July - August - September - Summer 2002
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Mrs. Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44
Cleveland Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 143 Freeman St. Extension Haverhill, MA
Richard Roy, Historian 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@juno.com |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: kc@ilp.mit.edu
Sunday, July 28, at l p.m. Meeting will be at the
Contoocook Railroad Bridge, Hopkinton, NH. We usually have lunch before
the meeting at noon at the Pizza place next to the bridge. Funds have been
allocated to help repair the structure. There are also several other
covered bridges in the area to enjoy and photograph.
Sunday, August 25 Annual picnic in Westminster, VT at the
site of the Archives (Westminster Institute and Butterfield Library).
David has promised to have a grill for our use and we will be barbecuing
burgers and dogs. Picnic begins at 12:00 and the meeting will begin about
1:00. There is plenty of room here and in case of inclement weather we
could enter the confines of the building as many of you are familiar with.
Location is on route 5 in Westminster, VT, just about 4 buildings south of
the Post Office on the east side of the road. Turn onto Grout Avenue for
just a very short distance and to the right again, drive to the rear of
the Institute and Butterfield Library. This is a very informal meeting.
Please bring your own chairs, and all your paraphernalia needed to be
satisfied for your lunch.
Sunday, September 22 Meeting will be held at the "Bog"
(Cilleyville) Bridge in Andover, NH. We will meet at the site about noon
and the meeting will commence after lunch. Please bring your own food.
There will be a charcoal grill available. Tim Andrews is in the process of
repairing this structure. The bridge is located just off of Route 11 on
the road from Cilleyville to West Andover. It can be seen from Route 11.
See photo on page 10 taken in 1960 by Dick Roy.
Sunday, October 20 NSPCB Annual Meeting. French King
Restaurant, Millers Falls, MA.
Sunday, November 24 Meeting will be held at the Plymouth
Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham, MA
to top
Dear Fellow Members, Greetings!
As this message is being drafted, during the first week of June, we
here in Westminster are beginning to enjoy late Spring/early Summer
weather. It has rained quite a bit -- not at all a bad thing; those of you
who live in Northern New England already know about our persistant
drought, and the rest of you have probably heard of it -- but at the same
time there has been a goodly amount of sun. There have also been a fair
number of warm days, some in fact much too warm for my taste. I recall
particularly several early on where the temperature reached 91 degrees.
This was of course before I had installed my air conditioners! Oh well,
one does occasionally need to be reminded that slouth indeed has
consequences, this despite opinions to the contrary which have sometimes
prevailed over the course of the past few years. In any case, and were
something extra needed so as to vanquish undue pessimism, the
Covered-Bridge-Visiting Season will soon be upon us, a time of the year
which I am sure holds as many pleasures for the vast majority of you as it
does for me. Speaking of Covered
Bridges, in principle, the subject matter of these quarterly ramblings,
this is the year when, with regard to the Contoocook Covered Railroad
Bridge, many things are scheduled to change for the
better. For those of you who are
not yet acquainted with the span, it is the oldest surviving Covered
Railroad Bridge in the world, to the best of the Society's knowledge, not
just in the U.S. of A. Be that as it may, the structure in question was
built in 1889 by the Boston and Maine Railroad Company. It replaced a
Child's Truss span, hence the erroneous date of 1849 which is sometimes
ascribed to it. In the context of
what is about to be undertaken at the site, and within the structure, it
would certainly be appropriate to review the various repairs which have
been affected there thanks to the generous contributions of Society
members, and to the interest earned from that capital which has been put
aside in the Eastman-Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge
Preservation. After the Claremont
and Concord Railroad ceased operations through and around the Village of
Contoocook in about 1962, various assets of what had then become a former
railroad line were sold off. Amongst these various assets was the now out
of service Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge. It was purchased by a
private party, and eventually became the storage shed for a canoe rental
business. Subsequently, and I must confess that I do not know in exactly
which year, the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge became the property of
the people of New Hampshire. As an historic property, it is the New
Hampshire Division of Historical Resources who are charged with the
maintenance and preservation of this wonderful structure. The difficulty
for the Division is that, though New Hampshire law has given them the
authority to assume ownership of historic structures and properties, it
has not, in most cases, assured them of the funds necessary to take care
of such structures and properties in an adequate manner, were they, i.e.,
the Division, to feel obliged to accept ownership of any in the first
place. In respect to the
Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge, the rather odd state of affairs
described above is precisely where the National Society came into the
matter; to wit: (1) the Society had a few monies available for
preservation, not many, but a few, and the Division had none, or at least
none that could be freed up for the Contoocook Covered Bridge; (2) the
Directors and other officers of the National Society were well aware of
the importance of the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge -- one must not
forget that as far as the Society knows, there are now but eight of these
spans surviving in the world, all of them to be found in the United
States, incidentally, and that the one in the Village of Contoocook, as
has been said, is the oldest to remain -- and were more than willing to
expend Society funds so as to assure its preservation; (3) when asked to
decide the question, those members of the Society present and voting at
the various meetings where the matter came up were all in favor of what
the directors and other officers of the Society had recommended; and
finally, (4) thanks to the generosity and great expertise of both Arnold
Graton and Tim Andrews, the very best restoration techniques could be
brought to bear upon the problems the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge
faced at the time of the Society's decision to help the New Hampshire
Division of Historical Resources stabilize and preserve this wonderful
structure. To date, much progress
has been made: (1) the four corners of the Contoocook Covered Railroad
Bridge have been "dug out," all four having been initially buried in
various combinations of sand, gravel, debris, and old soda and beer
bottles (At one corner of the span, a large tree had even taken root in
the debris in question; it was growing well, and seemed quite healthy
until we removed it!); (2) the door and attendant added endboarding
associated with the span's days as a canoe storage shed have been removed;
(3) missing sideboarding, endboarding, and inside endboarding -- this
time, of the original sort! -- has been replaced in kind; (4) the roof has
been thoroughly gone over -- it had begun to leak in several places,
mostly because strong winds had loosened and/or removed certain of the
metal panels out of which it is made -- and well secured with screws; any
missing roofing panels were of course replaced: (5) a sufficient (We
hope!) quantity of "No-Char Fire Preventer" has been purchased such that
the entire structure may be treated with this product; (6) certain crucial
areas within the span have had "No-Char" applied to them; and finally, (7)
a paint formula has been derived which closely replicates the one employed
by the Boston and Maine Railroad when the Contoocook Covered Railroad
Bridge was first painted (Perhaps the only time it was painted!); this
formula will become an integral part of the specifications for repainting
the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge, the painter ultimately awarded the
contract being as well charged with making up all paint required for the
project. For those of you who are
curious about late nineteenth-century paints, the mixture employed to
paint the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge initially, appears to have
been a fairly simple one. Similar mixtures were applied to literally tens
of thousands of barns all across the country, this even down into the
nineteen thirties and nineteen forties. It consisted of a single pigment,
Indian Red, the latter having been stirred in Linseed Oil, probably
without the addition of a dryer.
Most of you are probably familiar with the somewhat generic term, "barn
red." Well, the above indicated formula will produce one of the two basic
shades known by this name. The other variety makes use of Venetian Red,
rather than Indian Red. What is the difference between the two? A paint
made up of Indian Red and Raw Linseed Oil will have a decidedly purple
cast to it, especially after it has been in place for a while, whereas if
Venetian Red should have been the pigment of choice, a dark, rich, warm
shade of red will be the result, with very little if any purple showing.
My preference would always be for the warmer colour, but the Boston and
Maine Railroad apparently had another view of the matter, and in respect
to the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge, especially during the course of
any restoration scheme, their view, in my opinion at least, ought to
prevail. Early on in the present
message I stated that many good things are slated to occur this year
respecting the repair and stabilization of the Contoocook Covered Railroad
Bridge. Two of the more important of these are the jacking of both ends of
the structure so as to be able to replace rotted out bed timbers and
corbels, and the partial removal of a "deck" attached to an adjoining
building. Unfortunately, the deck in question is also attached to the
Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge. This deck dates, I believe, from the
days of the span's use as a canoe storage shed, and in any case would seem
to have had nothing to do with the Bridge during its glorious days of
employment along the mainline of the Concord and Claremont
Railroad. It should be noted that
the removal of a section of this deck is now necessary for more than just
historical-preservationist reasons: positioned as it is currently, part of
it is directly under the eaves of the bridge. When it rains, therefore,
water falling off the roof of the structure falls directly upon the deck,
whence it splashes back upon the sideboarding of the bridge, rotting the
latter out, and at the same time putting more important things lying
behind the sideboarding at risk as
well. As I'm sure most of you can
readily imagine, jacking a structure as heavy and as massive as the
Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge is no simple matter. It will require
great skill, inventiveness, and much previous experience in order to be
successfully accomplished. The Society is therefore quite fortunate to
have been able to secure the services of Timothy Andrews, of Barns and
Bridges of New England, to undertake this rather delicate task. (It does
seem a bit strange to employ the word, 'delicate,' to describe the lifting
of a structure weighing many tons, yet there are numerous subtilties
involved in such a task: therefore, the term, 'delicate,' imposes itself
almost automatically.) As I have had occasion to mention before, Tim is
indeed a Master Bridgewright, one of a rather rare species in this day and
age. His work is always of the highest order. In a phrase, he never
disappoints. A final thought: I
had intended in this President's Message to finish what I had started last
quarter; that is to say, to flesh out in much greater detail the National
Park Service project regarding National Historic Landmark status for a
group of thirty or perhaps more Covered Bridges. Unfortunately, the needed
commentary concerning the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge has used up
the available space and the available time. As one used to say back in the
dark ages of early radio, please stay tuned for the next installment!
(Next quarter!!!) In the meantime, Happy Bridging!!!!
Your President, David W. Wright
The Story of Covered Bridge Topics
COVERED BRIDGE TOPICS may well enjoy its distinction of being one of
the world's most unique publications, for it has gained that niche the
hard way. In fact, the personal history of TOPICS is almost as unusual as
its identity. TOPICS was
originated in April, 1943, by Richard Sanders Allen, of Round Lake, New
York, and publication continued from that place until November, 1944. The
paper reappeared late in August, 1945, from Anderson, Indiana, sponsored
by a partnership consisting of Allen and Eugene R. Bock. After its early
trials, which undoubtedly would have discouraged completely any less
determined person than its founder, TOPICS, we hope, is here to
stay. TOPICS started as a circular
letter, became a monthly paper distributed gratis to a very limited number
of recipients, was shelved temporarily after its sixteenth consecutive
issue because its publisher was working practically night and day filling
two jobs, then, after its seventeenth number (Pre-Winter, 1944), was
discontinued. When the originator
of TOPICS knew definitely that he was headed for the armed services, what
remained of the publication, and the perishable portion of its files found
a new home in Anderson. The present publisher, familiarly referred to
between the partners as the "Western Office", celebrated the uproarious
evening of V-J Day by bringing out a renewal of TOPICS by mimeograph.
Copies were sent, first to the original recipients, to advise them of the
revival, then to historical societies and libraries throughout the United
States and Canada. The reception of the reconstituted paper was such that
the fondest hopes of the two partners -- to bring the publication out,
some bright day, as a subscription-type magazine -- were introduced to
reality. In less than 100 days the changeover was complete and TOPICS was
a going concern. To properly tell
the story of COVERED BRIDGE TOPICS, one must first tell the story of its
founder, for without it the narrative loses much of its
meaning. Allen in civilian life is
postmaster of the town of Round Lake, NY. He is not quite thirty years of
age and is the father of two very lively boys, Richard Stanley Allen, age
six, and Robert Bishop Allen, four. His wife Doris Bishop Allen is keeping
the letters and parcels moving in his
absence. He has been a Wall Street
office boy, service station attendant, timekeeper on road construction,
service station salesman, oil company salesman, service station operator,
stock keeper for the General Electric Company and, finally, postmaster. As
an inveterate hobbyist, he has collected stamps, postmarks, maps, aircraft
history, oil company history, but for the past nine years has turned his
attention to covered bridges. For the benefit of those who are interested,
Allen's personal collection of covered bridge pictures numbered about
4,000 the last time he took inventory, which was 'way back in 1940. Heaven
only knows what it amounts to now.
Allen's father was Charles Rollin Allen, a native of Brookfield, Vermont,
who grew to manhood in Williamstown, in the same state. He was city
engineer of Barre, Vermont, then became a consulting engineer on road and
bridge construction, with headquarters in Saratoga Springs, New
York. While he was city engineer
of Barre, he courted Mabel Stanley Calef, of Providence, Rhode Island, who
had come to Vermont to follow her profession of school teaching. They were
married, and to this union were born three sons and one daughter. The
fourth child, born January 4th, 1917, in a Saratoga Springs hospital, was
Richard Sanders Allen. Rick, by
which name he is known to his friends, has lived in Saratoga, Maplewood,
New Jersey, Albany and Troy, New York, and St. Johnsbury, Vermont. But
this is getting ahead of the
story. He attended high school in
Saratoga Springs. While he was a junior, there was a girl in the senior
class named Doris E. Bishop. He had no inkling that she was to become a
very important factor in his life. In fact, he didn't even know her at all
-- then. Doris' father was the local agent of the Delaware and Hudson
Railroad. Rick was having
difficulties, back in 1937, deciding which of his hobbies were worth
continuing. His collection of history matter on oil companies was
beginning to pall upon him, and he had started taking snapshots of old
locks and other remains of the Empire State's canal heyday. His sister
chanced to purchase a set of gift pictures of covered bridges, done in
sepia, for a cousin who was mildly interested in the subject. Ripe for
something new to collect, Rick observed, at his first glance at the
picture set, that here was something worthy of his
attention. Just to satisfy his
curiosity, he set about finding out where some bridges were located, so he
could photograph them. To his surprise, he found many. It started him all
the more, because people with whom he had discussed bridges never seemed
to know of the existence of more than one or
two. A dyed-in-the-wool covered
bridge researcher does well to have a flair for traveling the byways, for
there is where the finest and fairest game abounds. Rick had traveled with
his father all over northern New York and Vermont, camping out or sleeping
on a car bed as the elder Allen visited bridge and highway construction
projects in his capacity as consultant. Trips with his parent heightened
Rick's interest in travel, maps, geography and interesting
sites. Rick's only regret is that
his bridge collecting did not start until a bare three months before his
father's death. About the time
Rick's first interest in covered bridges developed, he was keeping pretty
steady company with Doris Bishop. Rick had Fridays off, and with a new car
in which to gallivant about the countryside, the pair always managed to
work in an itinerary of covered bridges, along with the picnics, swimming
and picture-taking. They found that having definite bridge sites to go to
was more exciting than wandering about aimlessly. One bridge conquest led
to another, and soon Rick found himself in possession of a credible
collection of bridge prints.
Between trips he did extensive research in libraries and through the mail.
He developed a large list of bridge correspondents, who would trade
pictures and information with him. Eventually the correspondence grew to
such proportions that he found himself hopelessly distanced by the
enthusiasm and exuberance of his fellow-hobbyists. His mail replies went
weeks and months behind schedule. In desperation, he thought of a
Hektographed form letter. Volume I Number I of COVERED BRIDGE TOPICS was
born. Meanwhile, Rick and Doris
had married, had lived in St. Johnsbury and Troy and, by strange quirk of
housing circumstance, had moved to Round Lake in order to have a roof over
their heads. That, they assert, was the most fortunate move they have
made, for the Allens are permanently esconced in the "friendly little
village in the grove." Rick says
he has found covered bridge "collecting" to be satisfying in every
respect. There is an unlimited field for original research. One does not
need to possess the actual article to start a covered bridge collection.
One becomes interested in many kindred fields -- history, biography,
engineering, carpentry, trees and wood types, travel, geography,
transportation systems, economics and toll rates, old-time ways of living
, antiques and nobody yet knows how much
else. He is proudest of his
origination of the covered bridge census (TOPICS, March, 1944), together
with railroad bridge census, his original research upon Theodore Burr and
other early covered bridge builders, his collection of photographs and
information upon former covered bridges of New York State -- and, of
course, the origination of COVERED BRIDGE
TOPICS. Rick's greatest ambition,
aside from becoming a magazine publisher, is to possess a picture of every
existing covered bridge n the United
States. And his pet peeve? Those
uniformed individuals who insist upon referring to "colonial" and
"200year-old" covered bridges. (Covered bridges of the United States date
back between 140 and 150 years, according to our best information and if
anyone can prove us mistaken, it shall make us very happy,
indeed!) Rick's mother resides in
Unionville, Connecticut, and reads TOPICS from cover to cover. His sister
lives in Cambridge, New York, one brother in Maplewood, New Jersey, and
the other in Cleveland. The
Western partner of the TOPICS publication became acquainted with the
founder through pure happenstance. Back in October, 1942, Frederick
Polley, the Indianapolis artist, made a sketch of the Harrodsburg covered
bridge in Monroe county, Indiana, which appeared in the following Sunday's
issue of The Indianapolis Star. In descriptive matter beneath the picture,
the writer was described as the "most enthusiastic covered bridge fan,"
Mr. Polley knew. In some manner, Rick came into possession of a copy of
that issue of The Star. He doesn't know to this day precisely what
impelled him to send a sample copy of Volume I, Number 2 of COVERED BRIDGE
TOPICS to Anderson, but we are aware now that Fate was in a smiling
mood. The first seventeen issues
of COVERED BRIDGE TOPICS were produced by Hektograph, which is a process
by which only a comparatively few impressions from a master copy can be
obtained. The circulation of the original TOPICS was limited by this
particular production problem.
When TOPICS moved from Round Lake to Anderson and appeared as a
mimeographed periodical, considerable demand developed for back-numbers.
There just weren't any to be had.
We suggested attempting to reproduce the originals by mimeograph. Rick
told us go ahead. A limited number of full sets of back-number files was
produced, then the stencils were cleaned and filed
away. Our stock of sets was sold
in less than three months. Meanwhile, there had been suggestions that the
back-numbers be incorporated into a book, rather than by loose sheets, in
which form they were available after the initial printing. And so the
Souvenir Book of COVERED BRIDGE TOPICS came into
existence. The first sixteen
issues of TOPICS are reproduced just as they originally appeared. After
the sixteenth will be found explanatory inserts recounting happenings to
the publication at the respective
Eugene R. Bock Anderson, Indiana March, 1946.
Another Bridge Destroyed by Arson! Dick Wilson from Rome, NY has
informed us that Risser Mill Bridge (38-36-36) in Mount Joy Township,
Lancaster County, PA was arsoned on July 8, 2002. This was a 130-year-old
bridge next to the stone mill on Mt Pleasant Road over the Little Chickies
Creek. Risser's Mill Bridge, previously called Horst's Mill Bridge, fell
into disrepair in the 1970s. But it was refurbished and was in excellent
condition at the time of the fire.
Spanning New York State Covered Bridge
 By Bob and Trish
It's Confirmed! The Empire State will be
celebrating the rehabilitation of both the Copeland and Fitch's
Covered Bridges this summer, so mark your calendars with these
important dates:
Copeland Covered Bridge - NY 32-46-01 Saturday - June 29,
2002. The celebration will begin at 11:00 am with a brief
ceremony at the bridge. Please note: Parking is very limited near
the bridge so you may want to park at the Edinburg Town Hall and
share a ride with someone or ask to park (briefly) at a nearby
business. If you are unable to stand for any length of time, please
feel free to bring a lawn chair to the bridge. A reception will be
held at the Edinburg Town Hall immediately after the ceremony with
some light fare.
Fitch's Covered Bridge - NY 32-13-02 Saturday - July 20,
2002. The tents are ordered, the reception is planned, the
speakers have responded and sunshine has been requested, all in
preparation for the "Second Cutting" celebration of the
rehabilitated Fitch's Covered Bridge. The Town of Delhi, along with
a busy Covered Bridge Committee are finalizing plans for this
historic event. Although there is still much to be done, here are
some highlights of the
program. The ceremony will
begin at the bridge at 10 am with several guest speakers. Please
note: The bridge will be closed to traffic from 8 am to12 noon.
Parking will only be available on County Route 18
during the event. A short parade to the Delaware County Historical
Association will follow where there will be music, light
refreshments, a display of Delaware County's Covered Bridges and
experts to answer questions about the history of the Fitch's Covered
Bridge. Following the celebration, please join the residents of
Delhi for Delhi Community Days where you will find plenty of food
vendors and activities taking place throughout the
day. Both festivities
promise to be exciting events for all covered bridges
Chenango County:
Plans for The River
Walk Project, which includes the construction of a Burr truss
Covered Bridge in Oxford, NY continues. Committee members recently
met with Phil Pierce, PE who suggested several options regarding the
site. Estimated length of the bridge will be190 feet. Phil will be
submitting cost estimates to the committee which will allow them to
begin the search for appropriate funding for the engineering
studies. If all goes well, Chenango County will once again host a
covered bridge. Exciting news!
Delaware County:
Delaware County is
at it again! Not only are they dedicated to preserving the covered
bridges they have, but they hope to build a new covered
bridge in Halcottsville, NY! The proposed site is where the previous
covered bridge once stood. However, there is much to do to
accomplish this. County officials have requested Right-of-Way maps
that will allow for an appraisal from an outside expert. Once
received, negotiations with the landowners can begin. It is hoped
that negotiations can be concluded to the satisfaction of all
parties and the design process completed to allow construction in
2003. In the meantime, the county has hired a computer simulation
specialist to provide technical assistance to the DPW design team,
who claims the design to be for one of the heavier loads considered
on a covered bridge (30 ton vehicles).
Other news:
DeLorme Atlas Project -- A very special thanks to Sandy
Adrion of Pine Hill, NJ for volunteering to send us the necessary
information on the last covered bridge (Green Sergeants) needed to
complete this project.
New York State Driving Tour -- Our first meeting to get
this project off and running is now history. We have tentatively
determined what we feel is the best possible route to take from one
covered bridge to the next, without doing a lot of back tracking.
(This is not as easy as it may sound, folks!) Precise directions are
now being plotted. If anyone would like to volunteer to take the
tour, and provide us with important feedback, we certainly would
welcome your assistance. (Do we need to add how much fun it could
be?) If you are interested in taking a wonderful tour of New York's
Covered Bridges, give us a call at 607-674-9656, or email us at:
bobtrish68@clarityconnect.com. Thanks to all of you for your
wonderful support and words of encouragement as we begin yet another
covered bridge endeavor. |
File Cleaning
CORRECTION: On page 8 of the. Spring newsletter, it was reported that
the cost of rebuilding the Slate bridge in NH was listed as $1.4 million.
This was the original estimate for the project; the actual cost was only
USA TODAY, May 17, 2002.
Coveting Covered Bridges. Many custom-made covered bridges are
built for the wealthy and nostalgic.
Burlington Free
Press, June 3, 2002. State Replacing Roofs on Vermont Covered
Bridges. Thirty-one covered bridges across Vermont will have their
metal roofs replaced at a cost of $60,000. The National Historic Covered
Bridge Program, through the federal Highway Administration, is funding the
Evansville Courier
& Press , April 4, 2002. Fire Destroys Covered Bridge in Parke
County. Fire destroyed the 87-year-old Jeffries Ford Bridge (14-61-03)
near Bridgeton, Indiana this past April. It was the second recent fire in
Parke County. An earlier suspicious fire caused minor damage to Jackson
Bridge near Turkey Run State Park. Both fires are likely the work of
arsonists and police officers have been assigned to closely watch the
county's 31 other covered bridges.
, April 6, 2002. DeKalb Covered Bridge Returns to Original Glory at
Conner Prairie. After bring ignored for 30 years, the Cedar Chapel
covered bridge began a new life at Conner Prairie. The bridge is now
linking the Conner Prairie 1836 history exhibits for the living museum
with a new exhibit depicting rural life in 1886.
The Union Leader
, May 6, 2002. Covered Bridge Group Tours NH Structures. More
than 60 covered bridge enthusiasts joined the NY Covered Bridge Society
touring central NH for a weekend tour.
Tribune Star ,
April 5, 2002. Parke County Bridge on New Postage Stamp. A bright
red Parke County covered bridge along with part of the Indianapolis
skyline including the statehouse dome is featured on the Indiana stamp
issued by the U.S. Post Office as one of their 50 "Greetings from America"
The Daily Clintonian
, March 20, 2002. Attempted Arson. Jackson Bridge in Parke
County, IN sustained minimal damage in an attempted arson. Luckily, no
structural damage occurred. This bridge, built in 1861 by J.J. Daniels is
the longest single span bridge still used daily in Parke County.
The Blade ,
Toledo, OH, March 22, 2002. Winds of Change Bring More Repairs to
129-year-old Bridge. Over the years, the Parker Covered Bridge
(OH-88-03) near Upper Sandusky, OH has been set afire, vandalized, and now
nearly blown off its foundation. Winds estimated as high as 80mph caused
enough damage that the bridge had to be closed to traffic. Once the bridge
is straightened, engineers said it can hopefully be reinforced to prevent
future wind damage. Repair bills are estimated to exceed $32,000.
New Castle News ,
March 26, 2002. Covered Bridge Damaged, Closed. The covered bridge
in McConnell's Mill State Park was closed to traffic after being damaged
by a fallen tree last March. A dead tree was uprooted, presumably by high
winds, and part of it went through the roof of the McConnell's Mill Bridge
(PA-37-O1) in Lawrence County, PA. Temporary repairs were made and bridge
reopened a few days later.
The Mercury ,
April 26, 2002. Covered Bridge Reconstruction Expected in June. An
historic covered bridge in the Pleasantville section of Oley township
(Berks County, PA) will be getting a much-needed facelift. The
Pleasantville Bridge (PA-06-O1) over the Manatawny Creek has been closed
for a number of years after heavy rains undermined the supporting
structure. Deblin Inc. of Mechanicsburg was the apparent low bidder out of
eight firms that wanted to rebuild the bridge.
CONTRIBUTORS: Lorraine and Roland Routhier, KC Klingensmith,
James R. Crouse, Dick Roy, Roger Grover, Leroy J. Fichter, Brian J. McKee
and Tom Walczak.
Rededication of Prentiss Bridge in Langdon
The Prentiss Bridge, the shortest covered bridge in New Hampshire, was
built in 1874. It is on the route of the 1840 Cheshire Turnpike and was
used until 1954. It was designed by U.S. patentee and Langdon resident,
Sanford Granger and built by his son
Albert. All the funds expended on
the restoration of the Prentiss Bridge were raised privately through
community events and citizen participation. No public funds were
involved. The Langdon Covered
Bridge Association and the Town of Langdon cordially invite you to the
rededication of the newly restored Prentiss Bridges over the Great Brook
in Langdon, NH on the 24th of August, 2002 at
10:00AM. Please R.S.V.P. by August
3, 2002 by calling 603-835-7943.
Palmer Werner Obituary: Palmer Werner from Redford, MI passed
away on May 13, 2002 in a tragic automotive accident. Palmer has been a
great friend of covered bridges. He has an extensive photo collection of
some 1700 covered bridges, many of which are long gone. His widow, Martha,
would find comfort from hearing from his covered bridge friends. Her
address is: Martha Werner, 19777 Seminole, Redford, MI 48240.
"Bog" (Cilleyville) Bridge in Andover, NH. Photo by Dick
Roy, 1960. |
The following are items still available through the Society: All of the
items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH
03104-4906 or E-mail >dickroycbl@Juno.com<
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available for
$16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling.
Society Arm Patch
with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55 cents
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs of
Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's of Virginia, A
Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 CB's of Bennington County VT,
A Guide . . . $6.50 CB's of Massachusetts, A Guide . . . . . . . . .
.$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
Logo.For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo,
send $15.00 plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash
Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify, Medium or Extra Large.
This is a fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several as
gifts for your family and friends. Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk
cotton. |
Other available books from the Society Store
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book depicting
all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996. Postpaid $17.00
(From June Roy) |
New Hampshire Covered Bridges, "A Link With Our Past," by
Richard Marshall, color photos by Arthur Round. Excellent book on NH
bridges. $20.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling. Proceeds to
Eastman Fund. |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges called,
"Spanning Time -- Vermon's Covered Bridges." You can get a copy by
contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT 05489 or Visit
>www.vermontbridges.com> Joseph Nelson is the President of the
Vermont Society.
Both are now available on computer diskette in either Mac or PC format.
Please specify your choice. The TOPICS index includes: Table of
Contents for each issue, an index to subjects and authors, as well as
more. The World Guide is kept up to date and in the regular format.
Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph Cohen, 130 Westfield Drive,
Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until mid-September. The rest of the
year he is at 210 Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417.
newsletter is scheduled for October 2002. Therefore, anyone wishing
to submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela
or KC by September 1, 2002. Any newspaper or magazine
articles must include the source information and details (such as
name of publication, date, etc.). THANK YOU! |
A Note from Pauline Prideaux (Membership Chairperson):
Membership cards are in the mail!! So many people have responded for their
dues before the July newsletter. Its overwhelming in a good way. I just
want to say "thanks" to those patient people. Getting me up and running on
a limited time frame has been challenging. I have received lots of support
through your notes, cartoons and supportive words that came with your dues
payments. Covered bridgers are a very supportive and giving group. Looking
forward to the next batch!! If you haven't sent your dues in yet, please
do it as soon as possible. "Happy Bridging!"
Advertisement: Have your covered bridge, family or pet picture
on a brooch, Christmas ornament, paperweight, or magnet. Send me your
picture and I will put it on the item of your choice. Your photo will be
returned unharmed with your order. (Please send photo sealed in a plastic
bag in case the envelope gets wet in shipping.)
Pin: 2 1/4" brooch with porcelain stone in antiqued goldtone
setting Christmas Ornament: 3" china with photo on both
sides Paperweight: 3" round china Magnets (set of 4):
2" china square All items are $15.95 with free priority shipping!
If you do not have a covered bridge photo you would like to use, you
may choose from some of mine: Kentucky: Switzer Bridge, Colville Bridge,
Oldtown Bridge or Goddard Bridge Ohio: Geeting Bridge, Roberts Bridge,
North Pole Bridge, Spain Creek Bridge, or Swartz Bridge Indiana: Aqueduct,
Bell's Ford Bridge, or Medora Bridge Minnesota: Zumbrota Bridge
Melissa Jurgensen 2278 Harrods Pointe Trace Lexington, KY
40514 highbridge_ky_1999@yahoo.com |
to top Joe Nelson,
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267, jcnelson@together.net
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted July 28, 2002