January - February - March - Winter 2002
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040 |
Mrs. Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44
Cleveland Ave. (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Mr. David Topham, Nov.
thru Apr. send dues to: 11707 Oakmont Ct. Fort Meyers, FL
33908-2825 (941) 433-1551 |
Treasurer May thru Oct. send dues to: 45 Village
Way No. 50 Rockport ME 04856-3805 (207)
596-7472 |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail:
Richard Roy, Historian, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104-4906
(603)623-8406 |
Sunday March 24, 2002 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham, MA.
Sunday April 28, 2002 at 1pm Meeting will be held at the
Plymouth Church in Framingham, MA
The next newsletter is scheduled for April 2002. Therefore, anyone
wishing to submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela
or KC by March 20, 2002. THANK YOU!
Ohio Covered Bridge News
This brief trip report from Lionel A. Whiston covers four covered
bridges in Union County, Ohio.
My wife Debbie and I recently spent several days visiting our daughter
Kristen at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, OH. While Kristen was in
class Friday, March 30, 2001, Debbie and I visited four nearby covered
bridges in Union County.
The first covered bridge we encountered was 35-80-04, the Little Darby
Bridge. We took pictures of this and all the other covered bridges we came
across. The Treacle Creek Bridge (35-80-03) was closed to traffic because
of repair work. A detour had been set up a few yards north of the bridge,
crossing the small stream by a paved ford. We talked briefly with the
Union County crew working on the bridge. I asked how much of the bridge
was being replaced and was told that only the roof was being replaced.
They said that last year the crew had re-roofed the Little Darby Bridge
and that the Spain Creek Bridge (35-80-02) was scheduled to be done next.
The Upper Darby Bridge (35-80-01) appeared the most in need of work, at
least paint and some new siding boards.
I'm not an engineer and can't make judgements about the soundness of
each bridge. With that caveat, I think all four are structurally in good
shape. I was pleased that Union County is looking after the bridges,
investing money in their care. I had no trouble finding the bridges using
my DeLorme atlas of Ohio, but I saw no signs of any kind indicating the
way to the bridges. Most if not all are close to a highway and easily
visible from that road.
The last issue of the Indiana CB Society's newsletter contained a trip
report regarding some extensive bridge visiting in Ohio and Pennsylvania,
concluding sadly that a lot of maintenance seemed in order in those two
states. I'm not contradicting that view, but I am reporting that my tiny
sample of four bridges in one county has a much more positive
Upper Darby Bridge (35-80-01) Photo © 2001 Lionel
A. Whiston |
Treacle Creek Bridge (35-80-03) Photo © 2001
Lionel A. Whiston |
Little Darby Bridge (35-80-04) Photo © 2001 Lionel
A. Whiston |
Covered Bridge Gets New Home Over Nissitissit
Covered Bridge Crafts in Brookline, NH
(29-07-00) Photo © 2001 Dick
Roy | The NH Telegraph,
September 3, 2001. (Submitted by Dick Roy) It used to be the
entrance to the Covered Bridge Arts and Crafts Center located on Route
101A in Nashua, NH and was scheduled to be demolished after the store had
closed its doors. Built about 28 years ago at 8 feet wide, 12 feet tall,
48 feet long, it will be the right size for a footbridge. It is not long
enough to cross the Nissitissit River which is about 100 feet wide at the
point where the bridge is needed. In March 2002, Brookline voters will be
asked to choose between bridge ramps to both of the bridge ends or
extending the length of the bridge.
This bridge (29-07-00), given to the town of Brookline, has been moved
just off of Route 13 about 6 miles from Route 101 South. Go south on Route
13, about 6 miles to the blinking light and take a right turn. The bridge
can be seen just as you turn the corner. The name of the road is believed
to be Meeting House Hill Road. You may be able to see the bridge from
Route 13.
Westford, Vermont Dedicates Covered Bridge. by
Dick Roy About 50 people were present for the dedication
of the 163-year-old Browns River Covered Bridge in Westford, Vermont. It
was a fairly mild day and many old friends were on hand for the
dedication. The event culminated 14 years of work by Caroline Brown and
members of the Westford Historical Society.
Several speakers praised the 1836 Burr Arch Bridge and the efforts
spearheaded by Caroline Brown to restore the structure to its original
site on the Cambridge road spanning the Brown's River.
A steel bridge was built in 1965 when the covered bridge was no longer
safe for vehicular traffic. Ten years later the Westford Historical
Society decided to complete repair of the 137-year-old bridge. Twelve
years after that in 1987, the bridge again needed significant repairs. The
historical society regrouped to begin the process of repairs.
Milton S. Graton, using oxen and capstan, hauled the bridge to the edge
of the field near the Westford Town garage. National Geographic documented
the moving of the structure, where it would stay for 14 years. The
Historic Society applied for grants, held ham and bean dinners, bake sales
and sold T-shirts, etc. to raise funds for the bridge restoration. In the
early days of the fund-raising about 45 people began the effort and
ultimately, for the most part Caroline Brown remained.
ln 1991 through the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
(ISTEA), the grant writing skills of Kathleen Robie secured grants in 1995
and 1999. Proper permits were acquired and the project went out to
With the advice of Philip C. Pierce, consulting Engineer and covered
bridge specialist from Binghamton, N.Y., the Renaud Brothers from Vernon
and Messier House Moving of East Montpelier, and with contributions from
many bridge devotees, the Brown's River Bridge, having been restored by
the Renaud Brothers, made the journey on July 20, 2001 back down the
Cambridge Road to be mounted on the repaired abutments on July 21.
Phil Pierce presented Caroline with a plaque, in honor of her
dedication and tireless efforts to the project, which read, "In grateful
recognition of Caroline Brown...for her determination and tireless efforts
from 1987 to 2001 in Rehabilitation of the Brown's River Covered
Bridge...from her friends in the Covered Bridge Community."
The National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, the
Vermont Covered Bridge Society and the New York State Covered Bridge
Society, as well as many close friends donated to have the permanent
plaque installed at the bridge site.
Joseph Nelson presented Caroline with one of his books "Spanning Time -
Vermont Covered Bridges."[and an Honorary Life membership in the Vermont
Covered Bridge Society].
I received a thank you card from Caroline. It reads as follows, "I wish
to thank the National Covered Bridge Society for the honor of receiving
the bronze plaque, on behalf of my efforts of the Browns River Covered
Bridge restoration project.
"It was a commitment the Westford Historical Society made some 14 long
years ago and it's a real feeling of accomplishment to have the bridge
restored for the bridge community and for the town. Thank you again for
the recognition with the presentation of the plaque!"
We need more people in the preservation world like Caroline Brown. I
wish to thank Caroline at this time for her efforts and unlimited energy
for her enduring efforts to preserve another of our precious treasures,
our Remaining Covered Bridges. Thanks again Caroline.
Westford Bridge on Dedication Day (45-04-05) Photo
© 2001 Dick Roy |
Slate Bridge Dedication (29-03-06) Photo © 2001
Dick Roy |
Slate Covered Bridge Dedication, Swanzey, NH
(29-03-06 #2) by Dick RoyThe dedication of the Slate
Bridge on Westport Village Road in Swanzey, NH took place on October 6,
2001. The bridge was torched by arsonists on March 8, 1993.
The traditional iron rods and turnbuckles that have been trademarks of
the bridge for many years will be missing from the scene. The entire
bridge was replaced with new material.
About 150 people showed up for the event from as far away as NY state
and Pennsylvania. With engineers from the firm of Hoyle and Tanner, town
dignitaries, state Senators among others, praising the work accomplished
by the firm of Wright Construction of Mount Holly, VT.
After the dedication, I asked Dick and Jeannette Wilson to stop by the
car, which was parked a short distance from the bridge. (Dick is president
of the NY State Covered Bridge Society, NYSCBS.) I used the excuse of
wanting to show him something I had recently acquired. I did indeed show
him and gave to him what I had recently acquired. A model of the
Harpersfield Bridge by Scaasis Originals, Inc. Why? It was Dick's
birthday. The gathering was small and short and then everyone went on his
way. (Scaasis donated several models to the NSPCB.) Look for these models
in Cracker Barrel stores throughout the nation.
Spanning New York State Covered Bridge
 By Bob and Trish
Delaware County:
Fitch's Covered Bridge - NY 32-13-02 Photo by Bob
and Trish Kane, October 28,
2001 | Fitch's Covered Bridge -
NY 32-13-02 Great news! Following a brief opening ceremony on
December 20, the Fitch's Covered Bridge is once again open to traffic and
looks fantastic. It certainly is encouraging to see county officials who
are truly dedicated to preserving their bridges. Fitch's Bridge is the
last of three covered bridges in that county to be restored. Well worth a
trip to see each of them. At this time, it is not certain if there will be
an official dedication in 2002, but we will keep you posted.
Congratulations to Delaware County for doing such a tremendous job on each
of their covered bridges. (Note: We have seen the spelling of Fitch's
with, and without an e, but we gratefully stand corrected by several
historians in Delaware County, that the proper spelling for the Fitch's
bridge is without the e.)
Sullivan County:
Halls Mills Covered Bridge - NY 32-53-01 Photo by
Bob and Trish Kane, August 19,
2001 | Halls Mills Covered
Bridge - NY 32-53-01 Following our August 19 visit to this bridge
where we discovered some charred floorboards, we placed a call to the
Sullivan County Department of Public Works and spoke with Bob Trotta, an
Engineer for Sullivan County. He mentioned that because this bridge is no
longer in use, and due to its remote location, it becomes an easy target
for vandalism. We spoke at length about the bridge and what could be done
to help prevent such incidents. One suggestion was to post a public notice
on the bridge indicating the fine and punishment for any type of vandalism
to the bridge. Although posting a warning notice will certainly not be a
cure-all for vandalism, it might leave enough of a concern in someone's
mind to think twice about spray painting graffiti, or starting a fire on
the bridge. For those of you who have visited Lancaster County, PA, you
are familiar with these notices as they are posted on most of their
bridges. It seems to help, as we noticed very little graffiti or vandalism
to their bridges. Following this conversation and subsequent e-mails,
Sullivan County has agreed to consider posting notices on their
Other news: DeLorme Atlas Project - In your
next newsletter, we hope to be informing you that the DeLorme Atlas
Project is "in the mail." This has certainly been a challenging project,
but so much fun, mainly due to all the wonderful assistance we have
received from other covered bridge enthusiasts. What a super group of
folks! There are only four states to complete: California, New Jersey,
Virginia and Washington. If you would like to help with any of the
remaining states, write, e-mail or give us a call. Bob and Trish Kane, 167
Williams Rd., Sherburne, NY 13460, e-mail:,
phone: 607-674-9656. State and National Register of Historic Places
Certificates - Work continues with covered bridge owners to set a date
for the presentation of these certificates. Many of them would like to
combine the presentation with an upcoming event in their town and will get
back to us with a date. Certificates yet to be presented are for the Hyde
Hall, Ashoken/Turnwood, Grants Mills, Copeland and the Newfield covered
Covered Bridge Driving Tour - It always surprises us to hear
folks say, "I never knew New York State had any covered bridges!" And, of
course, their next question is, "how do I find them?" Soon, they will no
longer need to ask that question. A driving tour of New York's covered
bridges has begun. Hopefully, it will be a valuable tool for new (and old)
covered bridge enthusiasts and will heighten the awareness that New York
State does indeed have covered bridges. Thanks to each of you and as we
begin this endeavor.
Illinois Covered Bridge News by Mary Ann
WallerRecently talked to a gentleman from the Chamber of
Commerce in Greenup, Illinois and this is the information that I found out
on their brand new covered bridge. As of now, it's being called the
Cumberland County Covered Bridge, but it has not been officially dedicated
as of yet. And for now, he knew of no name that had been given to the
bridge officially. It's a one span, 200 foot, free standing bridge over
the Embarras River built in October 2000. It was built on the same roadbed
as the Jackson Covered Bridge -- back in 1832 but went down (he thinks in
a flood) in 1865. They received the last grant that the government granted
for wooden structures -- $2.8 million.
It is built to hold up to 80,000 pounds but the road leading up to the
bridge will only hold 14,000 pounds. The reason for the 80,000 pound
government restriction was because of the grant. It was built 6 feet
higher than the previous Jackson Covered Bridge, hopefully to avoid the
bridge from floating away during a flood. It was built and put together in
Wisconsin, then disassembled and sent to Florida to be laminated. It was
then shipped to Greenup, Illinois to be put back together on the spot
where it rests today. It has a fire alarm system on the bridge that is
connected to the fire department.
A recent article in the Greenup, Illinois paper said that they had a
survey to see how many cars were using the bridge and they determined that
between 450 and 500 were driving through the bridge. They are tickled to
no end with this figure. Greenup seems to be very proud of this covered
bridge. Unfortunately he did not know what kind of wood or type of covered
bridge it is.
A New Covered Bridge in La Matapèdia in Ste Florence,
Quebec, Canada
New Covered Bridge in Ste Florence, Quebec,
Canada Photo © Gaïtan Ruest
Ing. | by Gaïtan Ruest
Ing.The picture is of the last built covered bridge in La
Matapèdia...more exactly in Ste Florence. It was built on a community
government financially supported project this last fall. It will be mainly
used by the snowmobilers going by Ste Florence. It looks like the Amqui
Anse St-Jean covered bridge since its colors are just about the same.
My project of moving the Beausèjour covered bridge of Ste Odile in
Amqui is still on the go. I am working very hard to find the necessary
money to make it.
Bill Fisk Obituary: Christine Ellsworth let us know that Bill
Fisk, from Rochester, Michigan, one of our members, passed away on
December 8, 2001. Bill and Mary Lou were on the Safari in Pennsylvania in
1999. Those of you who knew Bill, would say that he was pretty energetic
and an excellent photographer. Now another member has passed through the
Second Arson Attempt On Ohio BridgeA
second attempt of arson on the Lynchburg bridge, OH 35-14-11/36-06, took
place during the early morning hours of November 11th. Fireman confirmed
that the arsonists had attempted to burn both abutments as they found dry
leaves, papers, and rags stuffed down on top of the bottom cords of both
sides of the bridge.
The fire department was still there attending the bridge the next
morning. It had been smoldering for quite some time and did considerable
Starting at the abutment, the three bottom chords were burned all the
way through and started to burn upward on some of the vertical timbers.
The bridge was built in 1870 over the Little Miami River, connecting
Highland and Clinton counties. Now by-passed, it is 120 feet long with a
Long Truss.
File Cleaning
From Dick Roy: The
Union Leader, Manchester, NH, September 29, 2001. Grant to Help
Protect Covered Bridges. The federal government is giving the state
$380,000 to install dry sprinkler systems and a fire suppression coating
on four of New Hampshire's covered bridges. The bridges receiving the
funding are: the Cornish-Windsor bridge over the Connecticut River, Saco
River bridge in Conway, County Covered Bridge over the Contoocook River in
Hanover and the Honeymoon Covered Bridge over the Ellis River in
From Dick Wilson:
Delaware County Times, NY, June 15, 2001. Extensive Decay Adds to
Bridge Restoration Work. Fitch's Covered Bridge (32-13-02) located in
Delhi, NY is going through extensive restoration work. Every trunnel, both
levels of lower bottom chords, and some of the lattice members will be
replaced due to rot and damage from rodents and powder post beetles. Also
the corners of the abutment caps have been removed and new concrete
bearing areas for the longer trusses have been cast.
From G. Robert Salvi:
The Boston Sunday Globe, Boston, MA, Sept. 9, 2001. Mass. Highway
Spending Jumps. The covered bridge on Poland Road in Conway, MA (21-06-01)
will be turned into a pedestrian bridge according to Massachusetts Highway
Commissioner Matt Amorello. They can no longer find a tree big enough to
replace the giant chestnut timbers that once held up the structure.
From Andy Howard: The
Boston Sunday Globe, November 18, 2001. Old Span To Stay Underwater.
The wreckage of a bridge more than 175 years old has been discovered by
divers on November 4th at the bottom of the Connecticut River. The
structure was built between 1810 and 1812 and was located between Putney,
VT and Westmoreland, NH, but flooding washed it away the first spring
after it was completed. The remnants of the span have been recorded for
posterity on videotape by the Putney Historical Society.
From Dave Topham:
USA Today, March 8, 2001. The Oxford, Alabama City Council voted to
spend $23,000 to replace the state's oldest covered bridge. This bridge,
over a century old, was build in 1900 at Coldwater Creek and was moved to
Oxford Lake in 1990. It is currently closed off to the public.
Advertisement: Have your covered bridge, family or pet picture
on a brooch, Christmas ornament, paperweight, or magnet. Send me your
picture and I will put it on the item of your choice. Your photo will be
returned unharmed with your order. (Please send photo sealed in a plastic
bag in case the envelope gets wet in shipping.)
Melissa Jurgensen |
Pin: 2 1/4" brooch with porcelain stone in antiqued goldtone
setting Christmas Ornament: 3" china with photo on both
sides Paperweight: 3" round china Magnets (set of 4):
2" china square All items are $15.95 with free priority shipping!
If you do not have a covered bridge photo you would like to use, you
may choose from some of
mine: Kentucky: Switzer Bridge, Colville
Bridge, Oldtown Bridge or Goddard
Bridge; Ohio: Gee
ting Bridge, Roberts Bridge, North Pole Bridge, Spain Creek Bridge, or
Bridge; Indiana: Aqueduct,
Bell's Ford Bridge, or Medora
Bridge; Minnesota: Zumbrota Bridge.
Melissa Jurgensen 2278 Harrods Pointe Trace Lexington, KY
Advertisement: "Covered Bridges of Berks County,
Pennsylvania" Hardback, 137 pages, 71 photos, plus paintings, maps,
courthouse records, newspaper accounts, personal stories, list of tolls
charged, photos of railroad bridges, and more. Find out which bridge had a
fireplug, which bridge supposedly had a murdering ghost. Send $29.95
with postage to: Fred J. Moll, 714 Forest St, Fleetwood, PA
The following are items still available through the Society: All of the
items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH
03104-4906 or E-mail
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available for $16.95 + $3.95
Shipping and Handling. Society Arm Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch
available for $1.75 + 55c P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard: C/B's of Madison County IA, A
Guide.........$6.50 C/B's of Connecticut, A
Guide....................$5.50 C/B's of Virginia, A
Guide.........................$6.95 C/B's of Bennington County VT, A
Guide......$6.50 C/B's of Massachusetts, A Guide ...............$7.00
There is a $2.00. postage and handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B. Logo.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00 plus $3.95
for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester NH
03104-4906 Specify, Medium or Extra Large. This is a fund raiser for
the preservation fund. Buy several as gifts for your family and friends.
Shirts are 100% pre shrunk cotton.
Other available books from the Society Store Covered Bridges of
Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book depicting all the covered bridges in
Vermont in the year 1996. Postpaid $17.00 (From June Roy) New Hampshire
Covered Bridges "A Link With Our Past," by Richard Marshall, color photos
by Arthur Round. Excellent book on NH bridges. $20.00 plus $3.95 shipping
and handling. Proceeds to Eastman Fund.
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges called:
"Spanning Time" -- Vermont Covered Bridges. You can get a copy by
contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT 05489 or Visit
>< Joseph Nelson is the President of the
Vermont Society.
New Book: Covered Bridges of Washington State by Lorna J. Smith,
published by The Owl's Nest. This 26-page booklet has color photos of 21
covered bridges found in Washington. A brief statement about each bridge
is included with directions on how to find it. Order from the author at:
P.O. Box 105, Clatskanie, OR 97016. Cost is $6.75 (includes
Scaasis Proudly Presents The
American Covered Bridge Collection
portion of the sales of this high quality reproduction of America's
Covered Bridges is donated to the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges (NSPCB).
These fabulously
detailed replicas of Covered Bridges bring back to life the beauty
and grace of early American architecture. The stunning detail,
inside and out, will make you wish you were there when horse and
buggies were the only form of transportation available. There are 23
bridges in the Series I collection. Their popularity has Scaasis
adding more bridges to the collection already.
Each Covered
Bridge in the collection includes a gold information certificate
located on the base. Here you will find pertinent details about
the bridge such as when it was built, who built it, its span and
truss type.
These Limited Edition gift items are
featured in quality gift shops nationwide like these. Or call
Scaasis directly at the number listed below for a list of retailers
in your area.
Sea Shell Shop Rehobeth Beach, DE (302)
227-6666 Cypress Clocks of Florida Astor, FL
(352) 759-3980 Lighthouse Keepers
Closet Bradenton, FL (941) 753-3028 Stone
Mountain Park Branson, GA (417) 338-2611 A
Little Bit of Christmas Marietta, GA (770)
643-8792 True Grits Savannah, GA (912)
234-8006 Sammi Kay's Gifts Davenport, IA
(563) 3223-0059
Amish Acres Nappanee, IN (219)
773-4188 International Gift House Fallston,
MD (410) 877-3113 Whitesell Pharmacy Lusby,
MD (410) 326-2004 Country By The Bay Ocean
City, MD (410) 213-1547 Marty's
Playland Ocean City, MD (410)
289-7271 Clark's Hallmark Shops Ledgewood,
NJ (973) 584-5119 Goodies Galore Marysville,
OH (937) 644-0251
Country Home Candle Shop Brodheadsville, PA
(570) 992-5000 Zachary's Camp Hill, PA (717)
737-6999 Fifth Avenue Cards Lancaster, PA
(717) 392-8731 Miller's Country Store Ronks,
PA (717) 392-8731 Heart `N'
Home Fredericksburg VA (540)
Scaasis Originals,
Inc. Neptune, NJ (800) 942-2139
to top Joe Nelson,
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267,
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted February 2, 2002, revised February 18, 2002