April - May - June - Spring 2006
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44 Cleveland
Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 4856 Spencer Oaks Blvd Pace, FL 32571 E-mail:
sanibel93@aol.com |
Richard Roy 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@verizon.net |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: klingensmith@ilp.mit.edu
David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707
Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 239-433-1551; May thru
Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805,
207-596-7472 |
MEETINGS and EVENTS for 2006
Sunday. April 23 at 1pm Meeting at the Plymouth
Church, 87 Edgell Road, Framingham MA.
Sunday. May 2006 Executive-Only Board Meeting.
Location and time to be announced.
Sunday. June 18 at 1pm The Bennington Museum in
Bennington, VT. After a short meeting we will be treated to the film
"Spanning Time America's Covered Bridges". This film was produced by
Indiana Public Television.
Sunday. Julv 23 Contoocook Railroad Bridge in
Hopkinton, NH. We will have lunch at noon, before a short meeting,
at the pizza place next to the bridge.
Sunday. August 27 Annual picnic in Westminster, VT.
Cookout at noon, meeting at lpm. |
newsletter is scheduled for July 2006. Therefore, anyone wishing to
submit photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela or KC by
June 20, 2006. Any newspaper or magazine articles must
include source information and details (such as name of publication,
date, etc.). Electronic submissions are preferred. THANK YOU!
to top
Covered Bridge in Peril, West
Editor's note: this was originally sent to Joe Nelson of the
Vermont Covered Bridge Society_ Hope there is still time.
From: Tom To:
Date: 12/30/2005 5:23:29 PM
Subject: Covered Bridge in Peril, West Virginia
Dear Mr. Nelson,
;I am the 8th generation watching
over the farm and heritage of the Sharp Family in Slatyfork, West
Virginia. We have a log house where Robert E. Lee dined on several
occasions during his first campaign as general. Our farmhouse has
just been restored, now a B & B. Our Sharp's Country Store has
been in continuous operation since 1884.
I recently gave up my business and home to
take on the task of stewardship for my generation. My dream is to
create a 'working' farm for all to see and experience, just like in
my Great Grandfather's day. In that regard, we proudly built a red
covered bridge along Scenic Route 55/219 just 5 miles from the
Snowshoe Ski Resort. Sadly, Intrawest (owners of the resort) are
lobbying to take our farm adjacent to the covered bridge for a large
scale open sewage treatment plant. This will all be done via eminent
domain. Our bridge will now lead
to the sewage treatment plant instead of our beautiful farm field.
Our way of life, and my livelihood will be taken along with it. I
was hoping your organization could provide some help on a national
level to pressure our local and state officials into being good
stewards of our culture and history. They simply chose our farm
because of its easy access from the road for the sludge trucks. Our
field has many safety issues, primary among them is the karst
terrain and the 100 year flood plain.
We are in need of help. Anything you can do
for us will be immensely appreciated. Thank you, Tom 304-572-3547
| | |
to top
Spanning New York State Covered
Bridge News
Bob and Trish Kane
Beyond New
Connecticut Comstock
Covered Bridge - CT 07-04-01 The Comstock Covered Bridge,
one of only three historic covered bridges in the state, needs
a complete overhaul and will be closed for a time while the
state Department of Transportation completes the work. They
have been working on the bridge since March 2005 and original
plans were simply to restore the wooden bridge but tests
completed by McFarland-Johnson, Inc., a New Hampshire
engineering firm, showed that it could not support pedestrian
traffic and the bridge was closed. During the summer, steel
support beams were added and the bridge was temporarily
reopened in August. According to Kevin Nursick, DOT spokesman,
it appears it will have to be a full disassembly and full
assembly. It is now closed while the state completes work on
this historic covered bridge.
Indiana Bell's
Ford Covered Bridge - IN 14-36-03 Sad news. The western
end of the remaining span of the Bell's Ford Covered Bridge in
Jackson County, Indiana collapsed into the East Fork of the
White River on January 2, 2006. It appears that the pier
holding the eastern portion of the bridge deteriorated. The
western portion of the bridge collapsed during a winter storm
in February 1999. This bridge was the only surviving Post
Truss covered bridge in the world and was recently named to
the National Register of Historic Sites and Structures.
Efforts to restore the remaining section have been underway
since the loss of the western portion of the
bridge. Medora Covered Bridge - IN 14-36-04 Jackson
County Commissioners are taking steps to save one of their,
now two, remaining covered bridges. At 434 feet, the bridge is
one of the longest covered bridges in the country. Much work
will be necessary on the west and center spans of the bridge
and a new roof is needed. The eastern span is in the worst
shape and needs immediate work to keep it from collapsing.
Plans are in place to stabilize that span for additional
rehabilitation in the future. Let's hope these plans all
materialize before we lose another one of our bridges.
| Bridgeton Covered Bridge - IN
14-61-04 The ground breaking ceremony for Rebuilding the
Bridgeton Covered Bridge was held on Thursday, January 12,
2006 at 4:00 pm. The Bridgeton Covered Bridge Association has
set up a fund to rebuild the bridge. The final cost has not
been exactly pinpointed but the ballpark estimate is between
$800,000 - $1,200,000. People all over the country have
rallied together to make cash and material
donations. In an effort to
help raise money for the bridge fund, Robin Tremble, author,
songwriter and photographer has sponsored and set up (in
cooperation with the Bridge Association) an online store with
T-Shirts, clocks, teddy bears, commemorative plaques and
Christmas decorations and much more, honoring the memory and
encouraging the rebuilding effort of this magnificent
historical monument. Other items include a beautiful 2006
Covered Bridge Calendar with photography donated by some of
the foremost covered bridge photographers and historians in
the country. A ‘Bridge Security Shirt’ and a screensaver with
over 1,000 covered bridge images submitted by hundreds of
people all over the country is also
available. All proceeds from
this store are being sent directly to the bridge fund for the
rebuilding of the bridge. There are limited supplies so be
sure to order your items soon. The Bridgeton Covered Bridge
Association encourages everyone to visit the store and support
the rebuilding effort by making a purchase. Own a piece of
history and know that you helped rebuild the Bridgeton Covered
Bridge. You can visit the store and subscribe to the
newsletter at: www.cafepress.com/Bridgeton. You can also email
the store at: Bridgeton@jarotek.com.
Kentucky Good news
from Kentucky! The Cabin Creek Covered Bridge - KY
17-68-03 in Lewis County, and the Johnson Creek Covered
Bridge - KY 17-101-01 in Robertson County will soon be
rehabilitated. These two structures are currently closed to
traffic and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has no plans
to allow normal vehicular traffic to resume once the
rehabilitation is complete. The restorations will comply with
the accepted standards of historic preservation and preserve
the original aesthetics and traditional engineering of the
bridges. The design capacity of these two structures will
allow for a minimum of a 50 person pedestrian load and a 5 ton
vehicular load (antique cars, etc.). They hope to begin the
rehabilitation in March 2006.
North Carolina North
Carolina may get a new covered bridge in Trading Ford. How
exciting! Ann Brownlee, President of the Trading Ford Historic
District Preservation Association and David Fischetti, a Cary
Engineer, would like to reconstruct the original, all-wood
1818 Beard Bridge across the Yadkin River -- the first bridge
at Trading Ford and the first covered bridge in North
Carolina. If built, the new bridge would be 660 feet long and
could possibly be the longest covered bridge in the United
States. The new bridge would be a double barreled with a
divider in the middle to separate northbound and southbound
traffic. The bridge would be made of Southern pine and white
oak. The cost, which may reach $6 million, could be an issue,
however. The project would be eligible for 80 percent
enhancement grants from the US Department of Transportation.
Preservationists might have to raise the rest. The Trading
Ford Association is waiting for a decision on the eligibility
of the area for protection by the National Register of
Historic Places.
Wimer - OR 37-15-05 Efforts to
rebuild the Wimer Covered Bridge in Jackson County continues
and area residents are working very hard to raise the
necessary funds to rebuild this bridge. They have many
exciting fund-raising projects under way and, as always, could
use the support of other covered bridge organizations. To
learn about their latest fund-raising efforts, and how you can
help, be sure to visit their website at:
http://www.wimercoveredbridge.org. We encourage everyone to
visit the site and support the rebuilding effort in any way
you can.
Larwood - OR 37-22-06 We have
all heard about interesting and strange things happening at
covered bridges, but I believe this is the first. Bill
Cockrell, President of the Oregon Covered Bridge Society,
reports that a young woman was murdered at the Larwood Covered
Bridge in Linn County. The bridge was temporarily closed while
officials searched the area for evidence. A few days later, an
arrest was made. Yet later, a second arrest was reported. To
date, no motive has been released to the public. It is sad to
have one of our covered bridges connected with something so
heinous. Our condolences go out to the family of this
victim. Lowell - OR 37-20-18 Work to rehabilitate
the Lowell Covered Bridge began last fall when the siding and
roof were removed. New decking, siding, rafters and nailers
along with new cedar shingles soon followed. Small, external
structures about the size of a doghouse were added to the end
of each lower chord. These little 'doghouse' additions were
constructed to hide the post-tension cables and to protect the
ends of the lower chords from weather. The Lowell Bridge will
be a centerpiece of an interpretative site to aid tourists to
learn about the nearby dam, reservoir, forests, streams,
history and folklore of the area, Native Americans and the
covered bridges. To protect the bridge and to keep vandalism
in check, workers installed roll-up doors at each end of the
bridge. Purists may question this addition, but we all wish to
protect the display panels and other memorabilia inside the
bridge. One of these items will be the scale model bridge,
built by John McWade, who made the model shortly prior to his
death. Work will continue throughout the spring to complete
this magnificent project. Congratulations Oregon on this
wonderful endeavor!
Announcing . . . .2004-2005 Timber
Bridge Winners!Over the past decade,
the U.S. wood products industry has sponsored four major award
programs to recognize superior design and construction of
timber bridges. Creative designers, engineers, and contractors
have submitted over 500 entries, and about 50 of our nation's
finest timber bridges have received awards. The program has
highlighted the elegance, strength, economy, and historical
role of timber bridges. This contest is sponsored by three
groups: the American Institute of Timber Construction, APA --
The Engineered Wood Association, and the USDA Forest Service
Wood in Transportation Program. And the winners under the
Covered Bridge Rehabilitated Bridges are: First
Place - Fisher School Covered Bridge OR 37-21-11
The Fisher School Covered Bridge is one of Oregon's oldest
bridges and was placed on the National Register of Historic
Places in 1976. The rehabilitation was done by the Lincoln
County Public Works Department, with a great deal of
assistance and participation by local members of the Covered
Bridge Society of Oregon. Awards of
Merit were given to the Henninger Farm Covered
Bridge PA 38-22-11, and the Milbridge Pier Bridge in
Milbridge, ME. (Note: This is a pier bridge, not a covered
bridge.) Other Timber Bridge Winners in the Covered Bridge
category were: First Place: Brighton Bridge
VT 45-05-d A Howe Truss, pedestrian crossing covered
bridge completed in 2003. Awards of Merit:
Old Mill Covered Pedestrian Bridge GA 10-60-c in Roswell,
GA and the Littleton Riverwalk Pedestrian Bridge NH
29-05-I in Littleton, New Hampshire. Congratulations to
all the winners and to everyone who worked so diligently on
these bridges.
Special thanks to Bill Cockrell
for all this great information!
Gudgeonville - PA 38-25-03
Sadly, this bridge is probably best known for its graffiti and
vandalism. Town supervisors are considering various options as
to just what to do with this covered bridge, including
building a new bridge alongside it, or bypassing it with
another bridge at a different location. There is also the
option of moving the covered bridge to a park. A public
meeting was held in January to gather input from the public.
As bridge preservationists, we all know what happens when a
bridge is bypassed. Given the past history of vandalism with
this bridge it would be helpful if covered bridge enthusiasts
expressed their concerns by emailing the Town of Girard
Supervisors at: lbgrdtwp@adelphia.net. Please encourage them
to preserve the Gudgeonville Covered Bridge and leave it in
its present environment.
Vermont Hammond -
VT 45-11-05 This bridge is failing and is in danger of
falling into Otter Creek, but it has been stabilized enough to
carry pedestrians and cyclists. During the 1927 flood, the
Hammond Bridge was carried downstream but was in good enough
condition to be brought back upstream and put back on its
crossing. But that incident left its mark. Repairs after the
flood failed to replace or reinforce all the planks missing
from the Town lattice truss. During the 1950's, timbers were
added meant to improve the floor's weight distribution.
However, the wood was green and soon shrank leaving the load
distribution as bad as it had been before. Visitors to the
bridge will now find metal cross bracing both inside the
structure and its underpinnings. Pittsford is one of the
state’s leading covered bridge towns with four covered
bridges. In addition to the Hammond, there are the Cooley and
Gorham bridges on the Pittsford-Proctor town lines and the
Depot Bridge which has been stabilized and had its roof
repaired this year following major damage from a dump truck
that tried to go through the bridge without its box being
completely down.
Virginia Thanks to
Leola and Steve Pierce for forwarding the following
information on upcoming Covered Bridge Festivals and events
happening in Virginia. Saturday, June 17, 2006 -
10:00-5:00 at the Jack's Creek and Bob White Covered Bridges
in Woolwine, Virginia. For vendor information, contact Jeannie
Frisco at: jfrisco@co.patrick.va.us. The Best Western in
Martinsville, VA is offering discounted rates but you must
mention you are with a covered bridge society. Their number is
276-632-5611. June 19, 21, 23, 2006 - 11:00-2:00 at the
Humpback Covered Bridge in Covington, Virginia. Contact Janet
Nelson for more information at: Jldelozier@aol.com. Saturday,
September 16, 2006 at the Sinking Creek Covered Bridge in
Newport, Virginia. This festival was held for years, but last
year it was canceled because of flooding. It is going to be
held again this year on Rt. 601. Please contact Robin Hypes
for further information at: rhypes@pemtel.net
Other News: If you
happen to be a postcard collector (as many of us are), and
would like to obtain postcards of the new Erwin Park Covered
Bridge in Boonville, NY that were offered the day of the
dedication, it's not too late! Contact Lori O'Connor at
O'Connor Printing, 9472 Smith Road, Boonville, NY 13309. There
are three beautiful views of this bridge available. You can
also contact Lori by email at: oconnorprinting@citlink.net.
Update on Covered Spans of Yesteryear
Project By Bill Caswell, Webmaster for CSOY
March, 2006 - Since our last update, the most
significant enhancement to the Covered Spans of Yesteryear
website (www.lostbridges.org) was the addition of Quebec, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario data and pictures. Over 350
covered bridges from New Brunswick are now documented. Gérald
Arbour has reviewed the Quebec data, provided additions and
corrections, and sent copies of over 400 pictures from his
collection to be added to the website. Those pictures may be
available by the time you read this.
We are very fortunate to
have people sharing their original research with us. Howard
Rogers of South Carolina sent a well-documented notebook full
of his North and South Carolina research. Thomas Kipphorn and
Bill Cockrell regularly provide updates of their continuing
research in Pennsylvania and Oregon. Their efforts are greatly
appreciated. To hear about updates as they become available
visit the website and sign up for our mailing list. In
addition to exploring the website, reports from the states and
provinces that we have researched to date are available at the
Covered Bridge Museum in Bennington
Vermont. Much of our
information is extracted from published sources. The various
covered bridge journals and newsletters that have been
published over the years are a valuable resource to us. We are
building a collection of newsletters and journals from the
various covered bridge societies to be used as reference
material for this project. To date, the Oregon Covered Bridge
Society, The National Society for the Preservation of Covered
Bridges, the Indiana Covered Bridge Society, the Covered
Bridge Society of Virginia, the Vermont Covered Bridge
Society, and the Ohio Historic Bridge Association have each
generously donated copies of their newsletters to assist us in
this important endeavor and we are extremely grateful. Thanks
to each of you. Some of
these publications are nearly complete, while others are
missing many issues. If you have any duplicate copies you
would be willing to donate, we would certainly appreciate it.
We are currently searching for copies of certain issues of the
Kentucky Covered Bridge Association – Timbered Tunnel Talk. If
you can assist us in this area, please contact Trish Kane at:
bobtrish68@frontiernet.net. She will send you a list of the
issues we are missing. (Note: The Spring 1986 issue of
Timbered Tunnel Talk mentioned that the location of 276 former
covered bridges in that state had been documented. Does anyone
have a list of these
structures?) If you are
interested in offering pictures of the lost bridges in your
area and have the ability to scan them, please contact me.
There is still a vast amount of territory to cover and any
help will be greatly appreciated. Email is usually the most
effective way to contact me - bill@lostbridges.org.
File Cleaning
The News Tribune, WA, December 2,2005, Bridge
Honors "A Top-Notch Guy." A group of friends and family
helped Bruce Johnson's dream and goal of building his own
covered bridge come true. He designed and started construction
on the bridge before he was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's
The Republic, IN, January 3, 2006, Remains of
Jackson County Covered Bridge Collapse. The Bell's Ford
Bridge had been closed to traffic since 1970 and part of it
had fallen into the White River during a 1999 winter storm.
Now the surviving section of this 1869 covered bridge
collapsed into the river.
The Tribune, IN, February 4, 2006, Commissioners
Consider Fate of Bridges. The future of both the Bell Ford
Bridge and the Medora Covered Bridge are in limbo. The Jackson
County commissioners met with members of the county's park and
recreation board to brainstorm ideas for funds to save these
The Union Leader, NH, February 14,2006, Tech
Innovators Honored in White House Ceremony. Roger Easton
was presented the National Medal of Technology, the nation's
highest award for technology achievements, by President Bush
in a ceremony at the White House.
Marietta Times, January 20, 2006, Cost to Rebuild
Bridge Under $lM Estimate. The cost of restoring the
Rinard Covered Bridge will be less expensive than county
officials anticipated. The historic bridge, one of only 9
covered bridges in Washington County, had been closed to
vehicle traffic since 1991.The remnants of Hurricane Ivan
helped to wash the bridge off its piers and into the river.
The contractor has until the end of October to complete the
Parke County Sentinel, IN, January 18, 2006,
Ceremony Marks Beginning 'of Bridge Reconstruction. . The
official kick-off of the reconstruction effort for the
Bridgeton Covered Bridge was attended by donors and supporters
of the project.
The Winterset Madison ian, lA, November 9,2005,
ISU Experts Finish High-Tech Security for Cedar Bridge. A
network offiber.;.optic cable, infrared'cameras and flame
detection devices have been installed at the replica of the
Cedar Covered Bridge near Cedar Lake as part of a U.S. Forest
Service grant.
Statesman Journal, OR, February 22, 2006,
Community Faces $334K Bill to Replace Bridge. The 100
foot Wimer Bridge fell into Evans Creek in 2003. Replacing the
covered bridge is estimated to cost $887K. Federal funds will
cover $407K, Jackson County will contribute $146K and the
community will have to raise the remaining $334K.
CONTRIBUTORS: Bill Cockrell, Sandy Adrion, Brian
McKee, Dick Roy, Roger Grover, Andy Howard.
Lawrence Apley Obituary: Lawrence passed away on May
25, 2005. He and his wife Margaret have been members since
1956 and have gone on many safaris. Margaret has written
articles for Topics in the 1960's. Lawrence had received many
medals from his service in the Battle of the Bulge. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to Margaret, his wife of 58 years.
Note from Dick Roy: Richard S. Allen. Does that name
ring a bell? June and I started bridging about 42 years ago
and very shortly the name Rick Allen came out of the blue.
Rick is known as the foremost authority in covered bridge
land. Rick is in a nursing home in Idaho. I volunteer in a
nursing home in my area and when someone gets a letter or a
card, their eyes light up. Can we give back to Rick what he
has given us for the last 40 to 50 years. A note or card will
suffice. He may not be able to answer all of the cards but at
least let's tell him that we remember. Send a card or note to:
Richard S. Allen, Life Care Center of Lewiston, 325 Warner
Drive. Lewiston Idaho, 83501. Rick just passed his 89th
birthday this past January.
Letter to the editor:
U.S. Postal Stamps
Dear SirlMadam: Greetings fellow covered bridge
enthusiast. Did you know that covered bridges have never been
featured on U.S. Postal stamps and are currently under
consideration for future stamp issuance?
Enclosed is a copy of a letter I sent to the Citizens'
Stamp Advisory Committee encouraging them to make a prompt and
favorable decision to feature covered bridges on stamps.
Please get the word out to your members and let's inundate
the United States Postal Service with letters requesting that
covered bridges be featured on U.S. Postal stamps.
Letters should be addressed to:
USPS Stamp Development ATTN: Citizens' Stamp Advisory
Committee 1735 North LynllStreet, Suite 5013 Arlington,
VA 22209-6432
Sincerely, Randy Dietz
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear SirlMadam:
I believe the subject of covered bridges would meet every
criterion to become what I'm hoping to be not just one stamp
but a series of stamps. The 880 covered bridges spanning 30
states should be more than enough to pique a broad national
interest. As for standing the test of time, the oldest
standing covered bridge was built sometime in the very early
1800's. But covered bridges are not just a thing of the past.
The newest covered bridge was built in 1989. The numerous
societies, associations, clubs, granges, and committees
dedicated to the preservation of covered bridges is a good
indication of them being consistent with public opinion.
Playing an essential part to the antebellum economic growth of
this country and the burning of the longest one in history in
order to halt the easterly advance of Confederate forces are
just two examples of the historical perspective of covered
Also known as kissing bridges, because that's what couples
did when crossing them, covered bridges have been the milieu
for numerous weddings. While 99% of all covered bridges have
gabled ends, there is at least one covered bridge in
Pennsylvania that has what's been known as a storefront
façade. Of the 18 distinct truss configurations and multiple
variations thereof, the five most popular designs are the Burr
arch, Howe truss, town lattice, kingpost, and queenpost. The
earliest covered bridges were built by farmers who would make
the size of the opening based on the height and width of a
load of hay. Again with 99% of all covered bridges, only this
time pertaining to them being single-wide, there is at least
one double-wide covered bridge in Vermont. The typical speed
limit for crossing covered bridges was and still is no faster
than a walk. According to some towns' local ordinances, some
covered bridges were provided with walkways enhancing their
usefulness and aesthetics.
With that said, I'm hoping it ~on't be long before covered
bridges are featured on U.S. Postal stamps.
Sincerely, Randy Dietz
Note from Dick Roy regarding covered bridges on U.S.
Postal Stamps:
I must offer some information at this time. In 1952, Scott
No.1 0 12, was a stamp commemorating the Centennial of
Engineers depicting, I believe the Brookline bridge in the
lower left hand corner.
In 1982 a sketch of another covered bridge, Scott No.
2029,was depicted in a Christmas issue.
These are the only two U.S. stamps that I can think of with
a covered bridge. There is also a proposed "Wonders of
America" stamp to be issued this year depicting the Cornish
Windsor bridge as the longest in the nation.
Covered Bridge Postcards For
800 3x5 Modern Covered Bridges: All in USA 100 4x6
2 3x5 Somerest County PA 11 Long Gone of PA 100 4x6
ofPA 3 4x6 of Ontario, Canada 14 views ofPA, 4x6 1
5x7 of Breeze wood, Bedford County, PA 1 5x7 of Cornwall,
CT 21 views of VT, 4x6 2 views Ohio bridges 3
views Michigan bridges 2 views Oregon bridges 3 4x6 of
NC 4x6 of Package Hill, NH 3 4x6 of NY Complete
Postcard List |
.1 0 each .25 each .30 each .50 each .25
each .50 each .35 each .59 each .35 each .35
each .35 each .35 each .35 each .35 each .35
each .35 each $6.50 total |
All prices plus postage and handling, no stamps accepted.
Please make check or money order payable to: Robert L. Damery
2000 Burma Road New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168-8302
This will be your last Topics/Newsletter. When you
read this notice and see (05) on the mailing label, it means that
your dues are due. If (05) does not show up then you are paid
through June 2006. Please look at the following information and
write me a note with your renewal. Please be prompt, if possible, in
order that Topics and the Newsletter be delivered by bulk mail
process. Thank you very much for your
Pauline Prideaux
Please print your name and address as you wish it to appear on
our records and on your mailing label.
City________________________State_____________Zip Code________
[ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Annual membership (family or individual) all living at the
same address Canadian Postage Supplement European Postage
Supplement Student Membership Single Life Membership Mr.
& Mrs. Life Membership Corporate Membership
$4.00 $10.00 $5.00 $250.00 $300.00 $500.00
Memorial Fund)
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Portal Contribution Kingpost Contribution Queenpost
Contribution Howe Truss Contribution
$2.00 $5.00 $10.00 $25.00
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Burr Truss Contribution Town Lattice
Contribution Haupt Truss Contribution Whipple Truss
$50.00 $100.00 $150.00 $250.00
4856 Spencer Oaks
Pace, FL 32571
Every year over $1,000 is remitted towards the Harold F. Eastman
Fund from Optional Donations. Please help keep the fund afloat for
Bridge Preservation.
First Annual
Covered Bridge Swap Meet This year, Olin's Museum of
Covered Bridges will kick off the summer with our first Annual
Covered Bridge Swap Meet. Get out your bridges and dust off your
doubles, new or used collectibles, post cards and hand made crafts.
Anything covered bridges, nothing but covered
bridges. If you are a crafter or
if your organization has "store" items to sell, this is a great
opportunity to showcase your unique covered bridge items and crafts.
Post card collectors can share or expand their collections by
swapping or selling. Food will be
available. The event takes place June 24 from 10:00 A.M. -
5:00 P.M. Rain or shine. Table
space is ten dollars per table. Please specify if you need a canopy.
Check our website at www.coveredbridgemuseum.org or call
Julie Grandbouche at 440-998-0025 for more info. Location 1918 Dewey
Rd, Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 just 2 driveways east of Olin's Bridge in
Plymouth Township. As a courtesy we ask that your try to sign up by
June 1st if it is at all possible.
Covered Bridges: Spanning the American
Landscape Makes New England Debut at Montshire Museum of Science,
NORWICH, VT-- The Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich,
Vermont, will present Covered Bridges: Spanning the American
Landscape, a new exhibition from the Smithsonian Institution
August 5-0ctober 15,2006. The Montshire will be the first venue in
New England for the exhibit.
Few engineering structures--indeed, few historic structures of
any kind--captivate the American imagination like covered wood
bridges. Simultaneously sturdy and beautiful, covered bridges evoke
the calm of a simpler age far from today's bustling freeways.
Romance and nostalgia, however, often mask the substantial
engineering achievements these bridges represent. It is precisely
this embodiment of both the cultural and the technological that
gives covered wood bridges their widespread appeal and understated
The United States is home to about 800 covered wood bridges --
nearly 60 percent of the world's total-- and an active network of
scholars and citizens working to document and preserve significant
Sadly, some five bridges are lost each year to age, arson,
flooding, and traffic. This 1000 square-foot exhibit showcases
photographs, architectural and engineering drawings, models, and
bridge artifacts that illustrate the cultural heritage covered
bridges represent, and the important role they still play in our
transportation infrastructure. Covered Bridges: Spanning the
American Landscape focuses on bridges across the United States,
including several local structures.
The exhibit is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Montshire Museum
seven days a week from August 5 through October 15,2006. Admission
is $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for children 3-17. Children under 3 are
admitted free. The Museum is located on 110 lovely acres bordering
the Connecticut River in Norwich, VT (five miles north of the
intersection of 1-91 and 1-89).
Contact: Kevin Coburn Phone: 802-649-2200, Email:
kevin.coburn@montshire.org |
We are very happy to have to offer a couple of items in
commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Society for
the Preservation of Covered Bridges.
Tote Bag - Has the National Society for the Preservation
of Covered Bridges emblem in dark blue on front pocket measuring 12
1 /2" by 15 1 /2" with a top snap and 20" handle straps. Available
for $15 including shipping
Ornament -Also has the Society emblem. It's a 3" round
glass maroon ornament with the emblem in gold. Available for $7
including shipping
Pens -Pens have "I love Covered Bridges - N.S.P.C.B."
written on them. Available for $1.25 including shipping.
SPECIAL OFFER!! You may want to
have them all. One of each tote, ornament and pen will be available
for $20 including shipping. They are great gifts for family, friends
and other bridgers. We have a limited supply, so please order yours
INC and mail to;
N.S.P.C.B. INC. Pauline Prideaux 4856 Spencer Oaks
Blvd Pace, FL 32571 |
The following are items still available through the Society: All
of the items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street,
Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available
for $16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling. Society Arm
Patch with N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55
cents P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs of
Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's of
Virginia, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 CB's of
Bennington County VT, A Guide . . . $6.50 CB's of Massachusetts,
A Guide . . . . . . . . . .$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and
handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00
plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash
Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify,
Medium or Extra Large. This is a
fund raiser for the preservation fund. Buy several as gifts
for your family and friends. Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk
cotton. |
Other available books from the Society Store
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book
depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996.
Postpaid $17.00 (From June Roy) |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges
called, "Spanning Time;Vermont's Covered Bridges." You can
get a copy by contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill
VT 05489 or visit www.vermontbridges.com. Joseph
Nelson is the President of the Vermont Society.
New book by Joseph Conwill: Images of America, "VERMONT COVERED
BRIDGES." It sells for $19.99 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.
Both are now available on computer diskette ONLY in PC format. It
is in the compressed format to fit on a PC computer floppy disc. You
must have Zip Software to decompress it. If you do not have Zip
Software, Joe will send you a copy. The TOPICS index
includes: Table of Contents for each issue, an index to subjects and
authors, as well as more. The World Guide is kept up to date
and in regular format. Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph
Cohen, 130 Westfield Drive, Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until
mid-September. The rest of the year he can be reached at 210
Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL 33417. |
to top  Joe
Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The
content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the
Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file
posted 5/14/2006