July - August - September - Summer 2003
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Mrs. Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44
Cleveland Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 143 Freeman St. Extension Haverhill, MA
01830-4659 E-mail: sanibel93@aol.com |
Richard Roy, Historian 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@juno.com |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: kc@ilp.mit.edu
David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707
Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 (941) 433-1551; May thru
Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805,
207-596-7472 |
Sunday, July 27 at 1 p.m. Meeting will be held at
the Contoocook Railroad Bridge, Hopkinton, NH. We will have lunch
before the meeting at the pizza place next to the bridge.
Sunday, August 24, 12 p.m. Annual picnic in
Westminster, VT at the site of the Archives (rear of Westminster
Institute and Butterfield Library on Route 5.) Picnic begins at
noon, meeting to follow. Please bring your own chairs.
Saturday, September 6, 10:30am 50th Anniversary
Photo at Dalton Bridge in Warner, NH. See 50th Anniversary
News inside for more information.
Sunday, September 28, 1pm Covered Bridge Museum in
Bennington, VT Gypsy Lane off Route 9.
Sunday, October 19 NSPCB Annual Meeting at the
French King Restaurant in Millers Falls, MA. |
newsletter is scheduled for October 2003. Therefore, anyone wishing
to submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela
or KC by September 15, 2003. Any newspaper or magazine
articles must include source information and details (such as name
of publication, date, etc.). Electronic submissions are
preferred. THANK YOU! |
to top
Dear Fellow Members, Greetings:
Other than to mention, very much in passing, that so far this
year, our Spring here in Vermont has been both wet and cool, I plan
to get down to business straight away; that is to say, to take up
the question of the bridges immediately: there is simply too much to
be discussed to justify any digression, however
entertaining. First of all,
the regular meeting of the National Society was held last Sunday,
June 22nd at, and within the confines of, the Bog or Cilleyville
Covered Bridge in Andover, New
Hampshire. This span, as
many of you may already know, has had a somewhat troubled existence
since it was bypassed in
1959. The reason why it is
not too difficult to
understand. In sparsely
populated rural communities with correspondingly reduced tax bases,
it is ofttimes difficult to raise the funds necessary for proper
maintenance of roads and bridges which are still in current
use. When it comes to venerable antiques, especially those no
longer in service, obtaining monies for repairs, regardless of how
urgent, and regardless of how beloved the structure, is not always
an easy proposition. In
Andover, as in many another New Hampshire Community, citizens have
to be prudent when expending public monies. There simply are not
enough of these to go around, or to go around as abundantly as might
otherwise be desired. So it was, over the years, and from the local
fiscal point of view not unreasonably, that the Bog or Cilleyville
Covered Bridge progressively
deteriorated. Does this mean
that the good folks of Andover no longer valued their ancient
span? Not at
all!! For instance, in about
1982, when the roof of the Bog or Cilleyville Covered Bridge
suddenly collapsed as the result of an unusual amount of snow piled
up upon it, the roof in question was fairly promptly reconstructed
using many locally donated materials and much local volunteer
labor. Then too, during the
past several years, there has been a very active Bridge Committee
over in Andover whose attempts to raise enough money to restore the
Bog or Cilleyville Covered Bridge have ultimately born fruit. Many
local contributions helped swell the coffers of this committee. Some
of these contributions were small; some were larger, but all in any
case are proof, as if any proof were necessary, that the good people
of Andover value the Bog or Cilleyville Covered Bridge, and have
been -and are!-bound and determined to preserve it as an important
part of their local
patrimony. And preserve this
span they have indeed!
Though I am not fully cognizant as to how the selection of Tim
Andrews of Barns and Bridges of New England to be
Bridgewright for this project was affected, it was a superb choice!
Milton Graton himself, under whom Tim Andrews served an
apprenticeship by the way, would I am sure have been delighted by
the excellence of this restoration. Every bit of the old bridge
still capable of further service has been retained, and is now doing
the work for which it was initially fabricated. Any original members
of the superstructure too deteriorated to be trusted in the restored
span, and alas, there were quite a few of those, have been replaced
in kind, the replication of these members having been such that the
newly manufactured Covered-Bridge parts perfectly mimic the ones for
which they have been substituted. As an example, joints between
original members which were framed to extremely close tolerances
initially, have, if one or more of these original members had to be
replaced, been framed to extremely close tolerances in the newly
reworked structure. Finally there is no hidden steel, no split-ring
connectors, no glue-laminated timbers or floor panels; just fine
wood in more or less the same state as the Good Lord made it, fine
wood which has been worked upon in much the same way as our
ancestors would have worked upon
it. (I am reminded here of
what still remains the best Covered-Bridge-preservation advice I
have ever received. Not surprisingly, the source of it was Milton
Graton: "When called upon to restore a Covered Bridge, do what the
old guy did, or that failing, do what he would have done had he had
your problem".) The bottom
line: the recently completed restoration of the Bog or Cilleyville
Covered Bridge is exemplary! Members of the Society who plan to be
in New Hampshire this Summer ought to try to visit Andover in order
to have a look at this span. It is very much worth a special
visit. And now, to the
second subject of this President's Message; namely, the
Bath-Haverhill Covered
Bridge. Regular readers of
the National Society's quarterly publications were treated last
issue to a rather unusual letter to the editor. It was from one of
our members, a structural engineer. His note was prompted by two
facts, or more accurately, by a fact and an event; to wit:
- The firm for which this gentleman works has a contract to
analyze and prepare plans for the "rehabilitation" of the
Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge, and
- I had said in respect to what Massachucetts was doing to its
remaining Covered Bridges, "Another span which has been in danger
of being "Reformed" out of existence during the course of
"restoration" is the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge in Northern New
Hampshire. The Society has in fact been so concerned about what
has been proposed ...(for this structure) that it has voted monies
.. . (to commission) an engineering study which will give us real
data . . . (regarding) the trusses and arches of this ...(bridge).
....Quite literally, a great National Treasure is at risk ....We
must therefore not let this span go a-glimmering, as indeed have
so many of its ...(brethren)".
Given the tenor of my
remarks in the Winter issue of the President's Message, and
the economic interest involved in any Covered-Bridge rehabilitation
contract, one can readily understand a certain uneasiness on the
part of our friend, the letter writing engineer; however, the
concerns raised by me at that time were perfectly justified, given
several of the provisions of the report produced by him and his
firm, and I should not have lived up to my responsibilities as
President of the National Society had I not raised them
then. Unfortunately, and
contrary to some of the assertions of the letter to the editor I
have been discussing, many of these concerns are as relevant today
as they were back in December of
2002. What agitated me the
most when I first read our friend's "Engineering study for the
Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge" was the "Preservation Philosophy"
which emerged bit by bit from between the lines of that
document. There was first of
all the recommended "base" or "minimum rehabilitation" scheme. This
suggested procedure including "replacing broken, rotting, or damaged
timber members, roof replacement, floor system replacement, and
improvement to the existing fire protection system". Now of course
no one in his right mind would object to "improvements to the
existing fire protection system", or even "roof replacement", if the
latter were what it takes to equip the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge
with a tight roof, one which will last for many years, but
outright replacement of all broken, rotting or damaged timber
members"?! These members,
whatever their condition, constitute an important part of the
historic fabric of this
bridge. Their outright
removal would lesson the historic value of the very structure one
has been charged to "preserve for the future
generations". What about
repair or sistering (doubling up) of the afflicted components, a
perfectly acceptable and even quite sensitive way of dealing with
decay and/or other kinds of damage to important structural
members? Alas, the above
referenced report remains silent on this technique. Apparently, for
the authors of the "Engineering study . . . (of) the Bath-Haverhill
Covered Bridge", the presence of many newly manufactured Covered
Bridge components within the confines of an ancient wooden span, the
oldest remaining Town lattice bridge in the world in fact, would not
be a matter of much import.
Then of course there were the "two rehabilitation options", one or
the other of which was to be affected over and above the "minimum"
or "base rehabilitation"
scheme. The first one of
these options would have returned the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge
"to its original appearance ...(of)
1827". Such a transformation
would indeed have proved startling, perhaps more so than even our
engineering friend imagined, for in 1827,the Bath-Haverhill Covered
Bridge had yet to be erected, construction of this span having begun
most probably in 1829. Be
the above as it may, the same option that would have returned the
Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge "to its original appearance" would
also have removed the existing arches from the span, as well as the
present sidewalk. Removal of
the existing arches from the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge is a
particularly irritating suggestion. Not only do arches do a world of
good when properly yoked to a Town lattice truss, but arches have a
long history at Bath-Haverhill, a much longer one than apparently
our letter writing engineering seems to have
realized. In a note to C. J.
O'Neil, chairman of the Woodsville Fire District, a note dated
November 16th 1920, John W. Storrs writes as follows: `:We
understand the structure (i.e., the Bath-Haverhill span - D.W.W.) to
be one of the oldest bridges in the State of New Hampshire. There is
more or less decay visible in the chords, ARCHES, and floor,
and probably there is considerable decay that is not in
evidence". Arches in
November of 1920!! But were not the presently existing arches built
up in 1921-1922? The answer
to the latter question is a resounding yes; moreover, the sum
disbursed for their construction is even known; it was some
$4,128.25 in materials, and some $3,804.52 in labour, for a grand
total of $7,932.77, which expenditure was split equally between the
two towns. The arches that
John W. Storrs was commenting upon were therefore obviously of an
earlier date. Just how early is a matter of conjecture, albeit one
which I must say is of great interest. It is just conceivable,
though I admit not too terribly likely, that they were original
equipment. They were already of a certain age when Storrs saw them,
because in point of fact it usually takes a few decades for arches
to get to the advanced state of decrepitude where decay within them
becomes more or less visible. So how old were they? 1840's; 1850's;
1860's; perhaps 1870's -- we shall in all probability never know.
Even if these arches had. been built up as late as the 1880's, from
the perspective of the year of Our Lord 2003, that would still make
some 120 years of arch history which through lack of vigilance, or
lack of thought, our structural engineer, the epistler, was willing
to sacrifice. (Please do not
forget in this context that the engineering report we have been
discussing contained a copy of John W. Storrs's November 16th 1920
letter.) The second option
for rehabilitation of the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge would have
left the sidewalk and arches of the span in place, and would have "
....essentially ...(retained) the bridge's current
appearance". Appearance?!
What about reality, the reality of the present span?! !
! Whilst it is certainly
true that the appearance of our surviving Covered Bridges can be
extremely agreeable, particularly in a proper setting, it must not
be forgotten that a Covered Bridge is just that as well; namely, a
bridge, and a bridge is about as close as it is possible to get to
something which is pure
structure. It follows,
therefore, that to the degree one alters, or proposes to alter, a
Covered Bridge, one begins to denature, or propose to denature, that
which one is presumed to be attempting to preserve, " ....preserve
....for future generations" was the noble phrase of the engineering
report we have been commenting
upon. I should also point
out here that not everything claimed in the engineering report for
option two would have turned out exactly as stated. For example,
"This option would leave ....the sidewalk in place, ...."Well, no!
Option two would have left behind A sidewalk, but not THE sidewalk,
the currently existing one, rather a NEW sidewalk; one which was
framed and supported differently, and made up of new materials. This
is not quite the same thing, as I am sure most of you would agree,
not as advertised in other
words. As I said towards the
beginning of the present commentary, what agitated me the most about
the engineering report on~Bath-Haverhill penned by our engineering
friend was the preservation philosophy which emerged bit by bit from
between the lines of this
document. How can I best
characterize what that philosophy seemed to be to
me? At a bare minimum, I
should have to say the following three things: 1) It would appear to
be a philosophy which is often disdainful of historic fabric, and of
historic structural systems; 2) in a similar vain, the philosophy in
question would seem frequently to offer no objection to
rehabilitative schemes which are invasive; that is to say, which
would require the replacement of many historic members of a similar
kind, or even whole historic systems, with newly manufactured
members, newly manufactured members which would be different in some
significant way from the ancient ones for which they had been
substituted; and finally 3) this philosophy would appear to tolerate
rehabilitative procedures which are irreversible in nature; for
example, a diagonal stick, once removed and disposed of, can never
again grace the web of the Town Lattice Truss from which it was
originally extracted. A
preservation philosophy such as the one sketched out above, if
applied extensively, and vigorously, could prove disastrous to any
historic structure, but most especially to a Great National Treasure
such as the Bath-Haverhill Covered
Bridge. Because of the
importance to all of us of the Bath-Haverhill span, and in light of
what seemed to me to have been a rather inauspicious beginning for
the process which by rights ought to lead to a decent restoration of
this structure, I concluded that the National Society needed to
obtain a second opinion.
Fortunately, Society members
agreed. We have consequently
engaged a world-class timber engineer, one who, amongst other
things, specializes in the rigorous structural analysis of Covered
Wooden Bridges, to examine the BathHaverhill Covered Bridge, to
analyze it, and to make recommendations for its stabilization and
preservation. Though to date his findings are of a preliminary
nature, it is already clear that when fully fleshed out, they will
be at some variance to the ones reported by our letter writing
engineer in his study of the same
span. Members, and other
interesting parties, should stay tuned, as it were, so as to be kept
apprised of future
developments. It remains to
me now to deal directly with the letter to the editor from our
engineering friend. By way
of a brief preface, let me say that I wish I could take a kinder,
gentler approach respecting this note, but alas, I cannot. I have a
certain obligation, at least in these pages, to try to tell the
truth, or anyhow that which to me seems to be the truth. I shall
consequently make the following series of comments, letting the
chips fall where they may:
- Though the letter in question certainly contains many
statements which are accurate, it also contains others which are
not, or which in their incomplete form are misleading.
- For example, when reading the phrase, "There have been
dramatic and recent developments regarding this bridge", one could
conclude that our letterwriter was himself responsible for these
developments. By and large, he was not. It was first of all Joseph
Conwill in his excellent study of the BathHaverhill Covered Bridge
for the National Park Service who noted that the floor joists and
lower latteral bracing system of this span were extremely old, and
if not dating from 1829, at least were very early replacements of
the original material. These floor joists and the lower lateral
bracing system had been misidentified as having been set in place
in 1921, quite an error in fact. There then followed the excellent
report of James L. Garvin, published in its entirety in the winter
issue of the Newsletter, a report which--identified many
other original features of the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge, and
so on and so forth.
- According to our friend's letter, " ....our study
...(recommends) that all existing members, where possible, ...be
retained, and only rotted, damaged, or broken members be repaired
or replaced". Sounds good on the face of it, but the matter is in
fact a fairly complicated one - how much deterioration makes a
timber unreliable, for instance? If the questionable timbers were-
to be examined and evaluated by an overly cautious individual,
much replacement of important historic fabric could result
- Though mention is made of the fact that the stringers and
floorplanks installed by the New Hampshire Department of
Transportation in 1974 are to be removed - and by the way, a
Covered Bridge has a FLOOR within it, not a deck! ! - our
letter writing friend fails assiduously to mention that he plans
to replace these members with a system of Glue-Laminated Panels.
And whilst on the subject, this system of Glue-Laminated Panels
was not originally our letterwriting engineer's own idea, but
rather was suggested to him by Robert Landry, a very competent,
and conscientious New Hampshire Department-of-Transportation
- In the letter to the editor I have been discussing, can be
found the assertion, made by our engineering friend, that he "
....is working closely with Jim Garvin, Architectural Historian
for the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources". The facts
unfortunately are otherwise. Though without a doubt the legally
required consultations with Dr. Garvin have occurred, working
closely with the Division of Historical Resources is not exactly
how I should describe what has been taking place. Working closely
with someone means that ideas are shared, and regularly passed
back and forth between the parties involved. It means too that all
cards are on the table, and that there is no attempt ever to
reshuffle those cards before the other parties have had a chance
to comment upon the original arrangement. And of course any
comments made are to be respected and taken seriously! In truth,
if our engineering friend had been regularly consulting with the
New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources, many of the
problems concerning the project to restore the Bath-Haverhill
Covered Bridge would never have come up, could have been
completely avoided.
- Our engineering friend in his letter states that "The current
schedule for this project is to complete design by this fall and
to begin construction in November 2003, with an anticipated
completion date, rededication. and opening of the bridge in August
2004". What is not mentioned here, ,except obliquely, is the fact
that at present, there is a shortfall in funding of about $162,000
for this project. It is stated, accurately, that the Towns of Bath
and Haverhill must raise 20% of the cost of whatever is done to
the Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge, but what is not mentioned is
that neither Town appropriated anything for the proposed
restoration scheme at their respective Town Meetings last March.
This means that unless some private or public entity steps forward
with the required cash in hand in the meantime, the earliest date
on which any work could be begun at Bath-Haverhill would be
after Town Meeting Day 2004. Our engineering friend
undoubtedly spoke in good faith, but unfortunately his information
was not quite current! ! !
Happy Bridging!!!!
Sincerely, your President
David W. Wright |
50th Anniversary News
We are going into our 50th year and would like to get a photo taken at
the Dalton Bridge in Warner, NH. So come out and join us for a picture and
some bridge conversation. There are a lot of members in the local New
England area that we haven't met yet and we thought this would be a great
opportunity to get acquainted and have some fun. We will meet at the
Dalton Bridge in Warner, NH at 10:30am on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2003.
We will then go to the Covered Bridge Restaurant for a luncheon. The
restaurant is located across the street from the Contoocook Railroad
Bridge in Hopkinton. So come out and join us and meet some fellow
bridgers! The Officers of
N.S.P.C..B. Inc.
Directions from eastern MA: Rt. 93 North to Rt. 89 North. Take
exit 8, go left at the end of the ramp (Rt. 103), go 1.l0th of a mile,
take a left, that will be Joppa West Street (there is a red house on the
corner). The bridge will be right there.
For Restaurant: Take a right off Joppa West Street onto Rt. 103
again and go straight into Hopkinton 5.9 miles. The restaurant will be the
1st building just over the bridge to the right.
Membership News
The weather is great and the membership is out there spreading the news
about Covered Bridge Preservation and Awareness! In the last 6 months, we
have had 19 new members, 39 reinstated members and 10 Life Members. We
want to welcome the new members and welcome back the re-instated members.
The 10 new Life Members have taken advantage of pre-payment. Becoming a
Life Member takes the worry out of remembering to send in the yearly
New Life Members:
Julia Pennell, PA Phyllis Barry, NY Phil Pierce,
NY Michael Morrison, PA |
Daniel & Joyce Castellini, OH Reta Wagner, OH Larry
& Freida Jessup, NC Charles & Florence Phelps,
We had a great response from the spring mailing. I know life gets busy,
but take a moment and send in your dues if you haven't already to keep our
preservation efforts going. Thank you for all you do and also for your
generous donations.
Happy Bridging, Pauline Prideaux, Membership
Spanning New York State Covered Bridge
 By Bob and Trish
Delaware County
Fitchs Covered Bridge -- NY 32-13-02 The Fitchs Covered
Bridge was awarded an Award of Merit from the American Plywood
Association (APA) under the 2002 National Timber Bridge Award
Program. This competition is held annually to recognize those
structures that represent the premier timber bridge projects in the
nation. Many outstanding bridges were considered for this award and
15 winners were chosen. The APA awards recognized two other covered
bridges, but Fitchs was the only rehabilitation of an existing
covered bridge. The others were new
bridges. Bridges which
received awards in this competition were specifically designed to
enhance and protect the delicate environments they span.
Congratulations to Delaware County, and especially to Wayne
Reynolds, Commissioner of Public Works and Phil Pierce, Deputy
Commissioner of Engineering for their determination and dedication
to preserving Delaware County's Covered Bridges.
Halcottsville Covered Bridge - NY- 32-13-?? - What ever
happened to the new covered bridge that was supposed to be built in
Halcottsville? It is still in the works but being bogged down by
legal issues which hopefully, should be resolved soon. More to
follow on this bridge as soon as these issues are resolved.
Rensselaer/Washington Counties
Buskirk Covered Bridge -- NY 32-42-02/58-04 According to
Willie Grimmke, Superintendent of Public Works for Washington
County, the Historic Preservation Office has signed off on the
rehabilitation plans for the Buskirk Covered Bridge. The NY State
Department of Transportation is currently reviewing the design work,
and negotiations with the utility company are underway regarding the
power lines near the bridge. Bids for the rehabilitation work will
be open late this summer. Rensselaer and Washington Counties are
exploring the feasibility of a temporary bridge while Buskirk is
under construction. The
Rexleigh and Eagleville Covered Bridges will be rehabbed on the same
schedule as Buskirk.
Herkimer County
Salisbury Center Covered Bridge - NY 32-22-01 According to
Peter Usselmann, Chairman of the Planning Board in Salisbury Center,
they are waiting for approval of the plans by the NY State
Department of Transportation. Hopefully, bids for the work will go
out in July with the rehabilitation to take place between August and
November 2003. By the time of the next newsletter, we should have
more news on this project.
Tompkins County
Newfield Covered Bridge -- NY 32-55-01 The Newfield
Covered Bridge will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary on July
26th from 2-5 p.m. There will be local entertainment, lots of
covered bridge memorabilia, raffles and also an ice cream social.
Various organizations are turning out for this exciting event. One
of the highlights of the day will be the presentation of the State
and National Register of Historic Places plaque. The Newfield
Covered Bridge was put on the State Register on December 21, 1999
and on the National Register, February 25, 2000. So, mark your
calendars for July 26, 2003 and don't miss this exciting
Other News
New York State Driving Tour -- Although there never seems
to be enough time in our day, this project continues to go well.
Mapping of the preliminary route is almost complete and will soon be
sent to those who volunteered to take the tour. The feedback they
provide will be invaluable as we continue with this project.
First National Covered Bridge Conference: Best Practices, Care
and Repair --I was extremely fortunate to be able to attend the
first ever, National Covered Bridge Preservation Conference in
Burlington, VT in June. It was an excellent program and although I
would love to share everything I learned with you, that just isn't
possible. Each track I
attended was great, but in my personal opinion, and because of my
strong interest in covered bridge preservation, I felt the most
interesting was Fire Protection and Fire Prevention on Covered
Bridges presented by Robert H. Durfee, P.E. of Hoyle, Tanner
and Associates, Inc. This paper summarizes the findings,
conclusions, and recommendations of the New Hampshire Covered Bridge
Task Force that was formed in 1993 to respond to numerous covered
bridge fires. I'm confident covered bridge organizations and
enthusiasts will find this material extremely helpful
as we continue in our efforts to preserve and protect our covered
Project: Covered Spans of Yesteryear -- Our lost
covered bridge project now has an 'official' name. A special thanks
to Bill Cockrell from Salem, Oregon and Bill Caswell from Concord,
New Hampshire for stepping up to assist with this project. For those
of you who don't know, Bill Cockrell is the Newsletter Editor for
The Bridge Tender, Oregon's official Covered Bridge
Publication. Bill Caswell supervises the CAD/D (Computer Aided
Design/Drafting) Section at the New Hampshire DOT and brings a
wealth of computer knowledge and expertise to this project. Thanks
to both of you for all you have done to get this project off the
ground. If you would be interested in researching information on
past covered bridges for Project: Covered Spans of
Yesteryear for your state, (or adopt another state) we would
certainly welcome your assistance. For more information, feel free
to email us at: bobtrish68@clarityconnect.com.
Photos by Ken Olsen, Cilleyville, Andover, NH.
October 2001 |
April 2003 |
Minutes for General Meeting of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges Inc. June 22, 2003 at the
site of the Cilleyville Covered Bridge in Andover, NH
There were 12 people when President Wright opened the meeting at
1:20 P.M.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and accepted. M. James
Garvin and S. Joyce Olson. Unanimously accepted.
Richard Wilson (President of the New York State Covered Bridge
Society) was asked to speak about present situations concerning
CB's. The Bridge of Madison County Iowa, Cedar Bridge has been
burnt. The Chamber of Commerce said that the bridge will be rebuilt.
Also the Red Bridge in Princeton, IL. had a sprinkler system added
to the bridge. It is the type that the fire department can activate
with a pump.
Richard Wilson also mentioned that the Gorham (VT) Bridge is
being rebuilt, as well as the Sanderson (VT) bridge has been rebuilt
and the Buskirk Bridge in NY hopefully will be rebuilt.
A film crew is photographing in the area of the Smith Bridge in
the Plymouth (NH) area. "The Brotherhood of Poland New Hampshire" is
the most likely name for the show being photographed.
Tim Andrews, repairer of the Cilleyville Bridge (NH) reported. He
began the repairs in October of 2002 and finished in May of 2003.
Some of the timbers came from as far away as British Columbia and
Georgia. There were no state moneys involved and the cost for the
repairs were $151,000, which was 46% of the original estimate.
Dick Roy mentioned the fact that a photo of the railroad bridge
between Ashland and Bridgewater was supplied to the Ashland
Historical Society at the request of its president David Ruell.
Richard Wilson talked about the opening of the Bennington (VT)
Covered Bridge Museum. The Governor of Vermont cut the ribbon.
David Fischetti is working up prints and specifications for the
rebuilding of the Haverhill-Bath Bridge (NH). This is the oldest
Town Lattice in the world. It is the oldest bridge on a public
highway as well as being the 2nd oldest in the United States (1829).
The oldest being the Hyde Hall Bridge in New York State (1823).
David Wright brought along drawings of the Cornish-Windsor
Covered Bridge crossing the Connecticut River. These prints were
made in 1908. They show the possible use of an arch in the bridge,
but the arches were never implemented.
MOTION: To allow Tim Andrews of Barns and Bridges to use
up to the amount of $20,000 for the repair of the Contoocook Covered
Railroad Bridge in Contoocook, NH. Motion: by Dick Roy; Seconded: by
Richard Wilson. The motion was passed unanimously with two
exemptions: Tim Andrews and James Garvin.
The bridge was partially moved and leaning at quite an angle
during the flood and returned to its original position. I will have
photos of this at the July meeting at the site of the bridge.
LCHIP: Land and Community Heritage Investment Program.
This is the program in which aide is contributed for repairs of
structures such as this bridge.
The meeting adjourned at 2:28 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, Richard E. Roy
Covered Bridge Related books for sale by the National
Covered Bridge Focus on Kentucky Connecticut's
Old Timbered Crossings Connecticut's Old Timbered
Crossings Covered Bridges of Ohio An Atlas &
History The Building of Zehnder's Holz-Brucke The
Columbian (The clb's of Columbia Cty Pa.) Sentinels of Time
(Vermont C/b's) Covered Bridges on the Byways of
Indiana Covered Bridges on the Byways of
Covered Bridges in America Covered Bridges A
Century of Oregon Covered Bridges 1851-1952 New Jersey
History Summer 1967 Freak Winds (New Hampshire) New
Hampshire "Flood Waters" Maine Covered Bridge
Finder Spanning Time New Hampshire Covered
Bridges B49+B49Kissing Bridges The Covered Bridge The
Covered Bridge The Covered Bridge The Covered
Bridge The Covered Bridge The Covered Bridge American
Heritage Magazine -1 Chapter, 11 pages. American Covered
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(story Style) Covered Bridges of New Hampshire Martin's
Mill Covered Bridge Alabama's Covered Bridges Covered
Bridges Can Talk Covered Bridges of West
Virginia Covered Bridge Ramblings in New England New
Hampshire C B's Drawings by Stan Snow American Barns &
Covered Bridges Vermont in Floodtime Light and Shadows
of the 1927 Flood Kentucky's Covered Bridges
White, Vernon DeVito, Michael DeVito, Michael
(No Jacket) Wood, Miriam Graton, Milton Barton, Edwin
M. Ziegler, Phil Ketchem, Brian Ketchem,
Brian Ketchem, Brian - Two above for Wells,
Rosalie Lanks, Herbert Nelson, Lee H. Brydon, Norman
F. (23 pages) Cummings, Lew A. Cummings, Lew
A. Robertson, E. D. & D. K. Dupont, Irene
E. Peterson, Hegen Congdon, Herbert Wheaton Royce,
Edmund Homer - photos by Royce Edmund, First
Edition Royce Edmund, Reprint Royce Edmund,
Reprint Royce Edmund, Reprint Allen, Richard
S. Caravan, Jill Evans, Benjamin D. & June
R. Killian, Carl E.Sr. Murray, Alice L. Ziegler, Fred
G. Prince, A. G. Harlow, Lewis A. Auvil,
Myrtle Walker, C. Ernest Kenyon, Thedia C. Sloan,
Eric Johnson Co., Roy L. (2nd Edition) Walker, Charles
T. Brandenburg, Phyllis & David
1985 HB $20.00 1964 HB $39.00 1964 H B
$37.00 1993 PB $45.00 1980 PB $9.00 1962 PB
$10.00 1983 PB $15.00 1949 HB $60.00 1969 HB
$100.00 1931 HB
$100.00 1968 PB $8.00 1960 PB $30.00 1967 PB
$10.00 1938 PB $6.00 1936 PB $6.00 1883 PB
$5.00 1987 HB $15.00 1965 PB $9.00 1946 HB
$40.00 1959 HB $35.00 1941 HB $50.00 1959 PB
$25.00 1975 PB $25.00 1979 PB $25.00 1959 PB
$20.00 1959 HB $25.00 1993 PB $20.00 1966 HB
$15.00 1994 PB $7.00 1973 PB $10.00 1972 PB
$5.00 1963 HB $15.00 1973 HB $20.00 1959 HB
$16.00 ----- HB $35.00 1954 HB $25.00 1928 PB
$20.00 1927 PB $10.00 1977 HB
Rare Old Covered Bridges of Windsor County
Vt. 50 Old Bridges of Lebanon New Hampshire Covered
Bridges in Indiana The Covered Bridges of Park County,
Indiana Life in The Slow Lane Old Covered Bridges
Maine Covered Bridge Finder Roofs Over River (Oregon
Cb's.) The Covered Bridges of California Timbers of
Time (Ulster Cty. NY) Covered Bridges of the West
Historic American Covered Bridges Covered Bridges of
the Northeast (Jacket ripped) Covered Bridges of the Middle
Atlantic (with jacket) Covered Bridges of the South (with
Jacket) Covered Bridges of the Middle West (with
jacket) New Hampshire Covered Bridge Sketchbook New
Hampshire C/B's Sponsor's Edition Tracking the Crossings
of the Yellow Breeches Creek F Covered Bridges in the Saco
River Valley The Covered Bridges of Madison Cty.
(IO) Through Covered Bridges to Concord (NH) The Covered
Bridges of Lancaster Cty. Pa.1800-19871 Covered Bridges of
Penn - A Guide Kentucky's Covered Bridges Kentucky's
Covered Bridges Kentucky's Covered Bridges Seeing
Lancaster County Covered Bridges (PA) Wooden Bridges of
Bennington County (VT) Indiana Covered Bridges Through the
Years Scenic Madison County, Iowa Journey Through
Pennsylvania Covered Bridges In Ills, Iowa, &
Wisconsin Covered Bridges In Ills, Iowa, & Wisconsin
Covered Bridges In Ills, Iowa, & Wisconsin Covered
Bridges in Iowa (The Palimpseest) Guide to Covered Bridges
of New York State Old Covered Bridges of Maine The Old
Covered Bridge (Forty Covered Bridges) Historic Covered
Bridges of Pennsylvania
Allen, Richard S. Lebanon Historical Society
Weber, Wayne M. FAIA Weber, Wayne M. FAIA Wiebel,
Jerry Jackman, Adelbert M. Robertson, E.b & D.
K. Cockrell, Nick & Bill Money, S. Griswold
Miller Patricia Bartels Adams, Kramer McKee, Brian
J. Allen, Richard Sanders Allen, Richard Sanders
Allen, Richard Sanders Allen, Richard Sanders
Kenyon, Thedia Cox Kebyon, Thedia Cox P Evelyn
Thomas Robertson, E. B. & D. K Waller, Robert
James Mead Jr., Edgar T. Kiphom, Thomas G. Zacher,
Susan M. Woolfolk, Madam Woolfolk, Madam Woolfolk,
Madam Caruthers, E. Gipe Spargo, John Gould,
Chester E. Madison Cty. Historical Socirety Nicklin,
Philip Intro William,Shank P.E. Swanson, Leslie C.
Swanson, Leslie C. Swanson, Leslie C. Iowa State
Hist Soc. Anderson, Stott Jakeman, Adelbert M.
Philbrook Studios Shank, William H.
1962 PB $10.00 1975 PB $10.00 1977 HB
$30.00 1980 PB $6.00 1998 HB $16.95 1935 PB $18.00
1983 PB $5.00 1978 PB $25.00 1938 HB $50.00
1976 PB $5.00 1963 HB $50.00 1997 HB $45.00
1957 HB $55.00 1959 HB $55.00 1970 HB $40.00
1970 HB $50.00 1955 HB $12.00 1957 HB $15.00
1981 PB $3.00 1984 PB $7.00 1992 HB $18.00
1970 HB $20.00 1987 PB $15.00 1982 PB $15.00
1987 PB $5.00 1991 PB $5.00 1995 PB $5.00 1974
PB $12.00 1953 PB $7.00 1977 PB $10.00 1961 PB
$6.00 1981 PB $10.00 1960 PB $6.00 1970 PB $6.00
1986 PB $6.00 Nov-70 PB $4.00 1967 PB $4.00
1980 PB $4.00 1942 PB $6.50 1974 PB $8.00
Covered Bridges of Connecticut Covered Bridge
of Massachusetts Covered Bridges of Bennington County.
Vermont Covered Bridges of Madison County Iowa Covered
Bridges of Virginia Ulster County's 01d Timbered
Crossings The Engineering Contributions of Wendel
Bollman Georgia's Romantic Bridges Covered Bridge
Adventure Welcome to Park County (Ind.) A guide to C/B
Routes Covered Bridges Today
Howard, Andrew R. Howard, Andrew R. Howard,
Andrew R. Howard, Andrew R. Howard, Andrew
R. Anderson, Stott Vogal, Robert M. Public
Information Office Francis, James Hardesty,
Barbara Krekeler, Brenda
1996 PB $5.50 1995 PB $6.95 1997 PB
$6.50 1998 PB $6.50 1999 PB $6.95 1964 PB
$10.00 1964 PB $9.00 1978 PB $4.00 1971 PB
$4.00 1979 PB $5.00 1989 HB
Remember that almost all back Issues of Topics are still
availble throu-qh this address
June Roy 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH 03104-4906 E-mail
address Dickroycb1@Juno.com
Get a hold of me if you have any questions concerning these books
or booklets
Prices do not include postage --- You will be billed for the
postage. Any of the above mentioned Covered Bridge Books or
Booklets may be acquired from June Roy, 73 Ash Street,
Manchester, NH 03104-4906 PB = Paper Back HB = Hard Bound If
you have any questions about the books or booklets contact E-mail
address= Dickroycb1 @Juno.com
All Checks are to be made to the National Society, N.S P C
Thank You
File Cleaning
Rural Missouri, March 2003, Birthplace of a Hero:
Laclede. The Locust Creek Covered Bridge, built in 1868 and
recently restored, stands just west of the town of Laclede. Laclede
is the birthplace of General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, a leader
during World War 1. See
http://www.ruralmissouri.org/03MarchLaclede.html for the
complete story.
Union Leader, March 28, 2003, Kentucky Official: NH
Bridge is in Ad. The Albany covered bridge off the Kancamangus
Highway was used by mistake in a travel ad for northern Kentucky in
the March/April edition of the Endless Vacation magazine.
Bryan Times, February 20, 2003, Lockport Covered Bridge
Earns National Timber Bridge Award. The Lockport covered bridge
that spans the Tiffin River in Williams County was chosen from more
than 50 entries nationwide for the National Timber Bridge Award. The
bridge was noted for its design innovation, visual appeal, cost
effectiveness and efficient use of wood products. See
http://www.riverbendtf.com/ohiobridge.html for more
News-Press, April 2, 2003, Bridge Fate in Jeopardy.
The August fire at the Ryot Covered Bridge in Bedford County (PA)
was so badly damaged by arson that the state has already started to
remove it from the National Register of Historic Places.
The Bridge Tender, Vol. 24, Number 2, Summer 2003, a
publication of the Covered Bridge Society of Oregon, Oregon Gives
Old Bridges a New Lease on Life. Fisher School Bridge
(37-21-11), Benton County's Hayden Bridge (37-02-05), and Wimer
Covered Bridge (37-15-05) are in the process of being repaired and
upgraded so that vehicular traffic can continue to use these
structures. Engineering drawings are included in the newsletter.
Additional Oregon Bridge News from Bill Cockrell: Two
re-roofing jobs are expected to be completed soon. The bridges are
Nelson Mountain Bridge (37-20-06) and Coyote Creek Bridge, a.k.a.
Wolf Creek Bridge (37-20-02). Also, the decayed diagonals on Linn
County's Larwood Bridge (37-22-06) will be replaced sometime in
2003. Since the trusses on that roof are partially exposed, water
has collected in the splits and cracks in the wooded timbers. The
bridge supervisor said that we can expect the work to be completed
just prior to or after the 2nd Annual Covered Bridge Festival to be
held on September 20-21, 2003.
CONTRIBUTORS: Mary Ann Waller, Don & Pauline Prideaux,
Dick Roy, James Crouse, Dorothy Brush, David Topham, Bill
New Covered Bridge Society of
The first meeting was held February 19, 2003. The meetings are
scheduled every third Wednesday of the month at 6pm at Dennis'
Spaghetti and Steak House, 3356 Western Branch Blvd., Chesapeake, VA
23321 The effective date of the Certificate of Corporation was May
23, 2003.
The society was started by Leola B. Pierce and her son Steve.
Leola can be contacted by email at VaBridgeLady@aol.com
Book Review - by Joseph Cohen Covered
Bridges in the Southeastern United States by Warren H.
White Hardbound, 8.5x11 inches, 214 pages + 32 pages of
colored photographs, published by McFarland & Co., Jefferson,
This beautifully done
book should really be called an encyclopedia. It is an extensive
study of almost all the bridges in the southeastern United States,
encompassing the states of Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Virginia and West Virginia. (There are no covered bridges in
Mississippi.) Each state is
given a separate chapter. Each bridge has a separate section devoted
to it within the state chapter. The order is that of alphabetically
by county and then alphabetically by bridge name. Each bridge
section begins with brief statistics which include the World Guide
number, the date of construction, the builder's name, dimensions
including length, width and portal dimensions, alternate name(s),
and location by street name. The dimensions are given in feet and
inches. This is followed by
a brief history and current description of the bridge and its
surroundings. Finally there is a section of directions which
includes mileage in most cases to the tenth of a mile. The
directions sometimes differ from what is given in the World Guide,
but I assume Mr. White's directions are more accurate and I will
change them accordingly. The book contains many lovely colored
photographs of the bridges as well as many more black and white
Some notes: The
author includes all authentic and non-authentic covered bridges that
he could locate in each state. They are identified by category. He
did not include one mill-bridge in Georgia as the owner requested it
not be included. I will leave it up to you with the aid of the World
Guide to determine which one he omitted. Except for the colored
photographs the text is printed on non-coated paper. There is a
glossary of terms used and an 8 page
index. Finally, the World
Guide number used is not what we are accustomed to. It begins with
the 2 letter Zip Code abbreviation for the state instead of our 2
number system. The book is
fairly pricey so you will want to know if it is worth the cost. My
answer would be that it is if you will use the information it
contains. I know that I will. There are many non-authentic bridges
identified here that I was not aware of, including several near my
winter home in Florida. I will be searching these out on my travels
from Massachusetts south. The information will be very valuable in
locating them.
Wimer Bridge Collapses. Injures
The Wimer Bridge in Oregon, the lone covered bridge in Jackson
County that still allowed auto traffic, collapsed Sunday afternoon,
July 6, 2003, sending a resident and his twin grandsons to the
For more information, see
to top Joe
Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267, jcnelson@together.net
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson.
The content is the intellectual property of the National Society
for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its
membership. This file posted July 22, 2003
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