MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2006
Sunday, July 23 Contoocook Railroad Bridge in
Hopkinton, NH. Lunch will be at noon at the pizza place next to the
bridge. Meeting will follow.
Sunday, August 27 Annual picnic in Westminster, VT.
Cookout at noon, meeting at 1pm.
Sunday, September 24 We will meet at 1pm at The
Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, VT which is presenting,
Covered Bridges: Spanning the American Landscape, a new
exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution. Norwich is five miles
north of the intersection of I-91 and I-89.
Sunday, October 15 NSPCB Annual Meeting at the
French King Restaurant in Millers Falls, MA. See last page of
newsletter for dinner reservation coupon and more information.
NEWSLETTER DATESThe next newsletter
is scheduled for October 2006. Therefore, anyone wishing to submit
photos, articles, etc. should send them to Carmela or KC by
September 20, 2006. Newspaper or magazine articles must
include source information and details (such as name of publication,
date, etc.). Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU!

Dear Fellow Members, Greetings!
When I was much younger, much, much younger than I am today, and
when, on occasion, I became impatient respecting some forthcoming
event -- Christmas or my birthday often seemed an eternity away! --
my mother always said that as I grew older, time would pass more
quickly. Unfortunately, I am now in the unenviable position of being
able to verify what my mother told me so many years ago. Yes indeed,
as one ages, time does appear to pass ever more quickly. A case in
point: it is hard for me to believe that it has already been a year
since last I exhorted all of you to renew you memberships in the
National Society. Yet a year it has been, and of course, it is still
important that all of you should continue to support the National
Society and its work by means of your membership dollars. As I have
remarked many times before, there is much strength to be had in
numbers. Also, I hope that all of you who are in a position to do
so, will consider making a contribution to the Eastman-Thomas Fund
for Covered Bridge Preservation. It is after all thanks to this fund
that the National Society is able to undertake preservation projects
on its own. Please remember that a dollar donated to the
Eastman-Thomas Fund is a dollar which will be spent again and again,
as it is only the interest earned from monies contained in this fund
which is disbursed for restoration and/or stabilization and
preservation of historic Covered Bridges.
And now, some Covered Bridge news.
The Contoocook Covered Bridge in Hopkinton, New Hampshire:
Those of you who are long-time members of the Society will probably
recall that it was in 1994 that the Society organized its first work
party at the site of the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge. Since
that date, the Society has been collaborating closely with the New
Hampshire Division of Historical Resources in an attempt to
stabilize and preserve this structure. To that end, we have dug out
the four corners of the span -- all four were buried in sand,
gravel, dirt, and other debris -- had the roof and sideboarding
repaired, devised a paint formula which replicates fairly closely
the one employed by the Boston and Maine Railroad, and are currently
in the process of having the four corners of the bridge lifted up,
and the deteriorated bed timbers and corbels of the span replaced.
Tim Andrews, of Barns and Bridges of New England, is the
Bridgewright for the latter operation, as he was for the sideboard
replacement of several years ago. It was Tim, in fact, who devised
the rather ingenious shoring scheme which is at present holding up
one of the corners of the Contoocook span. This shoring will be
moved from corner to corner of the structures as work progresses,
until all of the four corbels and sets of bed timbers needing to be
replaced, have been. (The corbels and bed timbers over the central
pier are in splendid shape, and thus shall be left strictly alone.)
Upon completion of the corbel-bed timber operation, the task of the
National Society at Contoocook will be over. Others will carry on in
our place with the installation of a fire detection and a dry pipe
sprinkler system, the application of a fire retardant product -- no
char fire preventer on the interior of the structure -- and finally,
the repainting of the span using the formula developed by the
National Society and mentioned above. Amongst other things, I would
point out here that none of what the Society has been doing at
Contoocook would have been possible without the monies of the
Eastman-Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge Preservation. Once again,
dear members, please give as generously as you can to this fund when
you renew your membership in the National Society.
Joseph Conwill, Editor of Covered Bridge Topics: Most of
you will I'm sure be saddened to learn that our much esteemed Editor
of Covered Bridge Topics, Joseph D. Conwill, recently fell
off the roof of one of his sheds and badly injured a foot. As
unfortunate an event as this was, in a certain sense, Joseph has
still been a lucky fellow, given that many have fallen from lesser
heights with much graver consequences. Be that as it may, Joseph's
injury has required surgery, now successfully completed.
Nevertheless, Joseph will be mostly out of action for the next
couple of months at least. Should any of you wish to send him a card
or letter, you can write to him at the address shown on the second
page of Covered Bridge Topics.
In the meantime, have a wonderful summer!!
Yours sincerely, David W. Wright President, National
Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Incorporated
LABEL??? Membership Coordinator -- Pauline
Thank you for the great response last newsletter for the yearly
dues. Yes, it's that time again. How fast the year goes by. If you
have a RED label, your dues for the 2007 year are now due. You don't
want to miss any issues of the Covered Bridge Topics and Newsletter.
We've had some good growth this year with memberships and members
converting to be Life members. The dues are only $15
individual/family, $250 for a single life and $300 for Mr. &
Mrs. Life membership. Students are always welcome for only $5.
Canadian membership is $19 and European membership is $25. We also
still have tack-up cards available for your bridging trips. Tack-up
a card at all the bridges you visit and let everyone know the
Society is here for the preservation of these historic structures.
Write or email me and I'll send you some cards. On a personal note,
I'd like to thank those that sent me a photo of a bridge they have
visited. I've been going through Covered Bridge withdrawal living in
Florida, so I'm taking a trip up to Georgia for 4 days to take some
bridge pictures. I hope you all have a great summer. Happy
Note and photo from Allen Martin: Your last newsletter mentioned
the Bob White and Jack's Creek bridges near Woolwine, VA. These are
the two old bridges in the area, but there is an authentic newer
bridge there as well. It is the Clifford Wood Bridge (46-68-A) and
it can be seen from SR 8. Email:
Letter to the Editor
Editor's Note: This was originally submitted to member Trish
Dear Trish, April 3, 2006
Cruising down a winding stretch of Perry County's highway west of
Loysville, PA my eyes roved from side to side searching for the
covered bridge that the ADC Atlas indicated should be in this area.
Patricia Cook, a 4th Vice President of the Theodore Burr Covered
Bridge Society calls people who purposely roam America's landscape
searching for covered bridges "bridgers," a name that aptly reveals
the nature of people so historically inclined.
That pretty well describes me as well today, but it wasn't always
that way. Years ago, while recuperating from a spinal injury
suffered in a factory accident, "cabin fever" got the best of me as
I heard the birds outside my window singing and saw them twitting
among the maple trees.
Moving as slow as molasses in January, I dressed, grabbed my
drawing pad, a light-weight chair, and a blanket and headed out the
door. Stowing my gear in the back seat of my trusty Plymouth K Car,
I got in the drivers seat and made myself as comfortable as
possible, started the car and headed out of Baltimore for the
backwoods and dirt roads.
In the 3rd week of March of this year, I'm doing much the same
now as I did then with one exception. Then I was hunting for old
mills, (you know the place where farmers had their grain ground into
flour.) Now, I'm scouting for covered bridges.
As I'm rounding a slight curve in a dip in the roadway, I see to
my right a red-covered-bridge. Traveling too fast to make a quick
turn-in, I go on past until I can turn around and then come back and
park off the pavement.
Picking up my digital camera, I step out of the car and cross the
road to get my first real view of the bridge. Instead of Roddy
Covered Bridge, I'm greeted by one of the most beautiful sights a
history buff can see. I have found a one-of-a-kind combination
covered bridge, millers house and an old stone gristmill.
Peering through brush and trees that covered a slope between me
and the architecture below, I tried to find a place where I could
get a clear shot. It was impossible. No wonder no one ever mentioned
the mill and house. The entire property was surrounded by trees and
head-high bushes so thick, only the most ardent photographer would
try to get in for a good picture.
Something I'm learning about "bridgers": They don't just go out
and drive around hoping to find a covered bridge no more than those
who love mills drive the roads looking for them. No, both of these
types of people, take great preparation, studying maps, and other
resource materials identifying locations and the feasibility of
reaching a site.
Standing within a few yards of the old Roddy Covered Bridge, I
noticed that the exterior, vertical wall boards constantly rattled
as though being played by a pianist while a buffeting-brisk, cold
breeze came down through the little valley, made me shiver.
The mid-victorian miller's house and the aged stone mill both
appeared to be under-going a face lift while the owners of the
property were allowing the bridge to succumb to the elements.
The next weekend, my wife and I were searching for another old
covered bridge in Frederick County,Maryland. Having almost the same
name, Roddy's Creek Covered Bridge, we wondered if the builder of
the property up in Pennsylvania might have been the same, but when
we did find it, no locals had any answers for us.
Located a few miles north of Frederick, Maryland, just off Route
15, it crossed a little trout stream and had a companion structure,
some hundred yards away. It was a home built in the mid- twentieth
century of fine brick and was, obviously once a farmstead, complete
with a corn-shed crib, and two small stone sheds, one probably a
springhouse, the other for cold storage. About ten yards behind the
corncrib was a privy, a building no farm would be without.
My former business, Gordy's Mills became so productive and varied
that it was renamed Historical ReCreations, because I drew not only
old mills but farms, villages, forges, furnaces and also historic
homes. At a point in time, a customer asked me if I could venture up
into the air so more could be seen and from that time on, I offered
perspective drawings called "birds-eye- views," complete with
terrain features such as roads, fields, bridges, orchards, hills,
valleys, mountains, gardens, chicken coops, barns, kilns, churches,
graveyards, and liveries, etc.
Then in 2003, I came up with another bright idea. Why not include
in the pen and ink drawings I was doing for my customers, some real
life and that's how "Living Scenes A Century or Two Ago" was born.
Pictures then began to contain people doing chores, wagons were
pulled by draft animals, and the entire area took on real life
Drawing mills since the early 1990's, I think I've covered every
known scenario that exists whether the mills wheel is breast-fed
(water comes to the middle of the wheel), undershot (water flows
under the wheel), or overshot (water flows through a flume over the
top of the waterwheel) in a stone, frame, brick, log, or plank
But for the last two or three years, I've wanted to change my
venue. Someone expressed to me that while there were lots of covered
bridge artists, they knew of no one who was preserving for
posterity, the combinational mills and covered bridges that used to
dot the countryside but that have all but disappeared from the
American scene.
Taking the catfish on the line, I began the task of searching out
the photo divisions at The Library of Congress and found to my
dismay only a handful of mills and covered bridges together in one
picture. Finally reaching a director at America's greatest trove of
historical photographs, I was told that the reason that so few mill
and covered bridge combinations existed was because that's not what
people and researchers are looking for and the FOCUS of the library
must be to serve the greatest amount of people or lose some of its
federal funding.
Then I contacted various people in different societies as well as
historical trusts and state archives. No matter where I turned,
there was no assist. Of course, I contacted members of the few
covered bridge groups that I knew of, but even the best in their
societies had only a few to add to my slowly growing archive.
At last I'm turning to you, the readers of the different
magazines and pamphlets produced by the eight or so Covered Bridge
organizations in the United States and Canada.
What I need are photographs or copies of the same, both old and
new, of covered bridges and mills (when I say mills, one, I mean
Grist Mills evidenced by exterior waterwheels or buildings with an
archway on one of its sides where water flows through to and from
the internal wheels or turbines; two, buildings of one or more
stories, having a protruding small roof above the highest center
door. This is called the "catshead" and three, mills, i.e.
factories, plants, manufacturing facilities, etc.
There are thousands of libraries, museums and other repositories
that may have in their files . . . old pictures depicting mills and
covered bridges together. There may even be some glass plate
collections such as the one called MG-218 which is supposedly housed
in the Pennsylvania Archives at Harrisburg.
Since gas prices are escalating so quickly, there seems to be
only one direction to go in search of such treasures. To those of
you who have been taking pictures for years, may have just what I
need. Go to your vast personal collections of photos and see if you
can find what I have described.
So what beyond this do I need? For one thing, when you come upon
a mill and covered bridge together, find out as much as you can
about their location, name of the stream the bridge crosses, name of
the mill, owner, when both of them were built and by whom. And most
of all, get me a copy of them together, even if the best you can do
is a Xerox, Canon, Polaroid, or whatever...copy.
From these, my aim is to draw them for posterity. If some of you,
out there want to really help out, you can send donations to me at:
Gordy Callison, 1315 Chesaco Ave Suite 313, Baltimore, MD 21237 or
e-mail me at
File Cleaning
Sentinel Weekly, Perry County, PA, April 8, 2006, Two
Perry Bridges Being Rebuilt. The Dellville Road Covered Bridge
in Wheatfield Township is due for retirement when a modern structure
replaces it in June 2007. Saville Covered Bridge in Saville Township
is on PennDOT's repair plan for this summer. Bistline/Flickinger's
Mill Bridge and Adairs/Cisna Mill Bridge, both over Shermans Creek,
are scheduled for repairs. Repairs to Adairs will begin in June.
Itemizer-Observer, Dallas, Oregon, April 20, 2006,
Historic Covered Bridge is at a Crossroads . The Ritner Creek
Covered Bridge, built in 1928 on the Kings Valley Highway, was the
last covered bridge removed from the state highway system. It was
used as a remote park attraction until its closure in 2003 due to
deterioration and structural concerns. The bid process to restore
the bridge has failed to produce a contractor to do the work on
Chicago Sun-Times, January 30, 2006, Bridge Hit by
Arson to Rise Again. The 245-foot Bridgeton Covered Bridge in
Rockville, IN, was destroyed by fire last year. Now foresters are
evaluating trees offered by property owners eager to help in the
The Tribune, May 19, 2006, County Seeks Bridge Money
. County commissioners have agreed to seek federal money to
repair and restore all of Jackson County's covered bridges,
including Bell Ford Bridge, Medora Covered Bridge, and Shieldstown
Bridge. That funding could come as early as 2008 from federal
highway money, which is generated, in part, by federal gasoline
Albany Democrat-Herald, OR,May 13, 2006, Sweet Home
Awaits Bridge Assessment. Bridge expert Phil Pierce inspected
the Weddle bridge in Linn County (37-22- 05), and is expected to
send the city his assessment of the bridge's structural problems
along with a cost estimate for future services. The first repairs
will probably be a stabilization of the underside of the bridge and
repairing the upper chord so a new roof can be installed.
May 19, 2006, Wimer Covered Bridge. Only hours ago Jackson
County announced receipt of a $342,000 grant to help with rebuilding
the Wimer Covered Bridge. Those funds, with others that have been in
keeping for a new wooden covered bridge, should put us very close to
the total costs. The press release just went up on the local paper
web site. See It should be posted on our
web site soon too -- see, Dennis
Rasmussen, Co-chairman, Citizens for Rebuilding the Wimer Covered
The Tribune, April 5, 2006, County Bans Foot Traffic on
Covered Bridge. Jackson County Board of Commissioners agreed to
close the Medora Covered Bridge to pedestrian traffic and proceed
with a possible plan to stabilize its east span. The three-span
bridge was built in 1875 and crosses the East Fork of the White
River. At 434 feet, it's the longest in the USA and the second
longest in the world. The county has received a $500K grant to
rehabilitate the bridge, but it needs a $125K local match.
The Tribune-Star, April 14, 2006, Storm Blows Off Parts
of Mansfield Structure's Roof. The 139-year-old Mansfield
Covered Bridge remains closed, and parts of its roof lay in ruins
after strong winds blew through the area. Large sections of the
bridge's roof were blown off during a storm Friday morning. Pieces
of the roof were found hanging in a nearby tree, scattered on the
ground and submerged in the Big Raccoon Creek. 160 feet of the
247-foot metal roof will be replaced.
Pennsylvania, May 22, 2006, Truck Hits Historic Bridge
in Oley. A historic covered bridge in Oley Township is closed
after a truck busts through two security barriers. Police say a
moving van went through the first barrier, over the Pleasantville
Bridge, and then got stuck at the other security barrier. The two
security beams and a bridge beam were damaged. The 150-year-old
bridge was also hit by a truck in 2004, just one month after it was
Gazette-Times, May 19, 2006, Alsea-Area Covered Bridge
Damaged by Log Truck. Hayden Covered Bridge was damaged when a
log truck traveled about halfway through the covered bridge and
parts of it went through the roof, damaging cross bracing which
weakened the structure.
Coos County Democrat, Lancaster, NH, June 14, 2006.
Semi Sticks in Mt. Orne Bridge. The historic bridge that
crosses the Connecticut River was damaged on June 6 by a
tractor-trailer truck heading into VT. The truck became lodged when
it tried to push through the bridge's 12 foot, 11 inch clearance.
The truck sustained heavy damage as the sheet metal folded and tore
at the wooden trusses along the roof. The bridge is currently closed
and the town is waiting estimates for repair. Editor's Note: The
bridge has been repaired and is again open to traffic.
CONTRIBUTORS: George Eysenbach, Bill Cockrell, Mr. &
Mrs. R.W. Woodfill, Jim Crouse, Ron Branson, Dennis Rasmussen, Dick
Wilson, Tom Walczak, Carmela Sciandra.
There is a new website for the INDIANA COVERED BRIDGE SOCIETY
The site is sponsored by the Indiana County History Preservation
Society. Check it out.
Mechanic St. Covered Bridge in
Lancaster, NH is undergoing
extensive repairs.
Photos taken on May 28, 2006 by Bob

Spanning New York State Covered
Bridge News
Bob and Trish Kane
Exciting News from the Empire
It has been well known throughout the various Covered
Bridge Communities that the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge [WGN
32-39-01]located in the Glimmerglass State Park in Otsego
County is the oldest covered bridge in New York State.
Throughout the past two years, however, a dedicated group of
covered bridge experts have been busy writing letters and
making phone calls to determine if the Hyde Hall Covered
Bridge might just be the oldest existing covered bridge in the
United States. I am pleased to be able to announce that the
paperwork is in, results have been tallied and experts now
agree that yes indeed, the Hyde Hall Covered Bridge is the
oldest existing Covered Bridge in the United States with a
documented construction date of
1825! In cooperation with the New
York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic
Preservation a celebration has been scheduled at the Hyde Hall
Covered Bridge on September 9, 2006 so please
mark your calendars now so you don't miss this great historic
event. As the summer progresses, more exciting details will be
added to the program. If you would like more information, or
would like to volunteer to help with the event, please contact
us at: or call us at
SPECIAL NOTICE: Dan Brock reports that
it was brought to the attention of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges that some United States
Counties were not in alphabetical order according to the
standards set by NACO (National Association of Counties
Organization.) an organization that represents the United
States and its counties. There are 25 states that have
counties listed out of alphabetical order, including New York.
The following counties have new county numbers: Saratoga, 45;
Schenectady, 46; Schoharie, 47; Schuyler, 48; Seneca, 49; and
St. Lawrence, 50. As a result, the following bridges in New
York State will now have new World Guide numbers:
Copeland Covered Bridge, NY 32-45-01 and the
Blenheim Covered Bridge, NY 32-47-01. Please
change your records accordingly. For a complete listing for
other states, please contact Dan Brock.
Beyond New York
Putnam County Members of the county tourism board
recently indicated that they are committed to seeing their
covered bridges preserved by setting aside $500 for the Putnam
County Sheriff's Department. During the summer months, Lt.
Col. Steve Fenwick sends out non-violent offenders from the
inmate work crews to clean up debris and overgrown brush
around the county's remaining covered bridges. This clean-up
has improved visibility and safety for motorist, as well as
spruced up the look of the bridges. In the past, the tourism
bureau has purchased weed trimmers and gasoline for the
department to use on these projects.
One Putnam County inmate, James
Miller, is fascinated with covered bridges. He also has some
wonderful artistic talent. Jim recently added fresh paint to
the cement block walls in the jail. One day he also painted a
detailed emblem on the medical office door. Soon after, a
detailed police emblem on Lt. Col. Steve Fenwick office door.
Steve was so impressed with his work, that he asked Jim, a
tattoo artist by trade, to come up with a rendering of the
Putnam County's covered bridge map that would be used as a
mural on an interior wall of the Putnam County Jail. Using
colored pencils on poster-size paper, Jim came up with a
professional-quality drawing which included a wispy feminine
ghost haunting the Edna Collings Covered Bridge. The ghost
legend is a local favorite of the bridge. Jim said he hopes
that the 31- bridge pencil drawing may one day be reproduced
as a poster for tourists and county residents. Although the
mural project will not be seen by most members of the public,
it brightly decorates the corridor traveled daily by jail
staff and inmates.
Oakalla/Shoppell Covered Bridge - IN 14-67-10 Kara
Lawless, Director of the Putnam County Convention and Visitors
Bureau states that structural repairs may be needed on this
bridge as police discovered evidence last year that someone
tried to set the bridge on fire.
Wimer Covered Bridge -- OR 37-15-05 Great news from
Bill Cockrell! Jackson County has received a $342,000 grant
from the Highway Bridge Repair or Replacement Fund, a federal
needs-based bridge replacement program, to rebuild the Wimer
Covered Bridge that collapsed on July 6, 2003. This is great
news indeed!
Hayden Covered Bridge -- OR 37-02-05 Benton County
Public Works has placed an emergency 5-ton weight limit on the
Hayden Covered Bridge due to recent damage to the bridge when
a log truck tried to drive through it. This is truly
unfortunate, especially since $600,000 worth of repairs and
improvements were made to the bridge in 2003. The bridge will
be closed and no doubt local residents will again have to take
a 6 mile bumpy detour during this time while the bridge is
being repaired. (See similar incidents below in Pennsylvania.)
Congratulations Pennsylvania for saving two of your
historic landmarks. What a great feeling to report on bridges
being saved instead of lost!
Larkin Covered Bridge PA 38-15-11 The Larkin Covered
Bridge in Chester County has a new home on Graphite Mining
Road, just 0.2 miles off Byers Road in Eagle, PA and a
dedication ceremony was held on June 24th to celebrate.
Special thanks to George Conn for keeping us informed on the
progress of this bridge and for sending along these photos
taken in May 2006.
Fort Hunter/Everhart Covered Bridge PA
38-50-44/38-22-05 Also finding a new home in Pennsylvania
is the Fort Hunter/Everhart Covered Bridge. This bridge was
originally located in Perry County, between Centre and Juniata
Townships on LR50035 which is now SR4010 across Little Buffalo
Creek. It was dismantled in 1940 and moved to the Fort Hunter
Museum in Susquehanna Township in Dauphin County and rebuilt
and renamed the Fort Hunter Bridge. It was dismantled again in
1979/80 and put in storage due to its deteriorating condition.
This bridge has now been reassembled in the Fort Hunter Park
and looks fantastic! Special thanks to Bob and Judy Kuether
for sharing these great photos with us taken on May 31, 2006.
Fort Hunter/Everhart Covered Bridge
PA 38-50-44/38-22-05 |
Fort Hunter/Everhart Covered Bridge
PA 38-50-44/38-22-05 |
Pleasantville Covered Bridge PA 38-06-01 Two
security barriers, as well as a bridge beam was recently
damaged on the Pleasantville Covered Bridge. Police say a
moving van went through the first barrier and as they tried to
go through the second barrier got stuck. This 150 year old
bridge was damage by a truck in 2004 just one month after it
was restored. The bridge is presently closed until repairs can
be made to the structure. Knox/Valley Forge Covered Bridge PA
38- 15-15 The roof of this historic bridge located in the
Valley Forge National Historical Park was damaged by a vehicle
exceeding a 10-foot height restriction on the bridge. (Is this
beginning to sound familiar folks?) The bridge is now closed
and PennDOT officials said repairs would take a few days. The
bridge carries about 2,000 vehicles per day so this will be a
real detriment to area residents. The bridge was rehabilitated
in 1996. PennDOT will work with the National Park Service and
Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission to preserve the
historic character of the span.
Bob White VA 46-68-01/Jacks Creek VA 46-68-02 A
contractor is currently working on two of Patrick's County's
covered bridges. This will be the first time the sheathing on
the outside of the Bob White Covered Bridge has ever been
removed. Thanks to Steve and Leola Pierce for sending along
these recent photos. (Please take note of the special
volunteer in the water in front of the truck in the photo on
the left.)
Bob White Covered Bridge - Spring 2006
Leola Pierce noting points of interest
CK Reynolds/Red Maple Farm Covered Bridge VA
46-35-03 In September 2004, this bridge almost went
downstream during a hurricane. We are pleased to say that the
roadwork to the bridge has now been repaired and the bridge
has been saved. Photos below taken by Steve Pierce.
CK Reynolds Covered Bridge - September 2004
CK Reynolds Covered Bridge - Spring 2006
Please note: The Virginia Covered Bridge
Society now has their own website: They will be
updating it on a regular basis and adding an online store so
be sure to check it often.
Covered Bridge Festivals in Virginia:
Saturday, June 17, 2006 10 am to 5 pm at the Jack's
Creek and Bob White Covered Bridges in Woolwine, VA. For
vendor information, contact Jeannie Frisco at: The Best Western
(276-632-5611) in Martinsville, VA is offering discounted
rates but you must mention you are with a Covered Bridge
Saturday, September 16, 2006 at the Sinking Creek
Covered Bridge in Newport, VA. This festival was held for
years, but last year it was canceled because of flooding. It
will be held again this year on Rt. 601. Please contact Robin
Hypes for further information at:
SPECIAL NOTICE: Dan Brock reports
that it was brought to the attention of the National Society
for the Preservation of Covered Bridges that some United
States Counties were not in alphabetical order according to
the standards set by NACO (National Association of Counties
Organization), an organization that represents the United
States and its counties. There are 25 states that have
counties listed out of alphabetical order, including New York.
The following counties have new county numbers: Saratoga, 45;
Schenectady, 46; Schoharie, 47; Schuyler, 48; Seneca, 49; and
St. Lawrence, 50. As a result, the following bridges in New
York State will now have new World Guide numbers:
Copeland Covered Bridge, NY 32-45-01 and the
Blenheim Covered Bridge, NY 32-47-01. Please
change your records accordingly.
For a complete listing of changes in county numbers for
other states, please contact Dan Brock.
Update on Covered Spans of Yesteryear
Project By Bill Caswell, Webmaster for CSOY
June, 2006 - This summer, the Covered Spans of
Yesteryear project will be three years old. I'd like to take a
moment to share some statistics of the progress we have
realized so far. To date, we have documented over 8,100
covered bridges that no longer exist in addition to the 1,200+
that still dot the landscape. The number of former structures
will increase significantly once Ohio data is added. We have
pictures of nearly 1,900 of those former structures. In total,
over 4,500 pictures representing numerous collections are
available on the website. We couldn't have gotten this far
without those of you who help by sending information and
pictures. Thank you!
Recently, Robert Laughlin has
shared his extensive database of Kentucky information. With
his help, over 700 bridges in that state have now been
documented. Ron Branson of the County History Preservation
Society ( has submitted many Indiana
covered bridge pictures from his collection and offered a few
corrections as well. Maine pictures from the Dick Roy and
Richard Donovan collections may be available by the time you
read this. Thomas Kipphorn's Pennsylvania research continues
with the addition of Columbia County data.
To hear about updates as they
become available visit the website and sign up for our mailing
list. In addition to exploring the website, reports from the
states and provinces that we have researched are available at
the Covered Bridge Museum in Bennington,
Vermont. If you are interested in
offering pictures of the lost bridges in your area and have
the ability to scan them, please contact me. There is still a
vast amount of territory to cover and any help will be greatly
appreciated. Email is usually the most effective way to
contact me -

We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in
commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society
for the Preservation of Covered Bridges.
Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front
pocket measuring 12 1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20"
handle straps. Available for $15 including shipping
Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3"
round glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available
for $7 including shipping
Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges -
N.S.P.C.B." written on them. Available for $1.25 including
shipping. |
SPECIAL OFFER!! You may want
to have them all. One of each tote, ornament and pen will be
available for $20 including shipping. They are great gifts for
family, friends and other bridgers. We have a limited supply,
so please order yours today.
N.S.P.C.B. INC and mail to;
N.S.P.C.B. INC. Pauline Prideaux 4856 Spencer
Oaks Blvd Pace, FL 32571 |
The following are items still available through the
Society: All of the items below are available from June Roy,
73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still
available for $16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and
Handling. Society Arm Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3"
arm patch available for $1.75 + 55 cents P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs
of Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's
of Virginia, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$6.95 CB's of Bennington County VT, A Guide . . .
$6.50 CB's of Massachusetts, A Guide . . . . . . . . .
.$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and handling charge for
each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send
$15.00 plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy,
73 Ash Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify,
Medium or Extra Large. This
is a fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several
as gifts for your family and friends. Shirts are 100%
pre-shrunk cotton. |
Other available books from the Society
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a
book depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the
year 1996. Postpaid $17.00 (From June
Roy) |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered
Bridges called, "Spanning Time;Vermont's Covered
Bridges." You can get a copy by contacting Joseph Nelson, 2
Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT 05489 or visit Joseph Nelson is the
President of the Vermont Society.
New book by Joseph Conwill: Images of America, "VERMONT
COVERED BRIDGES." It sells for $19.99 plus $3.00 shipping and
Both are now available on computer diskette ONLY in PC
format. It is in the compressed format to fit on a PC computer
floppy disc. You must have Zip Software to decompress it. If
you do not have Zip Software, Joe will send you a copy. The
TOPICS index includes: Table of Contents for each
issue, an index to subjects and authors, as well as more. The
World Guide is kept up to date and in regular format.
Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph Cohen, 130
Westfield Drive, Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until
mid-September. The rest of the year he can be reached at 210
Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417.
NSPCB ANNUAL DINNER Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 12:00 noon
This is the Annual Meeting and is being held on October
15th at the French King Restaurant on Route 2 in Millers
Falls, MA. See dinner reservations and application below.
The French King Restaurant is located at the east end of
the French King Bridge. The well known landmark carries
Massachusetts Route 2 over the Connecticut River near Millers
Falls, at a very picturesque spot. The dinner will be served
at 12:00 noon and meeting will follow at 1:00 P.M.
The speaker this year is To Be Announced.
Cut off here or reproduce and send along with your check or
money order.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Dinner Reservation coupon for October 15, 2006 annual
meeting. To be returned with payment as designated below.
Please return no later than October 9, 2006.
______ Whole Boneless Breast of
with stuffing and
gravy. . . . . . . . .$21.95 ______ Yankee Pot Roast. . . .
. . . . . . . . .$21.95 ______ Baked Haddock au Gratin. . .
. . . $21.95 ______ Fisherman Casserole . . . . . . . . . .
Email Address:
Send to: Carmela Sciandra P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 Make checks payable to
N.S.P.C.B. Inc. |
to top  Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267,
Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson.
The content is the intellectual property of the National Society
for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its
membership. This file posted 7/21/2006