Bridge
Should be Covered Again. PennDot has temporarily repaired the
charred deck of the Mood's Covered Bridge as a simple asphalt span
with galvanized metal guardrails. At some future time, PennDot has
said it will rebuild whatever the township wants, either a replica
of the original bridge or a modern two-lane span, however the
township must maintain the wooden structure. As of now, the township
does not have the resources to maintain it.
The Patriot-News, P A, September 29, 2004, Nostalgia
and Necessity Meet on Book's Bridge. Book's Bridge, which
crosses the Shermans Creek in Jackson Twp., Perry County, has been
replaced with a replica that is wider, taller and stronger than the
original. The changes, which include support by four steel beams,
were made to allow emergency vehicles to pass through the bridge.
The original has been closed since 1992.
Annual Autumn Festival in Kentucky: Miriam Woolfolk
reports that the festival was held on September 9, 2004 at the site
of the Switzer Covered Bridge in Switzer. The bridge, which spans
the Elkhorn Creek in Franklin County, was swept off its foundations
during the 1997 floods. It has been rebuilt from some salvaged and
new materials. The bridge exhibits a Howe truss with sawtooth
overhang at both ends. The original bridge was built about 1855 and
served the community for nearly 100 years. It was closed to traffic
in 1954.
CONTRIBUTORS: Barbara McCauley, Ray Johnson, Bill
Cockrell, Tom Hildreth |
Gibson Covered Bridge, Rt 322, Chester County, PA. Photo
by Sandy Adrion, taken April 2004 |
You're Invited to Tour California's Covered
Based on the book "An Undercover Story: California's Covered
Bridges." Tour is led by author Jeanne Baker. For information on the
tours or book, call 919-968-2976 or write to Jeanne Baker at 605
Jones Ferry Rd., #EE4, Carrboro, NC 27510. |
The Bennett Bridge, ME (19-09-03) undergoing major
repairs in August 2004. Photo by Lionel
Whiston |
"Pennsylvania's Covered Bridges-Our
A look at many of Pennsylvania's past and present historic
covered bridges, including some incredible bridges over the
Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers. Also included is a chart of over
1,500 bridges, including dates, lengths, truss type, notes, etc.
Soft cover, 144 pages, large 8 1/2 x 11 format, 125 photographs, 14
in color. Available through the mail for $25.00. Send to Fred J.
Moll, 714ForestStreet,Fleetwood,PA 19522.
We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in
commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges.
Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the Preservation
of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front pocket measuring 12
1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20" handle straps. Available
for $15 including shipping
Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3" round
glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available for $7
including shipping
Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges - N.S.P.C.B."
written on them. Available for $1.25 including shipping.
SPECIAL OFFER!! You may want to
have them all. One of each tote, ornament and pen will be available
for $20 including shipping. They are great gifts for family, friends
and other bridgers. We have a limited supply, so please order yours
INC and mail to;
N.S.P.C.B. INC. Pauline Prideaux 382 S. Main
St. Andover, MA 01810l |
Prideaux - Membership
Let the world know we are here for the preservation of covered
bridges. As you visit covered bridges during the months to come,
leave a tack-up card. The tack-up card is an invitation to let
visitors know they can help with covered bridge preservation. Many
people visit covered bridges and don't realize there is a society
available to inform, them of their historic value and the
preservation efforts that are ongoing.
So let's" Go Bridging" and let everyone know we care about
covered bridges, their place in history and how they can be a part
of it.
Email or write to me and I will send you 15 tack-up cards to get
the campaign going.
Sanibel93@aol.com or 382 S. Main Street, Andover, MA 01810
A new covered bridge in Boonville NYIt was just moved
over the Black River Canal in November.. Photo by Dick Wilson,
November 19, 2004"> |
The following are items still available through the Society: All
of the items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street,
Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail dickroycb1@Juno.com
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available
for $16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling. Society Arm
Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55
cents P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs of
Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's of
Virginia, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 CB's of
Bennington County VT, A Guide . . . $6.50 CB's of Massachusetts,
A Guide . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and
handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00
plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash
Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify,
Medium or Extra Large. This is a
fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several as gifts
for your family and friends. Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk
cotton. |
Other available books from the Society Store
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book
depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996.
Postpaid $17.00 (From June Roy) |
New Hampshire Covered Bridges, "A Link With Our Past," by
Richard Marshall, color photos by Arthur Round. Excellent book
on NH bridges. $20.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling.
Proceeds to Eastman Fund. |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges
called, "Spanning Time -- Vermont's Covered Bridges." You can get a
copy by contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT
05489 or visit www.vermontbridges.com. Joseph Nelson
is the President of the Vermont Society.
Both are now available on computer diskette in either Mac or PC
format. Please specify your choice. It is in a compressed format to
fit on a PC computer disc. You must have Zip Software to decompress
it. If you do not have the Zip software, Joe will send you a copy.
The TOPICS index includes: Table of Contents for each issue,
an index to subjects and authors, as well as more. The World
Guide is kept up-to-date and in the regular format. Order your
choice at $5.00 each from Joseph Cohen, 130 Westfield Drive,
Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until mid-September. The rest of
the year he can be reached at 210 Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL
33417. |
to top Joe Nelson,
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted January 21, 2005