April - May - June - Spring 2003
Newsletter National
Society for the preservation of Covered Bridges Incorporated
David W. Wright, President P.O. Box 171 Westminster, VT
05158 (802) 722-4040
Mrs. Christine Ellsworth Corresponding Secretary 44
Cleveland Ave. Worcester, MA 01603 (508) 756-4516 |
Carmela Sciandra, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box
398026 Cambridge, MA 02139 E-mail:
Send dues to: Pauline Prideaux Membership
Chairperson 143 Freeman St. Extension Haverhill, MA
01830-4659 E-mail: sanibel93@aol.com |
Richard Roy, Historian 73 Ash Street Manchester, NH
03104-4906 (603)623-8406 Email:dickroycb1@juno.com |
KC Klingensmith, Newsletter Ed. P.O. Box 425193 Cambridge,
MA 02142 E-mail: kc@ilp.mit.edu
David Topham, Treasurer, Nov thru April only: 11707
Oakmont Ct., Fort Myers, FL 33908-2825 (941) 433-1551; May thru
Oct: 45 Village Way No. 50, Rockport, ME 04856-3805,
207-596-7472 |
Sunday, April 27 at 1 p.m. Meeting will be held at
the Plymouth Church, Framingham, MA..
Sunday, May 18 at 1 p.m. Executive Board Meeting
will be held at the home of Joe and Marianne Cohen. (Click
for directions) This meeting is open to the general
membership also.
Sunday, June To be
announced. |
newsletter is scheduled for July 2003. Therefore, anyone wishing to
submit any photos, articles, etc. should submit them to Carmela or
KC by June 20, 2003. Any newspaper or magazine articles must
include source information and details (such as name of publication,
date, etc.). THANK YOU! |
to top
Dear Fellow Members,
Though I have tried to swear off to some extent at least
commenting on the weather here in Westminster at the beginning of
each of my quarterly diatribes, I nevertheless feel compelled this
time to mention the unusually cold temperatures during most of
January, February, and so far, March.
(The present President's Message is being drafted on March
Not only have there been many days when the thermometer has
fallen to below zero, but often these days have come all together in
a bunch, so to speak. For example, starting on January 14th here is
a list of the morning minimum temperatures till the end of the
month: |
Date Min.
14th -
1.5 15th - 9.6 16th
- 7.1 17th
11.5 18th
- 16.2 19th
- 16.1 20th
- 4.0 21st
- 11.2 22nd
- 10.8
Date Min.
23rd -
9.8 24th - 8.7 25th
- 11.2 26th
3.2 27th
6.8 28th
- 15.7 29th
5.4 30th
- 6.5 31st
not recorded
Of course, most of us in this region have become a little bit
spoiled of late years.
Why do I say this?
For a quite simple reason: because recently, winters here have
tended to be fairly mild, hence many of us have nearly forgotten
what "Jack Frost" can hold in store for us, given the right
circumstances. Those who had planned for yet another season similar
to that say of 2001-2002 have suffered a rude shock this time
around. To cite but a single instance, many people in Massachusetts,
Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, pre-buy their heating oil. As a
general rule, someone pre-buying fuel oil tries not to purchase much
more of it than what he expects to use during the course of an
on-coming heating season. Well, this winter, many folks have already
exhausted their allotment of pre-bought fuel, and are consequently
now being obliged to purchase heating oil at its current
astronomically high price.
In this context, it is interesting to note that a few years back,
some wag gave voice to the view that nature is in fact the severest
of all teachers. According to this notion, when nature is in charge
of one's education, first one submits to an "examination", then, but
only then, and only should one prove oneself skillful enough to
survive the "trial", does one get the lesson!
As New Englanders are well known both for their perspicacity and
resourcefulness, I rather imagine that much additional pre-bought
fuel oil shall be being purchased by the folks up here next
What do all of you think?
Speaking of next summer, which action implies the passage of
time, obviously, I find it hard to believe that it is once again the
season to "re-up" in the Society. For me, it seems but a few short
weeks ago that I coughed up my 15 bucks for yet another 12 months of
National-Society membership. How tricky memory can be!! And how much
faster time seems to pass as one grows older. (Egad! I never thought
the day would come when I should be obliged to say something like
that!!!) In any case, for good or for ill, our dues are once again
due, and, as in years past, I entreat each and every one of you to
continue to support our Covered Bridges, these great National
Treasures, by maintaining your membership in the National Society.
There is indeed much strength to be had in numbers. At the same
time, I would ask all of you to contribute as generously as possible
to the Eastman - Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge Preservation. Please
remember that every dollar donated to this fund will be spent again
and again, for it is only the interest earned from monies given for
Preservation which is used to support Covered-Bridge Restoration
Thanks to the past generosity of members, the Society is now in a
position to begin making fairly significant grants. The first of
these, already awarded and soon to be expended, will enable the New
Hampshire Division of Historical Resources to restore partially, as
well as to stabilize, the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge in
Hopkinton, New Hampshire, which project has been discussed fairly
fully in several previous President's Messages.
(Briefly, for those of you who may have just joined the Society,
the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge is an extremely important
structure. As some of you will already know, there are now but seven
Covered Railroad Bridges remaining in the world. Curiously enough,
all of these are to be found within the confines of the United
States, New Hampshire being the State with the greatest
concentration of them (5). The Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge is
the oldest survivor of this vanishing race, whose numbers once
counted in the hundreds, perhaps even thousands. It was built in
1889 by the Boston and Maine Railroad, which means that one of the
great engineers of the nineteenth century, Jonathan Parker Snow,
most likely had a hand in its construction. (Please see the
accompanying issue of Topics, page 6, for additional
information regarding J. P. Snow.) Miraculously, this structure,
despite great abuse after it ceased to be used as a railroad
crossing, has come down to us essentially intact. Properly
stabilized and maintained thereafter, it ought to remain in place
for the foreseeable future. Since both the National Society and the
New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources are in complete
agreement as to how to preserve the Contoocook Covered Railroad
Bridge, it would be difficult to imagine a happier or more fruitful
collaboration than the present one, nor a more appropriate project
for the Society to finance with its still somewhat limited
Preservation Monies. Very likely, therefore, the present joint
effort shall be but the first of several such.)
Once again. I want to stress the importance of all of you
maintaining your memberships in the Society, and of donating as much
as possible to the Eastman - Thomas Fund for Covered-Bridge
Preservation. Though with each day that passes, more and more people
are becoming interested in Historical Preservation, which fact ought
to auger well for our Covered Bridges, nevertheless, these
structures are by no means out of danger, not by a long shot! There
are of course always the twin risks of fire and flood, but mostly,
these days, the greatest threat to our Nation's Covered Spans is
"demolition" through redesign.
Your Society is constitutionally opposed to any such proceedings,
and so, the more of us that there are, and the more funds we have at
our disposal in order to encourage the right kind of preservation,
the fewer spans shall fall to the usually not too terribly tender
mercies of the typical department-of-transportation engineer.
(You have all heard the phrase "Sic transit gloria
pontis", I am sure!!)
Once again, or rather for the third time, please all of you renew
your memberships in the Society, and give as generously as you can
to the Eastman -Thomas Fund.
Now, to change the subject somewhat, in the Fall President's
Message, I spoke to you about two bridges, the Bath-Haverhill
Covered Bridge, in the towns of Bath and Haverhill, New Hampshire,
and the Gilbertville Covered Bridge in Ware and Hardwick,
The news respecting the latter seems to be good - Mass Highways
have , believe it or not, expressed a willingness to consider an all
wood historically accurate repair to this structure; whether they
mean it or not, only time will tell - and respecting the former,
neither good nor bad: it will still be a few weeks before the
engineer we have hired to investigate the Bath Haverhill structure
will be able to draft his report to us. The bottom line here? Stay
tuned, as used to be said back in the days of the golden age of
In the meantime, Happy Bridging!!!!
Sincerely, your President,
David W. Wright
P. S.: Word has just reached me of the death of one of our long
time members, Mr. Kenneth E. Curran of Littleton, New Hampshire, a
good friend to me, and a wonderful friend of the bridges. I first
met Ken during the campaign, alas unsuccessful, to have the Cornish
Covered Bridge properly restored. As soon as Ken saw that the
restoration scheme, which had been carefully worked out for us by
Milton Graton, whom, incidentally, he, Ken had known for many years,
had merit, he took me up to the Mount Cube Farm in Orford, New
Hampshire, to meet his old friend, former New Hampshire Governor
Meldrim Thomson. Not surprisingly, it did not take Mel Thomson very
long to understand what was going on, and thereafter, he became one
of the bridge's most prominent supporters. At the time, former
Governor Thomson was writing two or three columns a week for the
Manchester, New Hampshire, Union Leader. His columns usually
appeared on the front page of that journal. Governor Thomson was
soon thundering away in favor of an historically accurate repair and
reconstruction of the Cornish Covered Bridge. I only regret that I
had not had the sense to have gone to see him several years earlier.
The outcome for this great span might have been altogether
different, had I but done so. In any case Ken Curran came to believe
so much in what Milton Graton was advocating for the bridge in
question that he proposed forming a consortium to take on this
project, a consortium he was planning personally to finance. Alas, a
majority of New Hampshire's Executive Council rejected this idea,
and, in the time-honored phrase, the rest is history.
Ken Curran was a wonderful man, a man of extraordinary character,
an independent man, a man of deep intelligence and sound judgment, a
man of his word. He was as public spirited as he was industrious,
having served his community in numerous ways, even representing
Littleton for two years in the New Hampshire General Court. He ran a
successful construction company, Curran-Lavoie, for many years,
building scores of modern New Hampshire highway bridges. He was an
important man in his state, in his town, and for his friends and
family. He will be missed by literally legions of people and of
course, most especially by me.
Your President, D.W.W. |
Last Covered Bridge in Wisconsin. 3 miles north of
Cedarburg. Built in 1876. Published by Haertlein Graphics,
Inc. Milwaukee, WI 53223 Postcard submitted by Ken
Mauer |
Letter to the Editor
January 30, 2003 Dear Editor:
I read with great interest the winter 2003 issue of the NSPCB
Newsletter, especially the "A Message From Your President" section written
by David Wright. In his column Mr. Wright has expressed concern over the
recent study that was completed on the Haverhill-Bath Covered Bridge and
the proposed rehabilitation of this bridge.
Although I applaud Mr. Wright's interest in the Haverhill-Bath Covered
Bridge (or his interest in any covered bridge for that matter) the
information provided in the Winter 2003 Newsletter is not current. There
have been dramatic and recent developments regarding this bridge. I will
refer the readers to the latest article on the Haverhill-Bath Covered
Bridge which appears (below) in this issue of the Newsletter.
Robert H. Durfee, P.E. Hoyle, Tanner & Associates,
Inc. Member, NSPCB
Status Report on the Haverhill-Bath Covered Bridge, New
The Haverhill-Bath Covered Bridge has received two (2) grants for the
rehabilitation of what is the oldest covered bridge in New Hampshire (and
the 2nd oldest covered bridge in North America). This bridge, which is
jointly owned by the Towns of Haverhill and Bath will be restored. Federal
funds from a Transportation Enhancement Grant (TE) and a Demonstration
Project Grant from former New Hampshire Senator Smith will pay for 80% of
all project costs while the towns will pay the remaining 20%.
The Towns of Haverhill and Bath have selected Hoyle, Tanner &
Associates, Inc. (HTA) a Consulting Engineering Firm located in
Manchester, NH to study the bridge and to design the restoration effort.
HTA specializes in rehabilitating or restoring covered bridges and
designing new covered bridges. Since Federal funds are involved, HTA is
working closely with Jim Garvin, Architectural Historian for the New
Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (NHDHR), Keith Cota, P.E. and
Robert Landry, P.E., Project Managers for the New Hampshire Department of
Transportation (NHDOT) and Harry Kinter from the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) to ensure the project meets all Federal and State
requirements including, rehabilitating this bridge in accordance with the
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.
This bridge has a significant amount of original timbers remaining that
date back to the 1829 construction date and the 1921 rehabilitation in
which the arches and sidewalk were added. The recommendations of our study
are that all existing members, where possible, will be retained and only
rotted, damaged, or broken members be repaired. Where repairing is not
possible the individual member will be replaced. Thus, the existing roof
boards, roof framing, upper lateral bracing, trusses, lower lateral
bracing, floor beams, needle beams, and arches will be retained and
repaired as necessary. The existing metal roof will be replaced with a new
metal roof, and the existing floor decking and stringers, which were
installed in 1974, will be removed. HTA has worked closely with Jim Garvin
on this project, as we have with all our covered bridge projects in New
Hampshire and his insights and suggestions have been very helpful.
The bridge is closed to vehicular traffic having been bypassed by a new
steel and concrete bridge in 1999. The bridge, after rehabilitation, will
be used as a pedestrian bridge. Current design standards for pedestrian
bridges require that it support a live load of 65 lbs per square foot.
During the study of this bridge we determined that meeting this live load
requirement would require replacement of significant portions of existing
truss members and floor framing with newer and stronger timber. We do not
feel this is a reasonable approach and with concurrence from Jim Garvin
and the Towns' we lowered the live load capacity to 40 lbs to per square
foot, a value that the existing bridge can support without replacing
members solely to meet loading requirements.
The current schedule for this project is to complete design by this
fall and to begin construction in November 2003, with an anticipated
completion date, rededication and opening of the bridge in August
NSPCB Members can be assured that this bridge restoration is in good
Robert H. Durfee, P.E. Hoyle, Tanner & Associates,
Inc. www.hoyletanner.com Member, NSPCB
remains of Cedar Bridge (15-61-03) Madison County,
Iowa Photo by Lloyd Fraser, October 24,
2002 |
OBITUARY: Fredrick Kildow Fred Kildow passed away December
26, 2002. Fred was very energetic and knowledgeable, concerning, not only
Oregon Covered Spans, but structures all over the Country. He joined the
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges in 1974 with his
wife Mary. Every year he included a little extra for the Eastman-Thomas
Fund, which is used strictly for bridge preservation. Ironically his wife
Mary recently passed away. The Kildows will be greatly missed in the
covered bridge world. Our sympathies go out to their family.
Spanning New York State Covered Bridge
 By Bob and Trish
Rensselaer/Washington Counties
Buskirk Covered Bridge -- NY 32-42-02/58-04 The Buskirk
Covered Bridge remains closed in preparation for repairs. A routine
annual inspection discovered a severe structural defect in the
truss. The Rexleigh and Eagleville Covered Bridges, which were
closed due to heavy snow, have now been reopened. Design work on
rehabilitating the three Washington County covered bridges is nearly
completed and the projects will be going out for bid soon so
construction can begin in the spring.
Herkimer County
Salisbury Center Covered Bridge - NY 32-22-01 Peter
Usselmann, Chairman of the Planning Board in Salisbury Center
recently informed us that rehabilitation work on the bridge will
begin in the spring and bids will be going out soon. Looks like a
busy summer for the bridges in that area.
Tompkins County
Newfield Covered Bridge -- NY 32-55-01 Mark your
calendars for July 26, 2003 when the Newfield Covered Bridge
will be celebrating its 150 Birthday Celebration. More information
will follow in future articles.
Other News
New York State Driving Tour -- Do you have any idea how
many routes you can take to visit our covered bridges? As we
progress with this project, we are learning there are many! What's
the best? Thanks to a weekend with our friend, and covered bridge
expert, Richard Donovan, we hope we have come up with the best
route. Unfortunately, there is no route that won't include some
backtracking, but we have tried to keep that to a minimum. We would
like to thank all the wonderful folks who have called or emailed
with their support and volunteered to take the 'test drive' for us.
We should have a rough draft to you soon.
Ohio -- The Teegarden/Centennial Covered Bridge, OH
35-15-05 suffered minor damage following an arson attack on
February 23. This lovely bridge was moved back to its original
location in November of 2002 after a $300,000 rehabilitation using
federal and state funds, plus $50,000 from Columbiana County.
Fortunately, the bridge was coated with three coats of fire
retardant which are believed to have helped keep the damage to a
minimum. Columbiana County was home to three historic covered
bridges between 1988 and 1992 all lost by fire. One was rebuilt, and
the others are gone forever.
Covered Bridge Society of Virginia -- The first planning
meeting to organize the Virginia Covered Bridge Society was held on
February 19, 2003. We can always use another Covered Bridge Society
to help with preservation efforts. They are also in the process of
designing a web page
If you have any suggestions or would just like to offer your
support, contact Leola B. Pierce, 757-484-4404 or email her at
Oregon Covered Bridge Society -- Thanks to Bill Cockrell
for informing us about a new CD that has been produced by the Oregon
Department of Transportation: A Guide to Oregon Covered
Bridges. Bill worked with the Department of Transportation on
producing this CD and it is fabulous. The photos, maps, directions
and information are excellent. And best of all, it's free! For more
information, contact: bridge@odot.state.or.us or write:
Oregon DOT, Bridge Engineering Section, 355 Capitol Street, Room
301, Salem, OR 97301- 3871.
Bedford County, PA -- For those of you who may not have
heard, three men, Luke Bartholow, 19 of Schellsburg, PA and Edwin
Sanders, 19 and Shawn LeFever, 17 both from Lancaster, PA, were
arrested for setting fire to the Ryot Covered Bridge PA
38-05-17. Luke Bartholow pleaded guilty to arson and will
testify against Edwin Sanders who is jailed awaiting trial this
spring. Shawn LeFever was sent to a rehabilitation facility after he
acknowledged his role during a juvenile court hearing in December.
He was also sentenced to pay one-third of the $300,000 it will cost
to rebuild the bridge and perform 200 hours of community service in
helping rebuild it. LeFever has agreed to testify against Sanders
who has said he is innocent. Bedford County Commissioners have
decided to rebuild the 75-foot-long bridge using the county's share
of state liquid fuels money.
Amazingly enough, almost all of the suggested punishments we
received from folks were focused around sharing in the cost of the
rebuilding of the bridge, community service and assisting in
locating funding to rebuild the bridge. All excellent ideas! Thanks
to all of you for sending in your suggestions. The next time this
happens, please don't hesitate to call or write county officials
suggesting these punishments.
Another Covered Bridge Endeavor - As active Bridgers, we
are often asked if a comprehensive list of all covered
bridges that ever existed has ever been compiled. To
our knowledge, there isn't one, but individual covered bridge or
historical societies may have one for their state or area. Special
thanks to Richard Donovan and Richard Roy for providing us with a
great beginning to this project (over 800 lost
bridges). We would like to take it one step further and add as many
others as we can to this list. If you would like to provide
information on covered bridges that no longer exist from your state,
or adopt a state to work on, we would certainly welcome your
assistance. We have designed a form that will assist you in your
research and also indicate the type of information we would like to
record on each bridge. Seem overwhelming? We thought so too at
first, but once we got started, it really isn't difficult at all and
we have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from the research.
What has been really interesting is to see just how we lost these
bridges. Most have been lost to arson, flood, wind, snow, and
collapse . . .but not necessarily in that order. Surprised? We were
too. It is truly amazing, and once completed, this listing will be a
tremendous wealth of historical information. For more information,
feel free to email us at: bobtrish68@clarityconnect.com.
Mail Pouch Tobacco Barns-- As Covered Bridge Enthusiasts
travel across the country in their quest for covered bridges, the
will often become interested in other unique things . . . Round
Barns, Outhouses, Octagon Barns, Windmills, Lighthouses, etc. It is
almost inevitable. One thing that has caught our attention is the
Mail Pouch Tobacco Barns. Much like our covered bridges they are
disappearing fast. If you would like to learn more about these
unique structures, visit this great web site: www:
mail-pouch.org A group, Mail Pouch Barnstormers, has
recently been formed to help bring awareness to this wonderful part
of Americana. |
Directions to the Executive Board Meeting on May 18, 2003 (1 PM)
Joe and Marianne Cohen residence at 130 Westfield Drive, Holliston,
From Boston: Exit the Massachusetts turnpike at Natick, and take
route 30 west into Framingham. There, take route 126 south, through both
Framingham and Ashland just over the town line into Holliston, turn right
on Ashland Street, then turn left almost immediately on Dodd Road. Follow
this around until it ends on Westfield Drive, then turn left, and proceed
to 130 Westfield Drive, Holliston and the Cohen Residence which will be on
the right side of the Street.
From the South: Exit Interstate 495 at the first of the two
possible Milford exits, follow the signs to Route 16 east. Take this
through the village of Holliston, and at the second light, turn on route
126. Just before the Ashland Town line, turn left on Ashland Street and
proceed as above. Return to
Meeting Dates
Jeanne Baker 80 pages: a guide of 5 tours (includes photos,
sketches, maps, lodging) Cost: $12.95 + $3.00 s&h To
order: Jeanne Baker , 605 Jones Ferry Rd. #EE4, Carrboro, NC
27510 |
File Cleaning
Action News, January 2, 2003, Covered Bridge Saved.
Dating back to about 1750, the Green Sergeant's bridge in Delaware Twp. is
the last remaining historic covered bridge in New Jersey. Larry Johnson,
an 82-year-old descendant of Richard Green Sergeant, for whom the bridge
is named, has sold the 20-area parcel surrounding the bridge to the NJ
Conservation Foundation and the state Green Acres programs.
Winterset Madisonian, January 22, 2003, Bridge Fund Grant
Given. The Iowa Transportation Commission has pledged $700K to aid in
rebuilding the Cedar Bridge in Madison County which was completely burned
on Sept 3, 2002. The rebuilding should begin this fall and completion is
scheduled for spring 2004.
The Lakeland Times, June 25, 2002, Missing Bridge Roof is
Costly. The wooden bridge spanning the Wisconsin River was built about
5 years ago between the townships of Newbold and Lake Tomahawk. It was
designed to be the longest covered bridge in the state of Wisconsin. When
built, the roof was omitted because of lack of funds. Today the bridge
floor has warped wooden planks that buckle and create a hazard for
vehicles. The Lake Tomahawk Board has voted to have the wooden deck ripped
off and replaced with a 3-inch layer of asphalt.
CONTRIBUTORS: Bob Salvi, Andy Howard, Jerry Krumenacker, Jack
Updated photo of the Locust Creek Bridge,
MO (25-58-01) taken by Barbara Mollus in Dec.
2002. |
The following are items still available through the Society: All of the
items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH
03104-4906 or E-mail dickroycb1@Juno.com
The Book, Life in the Slow Lane is still available for
$16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling. Society Arm Patch with
N.S.P.C.B. logo 3" arm patch available for $1.75 + 55 cents P&H.
Books Available by Andrew Howard:
CB's of Madison County IA, A Guide . . . . . .$6.50 CBs of
Connecticut, A Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 CB's of Virginia, A
Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.95 CB's of Bennington County VT,
A Guide . . . $6.50 CB's of Massachusetts, A Guide . . . . . . . . .
.$7.00 There is a $2.00 postage and handling charge for each book.
Covered Bridge Polo Shirts with N.S.P.C.B.
Logo.For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo,
send $15.00 plus $3.95 for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash
Street, Manchester NH 03104-4906. Specify, Medium or
Extra Large. This is a fund raiser for the
preservation fund. Buy several as gifts for your family and friends.
Shirts are 100% pre-shrunk cotton. |
Other available books from the Society Store
Covered Bridges of Vermont by Ed Barna. This is a book depicting
all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996. Postpaid $17.00
(From June Roy) |
New Hampshire Covered Bridges, "A Link With Our Past," by
Richard Marshall, color photos by Arthur Round. Excellent book on NH
bridges. $20.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling. Proceeds to
Eastman Fund. |
There is also an excellent book out on Vermont Covered Bridges called,
"Spanning Time -- Vermont's Covered Bridges." You can get a copy by
contacting Joseph Nelson, 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill VT 05489 or Visit
>www.vermontbridges.com> Joseph Nelson is the President of the
Vermont Society.
Both are now available on computer diskette in either Mac or PC format.
Please specify your choice. The TOPICS index includes: Table of
Contents for each issue, an index to subjects and authors, as well as
more. The World Guide is kept up to date and in the regular format.
The file on this diskett is compressed using the WinZip utility
(www.winzip.com). Order your choice at $5.00 each from Joseph Cohen, 130
Westfield Drive, Holliston, MA 01746 from mid-April until mid-September.
The rest of the year he is at 210 Wellington F, West Palm Beach, FL
Have you renewed your subscription? It is that time of year. When you
read this notice and see (03) on the mailing label, it means that your
dues are due. If (03) does not show up, then you are paid thru June 2004.
Please look at the following information and write me directly with your
renewal. We ask that you be prompt, if possible, in order that Topics and
the Newsletter be delivered by Bulk Mail process. Thank you very much for
your cooperation. Pauline
Please print your name and address as you wish it to appear on our
records and on your mailing label.
Name ___________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State_______Zip Code__________
[ ] Annual membership (family or individual) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$15.00 all living at the same
address [ ] Canadian Postage Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .$4.00 [ ] European Postage Supplement . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 [ ] Student Membership . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 [ ] Single Life
Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.$250.00 [ ] Mr. & Mrs. Life Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .$300.00 [ ] Corporate Membership . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00
Memorial Fund*)
[ ] Portal Contribution
$2.00 [ ] Kingpost Contribution
$5.00 [ ] Queenpost
Contribution $10.00 [ ] Howe
Truss Contribution
[ ] Burr Truss Contribution
$50.00 [ ] Town Lattice Contribution
$100.00 [ ] Haupt Truss
Contribution $150.00 [ ]
Whipple Truss Contribution
N.S.P.C.B. INC. Pauline Prideaux 143 Freeman St.
Ext. Haverhill, MA 01830
(*) Every year over $1,000 is remitted towards the Harold F. Eastman
Fund from Optional Donations. Please help keep the fund afloat for Bridge
Preservation. |