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NSPCB Newsletter - July - August - September - Summer
Sunday July 22, 2001 at 1:00 PM. Will be held at the site
of the Drewsville/Prentiss Bridge in Langdon, NH. David will have a grill
for Bar B Que. and anyone can bring whatever he or she likes to have as
the use of the grill is free. Bring your favorite drink. There may be a
little left over from David's package of Hamburg, but don't count on it.
Please bring your chairs.
Sunday August 26, 2001 at 12:00 PM. Our annual picnic
meeting to be held at the site of the (Westminster Institute and
Butterfield Library) The picnic will begin at 12:00 and the meeting
shortly after we devour the goodies for the day. The location is on Route
5 in Westminster, Vermont just about 4 buildings south of the Post Office
on the east side of the road. Turn onto Grout Avenue and go about 200
yards and take a right to the parking area. Bring your chairs and
utensils, cold drinks are also supplied. Coke or Pepsi in cans. Anything
else you would like to bring. The grill is supplied as well as the burger
and dogs and all the condiments. Please bring your chairs.
Sunday September 23, 2001 at 1:00 PM. We will meet at the
site of the Bissell Bridge in Charlemont, Mass. David is very concerned
about this structure and believes that it should be talked up. This
location is on route 8A 1/2 mile North of the junction with route 2.
Please bring your chairs.
Sunday October 21, 2001 at 12:00 noon This is the Annual
meeting and is being held on the 21st. It will be held at the Bull Run
Restaurant in Shirley, Mass The speaker for the occasion has not been
finalized. See the next Fall Newsletter for more information. Directions
are to be found on page 6.
The November meeting is scheduled for the Plymouth Church in
Framingham, Mass.
PRESIDENT Topics, summer, 2001:
Dear Fellow Members, Greetings!
Due to the press of much other business, I am obliged this time to
draft but a rather short message. Would that things were otherwise; alas
they are not. Once
again, it is that time of year; I refer of course to: "Re-Upping"
time! I hope,
therefore, that all of you shall be able to see your way clear to
rejoining the Society for yet another
year. We have tried,
all of us who have something to do with the publishing activities of the
National Society, to provide you with interesting issues of Topics and the
Newsletter. I
personally do not think we do too badly, especially considering the fact
that we are all
volunteers. (I should
probably not think we did 'too badly' even if we were not all donating out
time, but then, perhaps I an too close to the matter and thus a little
biased,) Be that as it
may, and very seriously, it is more important than perhaps some of you
realize that as many of you as possible renew your membership in the
National Society for another year. Even if, for whatever reason, other
preoccupations, changing interest, increasing responsibilities, et cetera,
you should find yourselves at present having less time for Covered
Bridges, it is still true that your support of the National Society
through your membership in it will help the cause of Covered Bridges
substantially. We all
know the old Saw: "There is strength in numbers", well, it's true. I am
often asked. When discussing the fate of a particular Covered Bridge with
the relevant public officials, "Just how many people are there in your
organization anyway"? Obviously, the greater the number, the more
influence we have. One
further thing: If at all possible, please each and every one of you,
consider making a contribution to the Eastman Fund for Covered Bridge
Preservation. As most
of you probably already know, Covered Bridge repairs these days are
extremely costly; two or three hundred thousand dollars in the context of
what such jobs now average would be towards the low end of the
scale. Needless to
say, but I shall say it anyway, at the present time there is no
possibility whatsoever of the National Society being able to come up with
such a sum.
Nevertheless, given the right project, a project being managed more or
properly, if we as a society can make a reasonable contribution to
the cost of whatever is
afoot, then we can most likely have a certain influence as to how matters
turn out. Obviously
the larger our contributions, the greater our
influence. We all know
the old adage, "Who pays the piper calls the tune". There may be something
about that notion which a number of us do not like, but unfortunately, it
expresses one of the more unfortunate realities with which we as a Society
must deal. So once
again, the matter rest in your
hands. If as a result
of your contributions, the Eastman Fund for the Covered Bridge
Preservation continues to grow - and please remember, it is only the
interest from monies deposited there which is expended for the Covered
Bridge projects, never the principal - so likewise will our influence.
Please remember, because the principal of the Eastman Fund is never
expended, only the interest earned therefrom, every dollar given by
members for Covered Bridge Preservation shall be expended again and
again. Happy
Sincerely, Your president, David W. Wright
If you receive a notice with this mailing saying that "Your Topics and
Membership Has Expired." Please send in your dues if you wish to continue
getting one of the finest covered bridge related Publications. However,
Dave said, if you become a life member you will never have to think about
it again. Dave would
also like to thank everyone who makes an annual or periodic donation to
the Harold F. Eastman Memorial Preservation Trust Fund, better known as
the Eastman Fund. Through these donations we raise nearly $2,000 per year
for the perpetual preservation Trust Fund. Dave can not send a thank-you
note for each individual donation due to the bulk mailing regulations, but
he does mark your membership card with the proper notation I. E. "Kingpost
membership card" --- "Queenpost membership card" etc. in order to express
our sincere
David Topham
Lifetime Memberships Wanted 115 Lifetime
We are over the 115 mark for lifetime memberships. That's correct we
now have 115 paid lifetime members to the National Society. These members
have decided to not have to worry about their annual dues being paid. We
are still looking for more lifetime members. The cost for a lifetime
member is $250.00 and for an additional spouse is $50.00 for a total of
$300.00. Please consider this offer and never have to worry about getting
your annual dues to the treasurer.
Remember that lifetime membership can be paid on the installment plan
of 10 payments.
Spanning New York State Covered Bridge News
 By Bob and Trish Kane
Delaware County: Fitches Covered Bridge - NY
32-13-02 Phil. Pierce, Deputy Commissioner for Delaware County's
Department of Public Works reported that much has happened with the
Fitches Bridge over the past few months.
Fitches Bridge. Photo by Bob and
Trish Kane June 17, 2001
→ Corners
of the existing abutments have been removed to accommodate the slightly
longer rebuilt trusses. If you recall, the trusses will be restored to
their original length, eliminating the significant weakness caused when
they were shortened while removing an outside stick, to replace an inside
stick, workers were surprised to find that little furry critters had
created a home in a pair of top chord members. The identity of the
critters is unclear, but the damage as extensive. Their
craftsmanship effectively removed the entire pair of chord sticks that
gave assistance to supporting the axial compression in the bridge. The
redundant nature of the Town Lattice was a saving grace that enable the
bridge to remain standing. Due to the surprise of the critter home,
workers separated all of the top chord pairs looking for other
'surprises'. A large
load of timber is on hand, but more will have to be ordered if there are
any new surprises. Currently, the focus is on the repair of the upstream
truss while the contractor awaits delivery of the remaining timbers, which
will allow them to finish both trusses.
Closer inspection of
the bottom chord found it to be extremely decayed. When the bridge was
moved to this site, the span had to be shortened from that at its original
location in Delhi. The means to shorten the bridge was to flare the end
lattice members, so that the bottoms of them clustered together on a short
bearing area. A related unusual feature of the previous work was to
support both upper and lower bottom chord ends at the bearing area (the
upper bottom chords were supported by the back-wall of the abutment).
These flared lattices will be replaced with conventional parallel lattice
members at the end of the rehabilitated structure. The lengthened trusses
will be supported only at the lower bottom chord as is typical with Town
Lattice bridges. Lattice members needing replacement, due primarily to
deterioration in the lower bottom chord connections have been
identified. Due to
major powder post beetle damage in the trunnels, replacements have
been ordered. The glue-lam floor beams will be delivered shortly and they
are still on schedule for completion by the fall of 2001. For up-to-date
photos on the Fitches Covered Bridge, be sure to visit Joe Nelson's
website at
Phil is available to
respond to queries and prefers to answer any questions, rather than have
them go unanswered or be the subject of speculation. Many thanks to him
for being so very accommodating and keeping us informed on the Fitches
Covered Bridge.
Hamden Covered Bridge - NY 32-13-03 Join us! The tents are
ordered, the speakers have responded, the band is warming up and sunshine
has been requested, all in preparation for the dedication of the restored
Hamden Covered Bridge!
Hamden Bridge. Photo by Bob and
Trish Kane June 17, 2001
→ The Town
of Hamden is busy making plans for this special occasion, on Saturday,
July 28, 2001. Although there is still much to do, here are some
highlights of the day. The ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will be
held on the bridge, which will be closed to traffic that day. Special
guest speakers will be Congressman Sherwood Boehlert and Senator John
Bonacic. Representatives from various covered bridge societies will also
give brief remarks. The New York State Covered Bridge Society, The
Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society, Vermont Covered Bridge Society, The
Bridge-Covered, and the National Society for the Preservation of Covered
Bridges will all participate in the
event. Covered bridge
enthusiasts will have the opportunity to learn more about the Hamden
Covered Bridge from the Hamden Community and Historical Association and to
purchase covered bridge items and memorabilia from the many organizations
and crafters in attendance. And of course, for those who get hungry, food
vendors will be on hand. The Hamden Community and Historical Association
will sponsor a delicious chicken
BBQ. Plenty of parking
will be available on the east side of the bridge via the Town of
DeLancey. Watch for parking signs to assist you. If you are planning to
stay overnight, please make your reservations now, as accommodations are
limited. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
Wayne Marshfield, Supervisor, Town of Hamden. We hope you will join the
Town of Hamden and covered bridge enthusiasts on July 28 for this exciting
historic event.
Saratoga County:
Copeland Bridge - NY 32-46-01 Other than landscaping around the
bridge, and a few finishing touches, restoration of the bridge is almost
complete. Marvin Wilson has been working on the landscaping, but due to
major heart surgery, his work has been temporarily delayed. When it
commences, a 3- to 4-space parking area and a handicap-accessible path
with stonework on each side will be constructed near the carriage house.
Boy Scouts earning their Eagle badges will be planting bushes, flowers,
and plants once the path is completed. Completion date will be in the
spring of 2002 and a dedication to celebrate the restoration of the
Copeland Covered Bridge will be planned at that time.
Ulster County:
Ashokan/Turnwood - NY- 32-56-05 Andy Angstrom, Director of the
SUNY Ashokan Field Campus, reports that the bridge is in great shape. The
roadway, on the other hand, developed some problems over the spring flood
season. He commented, "the workers who set the bridge back in 1939 showed
great wisdom in making it NOT the weakest link". He also notes that they
have placed a large cedar gazebo on the top of the hill above the falls.
It will include interpretive material regarding the social and natural
history of the site, explanations of the mill and the water resource,
information about Ashokan programs and mission, and information regarding
the conservation easement (which includes the bridge) and the Rondout
Esopus Land Conservancy. He also plans to include information on the
covered bridge.
Other news: DeLorme Atlas Project - What can we
say? A project we thought would take us two years to complete is
almost finished . . . in under a year! Covered bridge enthusiasts are
special folks, indeed. Several others have contacted us to work on a
state, and we sure do appreciate it. They are: Maryland, Joanne
Schmitz and Jim Smedley; Dan Brock, (what a guy - not
only did he work on his home state of Connecticut, but took on
Massachusetts and Rhode Island as well!), and South Carolina and
Tennessee, Warren White. A big thanks to all of you
for your assistance in this endeavor. We are now down to six states . . .
California, Minnesota, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If
you would like to join in, please do not hesitate to contact us. And
remember, you do not have to live in the state that you work on. You
can reach us at: Bob and Trish Kane, 167 Williams Rd., Sherburne, NY 13460
or e-mail us at
The official State and National Register of Historic Places
Certificates for New York's Covered Bridges have arrived, and we are
extremely honored to be able to present them to the appropriate parties
throughout the summer months.
Correction: In the last issue of the NSPCB newsletter, we
reported that the Denmar/Locust Creek Covered Bridge - WV 48-38-01
was listed as a Warren Double Intersection Truss. However, we noted in the
winter 2000 and spring 2000 issues of Covered Bridge Topics that
Joe Conwill referred to this bridge as a Smith type truss, which is
correct. We apologize for any misunderstanding the error in our reporting
may have caused. A correction will be made in the next printing of the
World Guide as well as other publications and websites.
Here are the directions to the Bull Run Restaurant
Route 2A (215 Great Road), Shirley, Mass. From Boston:
Route 2 West. Take exit 38 B-Ayer/Groton. Follow Route 110/111 for I mile
to Ayer rotary. Third right off rotary. Route 2A west. Six miles to
Shirley. From Worcester: Route I-190 North to Route 2 East to
Shirley, exit #36. Go right on Shirley Road for one mile to the police
station. Bear right at stop sign, Take first LEFT onto Center Road,
follow three miles to Route 2A. Take a right. The Bull Run is on the
left. From Nashua, N.H.: Route 111 to Massachusetts to Route
119. Left on 119 towards Groton. Pick up Route 225 toward West Groton then
to Shirley town line. Take second left on Longley Road. One mile to Route
2A & The Bull Run Restaurant. From Route 495: Exit #30-Route
2A West. Littleton, Ayer, then Shirley approximately 10 miles.
You will be hearing more about the meal and cost in the next
Newsletter. The Annual meeting is on the 21st of October. If you do not
get your Newsletter in time to make your reservations, call here @ (603)
623-8406. Or e-mail. Reservations will be made to
Dick Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH. 03104-4906. There will be more in
the Fall issue.
Dick Roy It was a fairly warm day on June 8, 2001 the day for the
dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Smith Millennium
Covered Bridge in Plymouth, NH.
School Bus transporting children to bridge.
Photo © Dick Roy
→ June and I arrived
about 9:15. There was no lack of parking space and the committee did a
very nice job of directing us to the parking area. A short walk from the
parking area to the bridge and found not too many people at the site. This
was to change drastically when personnel began getting things together.
There were food vendors, souvenir vendors and of course people from the
Smith Millennium Bridge Dedication Committee passing out and selling
material concerning the Smith Millennium Covered Bridge. Every one seemed
to have an excellent
time. I was especially
happy to see how many local and nearby children were bused to the site to
view the bridge and every one of them had a guided tour of the bridge. I
thought that I would be a wise guy and asked them, "Why was the Bridge
covered?" There seem to be a disagreement as to why. I saw the tour guide
and asked them if they were asking the children why the bridge was
covered? Some of the guides were not sure themselves. However this was
rectified with a few carefully placed words.
Early preparations on June 8, 2001. Photo ©
Dick Roy →Here are a few statistics taken from various
sources: First bridge on site in 1790 and called the Wells Bridge.
1825 This in turn was completely rebuilt by Capt. Charles Richardson and
named the Smith Bridge for Jacob Smith, who donated the land. This bridge
was washed away in 1850. The Smith Covered Bridge as we know it was built
shortly after. A Littleton, NH native, Harmon Macy built a new bridge of
the Long Truss Design, 140 feet long. In 1938 the bridge was damaged and
extensive repairs were needed. New arches were added in 1950 and a
complete restoration was performed. Again in 1957 the bridge was
completely renovated. This time Iron "Telltale" protectors were added a
short distance from each
portal. On April 16,
1993, an arson fire completely destroyed the structure and toppled it into
the Baker River. The
town of Plymouth debated whether another covered bridge should be built or
should be replaced by a more modern structure. In the forthcoming years
arrangements were under way to design a covered bridge. This covered
bridge would be like no other wooden bridge ever built. Robert Canham,
along with Ryan-Biggs Associates, PC, of Troy, NY. The design was finally
prefabricated by Unadila Laminated Products from Unadila, NY. Stanley
Graton II, visited and worked with the people in NY. When completed the
bridge was taken apart and shipped to
Plymouth. This
structure was not built the traditional way, that is to say build
the truss flat on platform or road. The bridge was put together piece by
piece directly over the abutments and false work. There are photographs
that depict metal staging pieces, sometime enough to obliterate the view
of the timbers going into place. The timbers arrived from July 2000 until
Early in 2001. The bridge contract was awarded to 3G Construction, headed
by Stanley Graton II, grandson of Milton Graton the legendary covered
Bridge restorer and
builder. In the Record
Enterprise, June 7, 2001. A photo shows Governor Jeanne Shaheen driving a
ceremonial spike into the deck of the Smith Millennium Bridge. Another
photo shows the Governor signing a proclamation at the Smith Millennium
Bridge. New Hampshire
Highways has a story abut the building and photographs on the progress of
the building. The Weirs Time, April 12, 2001, also had several pages of
information, as well as the Souvenir program for the dedication of the
In MemoriamWe are deeply
saddened to announce the death of George R. Enos, 72, longtime treasurer
of the Ohio Historic Bridge Association, OHBA, who passed away April 5,
2001 after a long battle with cancer. George was elected treasurer of the
OHBA in 1975 and performed his duties willingly and well until the end of
his life. A little over two weeks before his death he was present at the
March meeting and read his treasurer's report. His last act for the OHBA,
just days before his death, was to get membership cards in order and help
prepare the mailing list for this issue of Bridges and Byways. George was
a fine man and all of you who attended meetings and picnics will remember
him. Our deepest sympathy to his widow, Jeri and their family.
If anyone wants to write to George's widow, address Jeri Enos at 6188
Chinaberry Dr., Columbus Ohio, 43213-3322. It is not sure, what, if any,
memorial preference may have been expressed. George would be honored by
any donations to the OHBA. Until a new treasurer is found, send any
donations to Marion Wood, 3155 Whitehead Road, Columbus Ohio
Covered Bridge Course in Vermont
The Vermont Technical College is located in Randolph Center Vermont
(USA) and offers a week long program related to Vermont covered bridges.
"See Vermont Through Covered Bridges" will be offered during August 12 -
19, 2001. Ages 21 and over are welcome to join this popular tour week. VTC
is located 1 mile from Interstate 89 and 3 hours from Boston or Montreal.
Come on Sunday and stay through Sunday the following weekend. Overnight
accommodations include campus living with single or double occupancy or
drive your RV and park with full hook-up; all meals and other activities
included. Transportation provided for all field trips and extracurricular
activities. During the Summer of 2000 there were 45 bridges visited. 22
participants shared an adventure they will never
forget. Meet the President
of the newly formed Vermont Covered Bridge Society, Joseph C. Nelson.
"Spanning Time: Vermont's Covered Bridges," was written by Mr. Nelson and
the first Vermont covered bridge book to be photographed entirely in
color. Vermont's bridges
reflect their communities and their builders. They vary in design,
architecture, history, and the stories they tell and carry. Through slide
shows, lectures, daily field trips, and computer research discover
Vermont's covered bridges. Put on your walking shoes and bring your
camera! Euclid Farnham, a seventh generation native Vermonter from
Tunbridge, will be your guide. Mr. Farnham's knowledge combined with a bit
of Vermont humor will give you reason enough to join our adventure.
For more information please contact: Gae Kovalesky, Coordinator, -
Vermont Technical College, Technology Extension Division, Conant Hall,
Randolph Ctr., VT 05061.
Slate Covered Bridge - Trusses being moved
into position.
Slate Bridge WGN 29-03-06 #2 rebuilding. I left home early on June 18,
2001, heading towards Swanzey, New Hampshire to visit the site of the
Slate Bridge. I was called the week before by a friend Sean James of Hoyle
& Tanner that the trusses of the structure, at least one of the
trusses, was to be lifted and placed on its abutments. This is an all day
affair and everything went very well, as the truss on the east side was
lifted and set on the abutments, just as
scheduled. You say how are
the floor beams to be held up until the next truss is in place? A
temporary steel beam was placed in the river a few feet from where the
second truss will eventually set. This temporary steel beam will hold the
loose ends of the floor beams until the second truss is set in
Here is a photo of the Slate Bridge taken at
Festival Time taken by Bobs Kirkham June 8, 1966. This beautifully
Maintained Cadillac of Albert Cook of Marlboro, Mass. Was one of the old
vehicles which paraded through the bridge.Wright
Construction did a good job of lifting and setting the trusses into place.
I returned on Wednesday and the floor beams were already needled through
the eastern truss and they were getting ready to set the second truss into
place. This is the first
bridge that I have personally seen lifted over the stream in this manner.
Usually the entire bridge, less a few critical areas, that will be used to
roll the structure over false work, is rolled over as one unit and the
critical areas used to move the bridge are finished up. Here are a few
photos taken on Monday June 18, 2001. Top left: The first truss is righted
from the pad that it was built on. The center view shows the engineers
Sean James and Bob Durfee engineers from Hoyle & Tanner looking things
over while a steel beam is being readied for the large crane to hook on
to. The third photo: the large crane is hooked to the truss and is ready
to place over the stream. Bottom left: another view of the righted truss.
Bottom right: finally over the stream. All photos © Dick Roy
File Cleaning
Let me start by saying that there are many items to be discussed
Please make sure
that you get to the dedication of the reopening of the restored Hamden
Bridge in Hamden, NY. This is scheduled to be a very fun time, by all that
attend. See Spanning New York State of this issue, written
by Trish Kane. There will be several Covered Bridge Societies
represented. In fact there will be a fairly large tent just for the
Covered Bridge Societies. Hope to see you there. There will be a book published in late
July or early August 2001. This will be of the "Covered Bridges in
Virginia" It was written by Leola B. Pierce. It will be published by
Upstream Press. I have contacted them and they will let me know when it
will be ready, the cost etc. I will keep you informed of the publication
date etc. This should prove to be a very interesting book. From Leola Pierce: Bridge Day
Celebration & Harvest Dinner, to be held at the 601 Bridge
(Sinking Creek)(46-36-01) Newport, Giles County Virginia. Mark your
calendar Sept. 22, 2001 and join the folks at the bridge site from 10:00
A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The dedication at 12:00 Noon and the Harvest Dinner at
6:00 P. M. at the Newport Recreation Center. There are 3 bridges in the
Newport area. Sinking Creek Bridge (46-36-01); Link Farm Bridge
(46-36-02)(pri.); Maple Shade Bridge. (46-36-03) This is a good time to
get acquainted with people and the Bridges. From Ron Charles: Sent in a clipping
from the St. Louis Dispatch dated Sunday, May 6, 2001. On the
road: Indiana. Covered bridges connect the past with the present
in Parke County. It also lists a web page if anyone is interested to
connect to. There are driving tours in the area.
As well as all sorts of information . Call the Park County Convention and
Visitors Bureau at (765) 569-5226 or go to www.covered Other
nearby counties can claim covered bridges, but Parke County easily has the
most. Ron also mentions
that the fund raising project for the Cilleyville Bridge, Andover, NH is
moving ahead. "Last I heard we were close to $100,000 of the needed
$150,000." Ed Note: In the Manchester Union Leader June 22, 2001.
"29 Towns and cities get $3.2M in heritage grants. One of the subject
caught my eye. "Andover: $72,000 of $156,000 to rehabilitate the
Cilleyville Bog Bridge. From
Richard Donovan - Repairs to two covered bridges will protect them for
future generations. The article is dated February 2, 2001. The article
refers to the bridges in Snyder County Penn. Namely the Aline covered
bridge WGN 38-55-04 along Route 104 in Perry Township and the Dreese
covered bridge WGN 38-55-02 off route 522 along covered bridge road in
Beaver Township. Both bridges have been closed to vehicular traffic for
approximately 20 years. However, the bridges will be open to pedestrian
traffic, said engineer Mark Wilson, whose York County consulting firm is
heading the project. Work should be completed by the end of June. Our meeting at the site of the
Contoocook Railroad Bridge in Hopkinton, NH went very well. In conjunction
with Historical Contoocook Railroad Depot just several feet from the
bridge. Funds have been applied for and I believe granted. 
Honorary Lifetime Membership It was voted
unanimously at our Last meeting that Joe Nelson and his wife Ruth be made
Honorary Lifetime Members, for services rendered to the society through
the use of his web site. I
notified Joe and Ruth by e-mail and he was very pleased to receive this
Hampshire through the DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES has successfully
received a matching grant for the rehabilitation of the Contoocook
Railroad Bridge in Hopkinton, NH. This matching grant requires that the
Historical Resources Dept. fund $17,500 from the Conservation License
Plate. (Moose Plate) This will protect the covered bridge against fire by
installing a fire detection system and a dry sprinkler system and by
applying a chemical fire retardant to all wood members. Various other
items will be done at the site. The grant will give the Historical
Resources Division $70,000, which is a 4 to 1 grant. The Society has been
working for several years. The members of the Society are performing many
of the small items that have to be cared for. Hopefully the bideable items
will be secured in the Fall or next Spring.>
Until next time, keep healthy. RER
BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD There are two excellent books out
for those of you who like railroading. Bruce D. Heald Ph. D authors them.
They are Part of the Images of rail series. The first is "Boston &
Maine in the 19th Century". This one depicts old railroad schedules,
photos of older engines, a listing of all the COMPONENT RAILROAD LINES
FORMING THE BOSTON & MAINE SYSTEM. The other is the Boston & Maine
in the 20th Century". This volume depicts many railroad stations, copies
of schedules, only one covered bridge however. That would be the big Bath
Bridge showing the RR Station just to one side. These two books are well
worth the cost. They are $18.99 each from Barnes and Noble or any of their
affiliate stores. Check them out.
"Covered Bridges of Vermont" This book by Ed Barna is available
from June Roy for $17.00 postpaid.
8 chrome Post Cards of Maryland Bridges Available from Pauline
Prideaux, 143 Freeman Street, Ext., Haverhill, Mass., 01830-4659, These
post cards were published by Evelyn Thomas. They are for sale for $2.00
postpaid. 20-03-01 Bunker Hill
20-08-01 Gilpins
20-03-02*13-01 Jerico
20-11-01 Utica
Mills 20-08-02 Foxcatcher Farm
20-11-02 Roddy Road
20-11-03 Loys
20-14-01 Burdett
The Covered Bridges of Virginia, A Guide By Andrew Howard This guide
describes the public Covered Bridges Remaining in the state. The detailed
directions to each Bridge is described as well as 3 views of each bridge.
The Virginia Guide can be purchased for $6.95 plus $2.00 postage and
Handling. Other books by Andrew Howard C/B's of Madison County Iowa,
A Guide.........$6.50 C/B's Bennington County Vermont, A
Guide.....$6.50 C/B's of Massachusetts, A
Guide...................$7.00 C/B's of Connecticut, A
Guide......................$5.50 C/B's of Virginia, A
Guide.................. ........$6.95 These is a $2.00 postage and
Handling Charge for each book. Order from June Roy, 73 Ash Street,
Manchester, NH 03104-4906.
NEW BOOK "Covered Bridges of Berks County,
Pennsylvania" Hardback 137 pages, 71 photos, plus paintings, maps,
courthouse records, newspaper accounts, and more. Find out which bridge
had a fireplug, which bridge had a murdering ghost, which bridge was
crossed by President Martin VanBuren. $29.95 (which includes
shipping) Fred J. Moll, 714 Forest St. Fleetwood, PA. 19522
Disc (Macintosh Format) EACH $ 5.00 Purchase from Joseph Cohen 130
Westfield Dr. Holliston MA 01746 (Joe is unavailable from Oct to
The World Guide is continually updated It is the working copy from
which The printed book is made
The Index is updated each issue, Subjects, authors,
etc. Please note you must convert to Windows Format if that is
what your computer uses.
Another Book on Vermont Covered Bridges is
Joseph Nelson's book - Spanning Time: Vermont's Covered
Bridges. Write and ask how much the book is going for, or look up Joseph was running a special just a few weeks
ago. E-mail address ($40/copy -
See you at the dedication of the Hamden Bridge in Hamden, New York. See
Trish Kane's article in Spanning New York State - Hamden Bridge
Sheltered Crossings everyone!!! See you all
there July 28, 2001
to top
Scaasis Proudly Presents The American Covered
Bridge Collection
A portion of the sales of this high quality reproduction of
America's Covered Bridges is donated to the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges (NSPCB).
These fabulously detailed replicas of covered bridges bring back to
life the beauty and grace of early American architecture. The stunning
detail, inside and out, will make you wish you were there when horse
and buggies were the only form of transportation available. There are 23
bridges in the Series I collection. Their popularity will certainly
have Scaasis adding more and more.
Each Covered Bridge in the collection includes a gold information
certificate located on the base. Here you will find pertinent details
about the bridge such as when it was built, who built it, its span and
truss type.
These Limited Edition gift items are featured in selected Cracker
Barrel Restaurants and Gift Shops nationwide, along with other fine
quality gift shops. If you can not find The American Covered Bridge
Collection ask your retail manager to order your favorites today!
Bridge, Lawrence, PA Colemanville/Martic Forge Bridge, Lancaster, PA
Wertz or Red Bridge, Berks, PA Bergstresser/Dietz Bridge,
Franklin, OH Harpersfield Bridge, Ashtabula, OH Upper
Darby/Pottersburg Bridge, Union, OH Mansfield Bridge, Parke, IN
Westport Bridge, Decatur, IN Newfield Bridge, Tompkins, NY
Rexleigh Bridge, Washington, NY Philippi Bridge, Barbour, WV
Barrackville Bridge, Marion, WV Vermont Bridge, Worcester, MA
Stone Mountain Bridge, De Kalb, GA Concord/Ruff's Mill Bridge,
Cobb, GA Swann/Joy Bridge, Blount, AL Gil~and/Reese City Bridge,
Etowah, AL Wolf Bridge, Knox, IL Elizabethton Bridge, Carter, TN
Meems Bottom Bridge, Shenandoah, VA Jericho Bridge, Baltimore, MD
Goddard/White Bridge, Fleming, KY Switzer Bridge, Franklin, KY
to top  Joe Nelson,
P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267,
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted July 15, 2001