newsltr NSPCB Newsletter - October - November - December - Fall 2001
Sunday September 23. 2001 at 1:00 PM We will meet at the site of the Bissell Bridge in Charlemont, MA. David is very concerned about this structure and believes that it should be talked up. This bridge is located on route 8A, 1/2 mile north of the junction with route 2. Please bring your chairs. Sunday November 25, 2001 at 12:00 noon Meeting will be held at the Plymouth Church in Framingham, MA.
Topics, summer, 2001: Dear Fellow Members, Greetings! I do hope that all of you have had superb summers. As for me, mine has been quite productive, if for no other reason than for the rather large quantities of vegetables I have managed to raise out in my garden. As my mother used to say, when years ago we found ourselves in similar circumstances, of recent weeks, I have been "living fairly high on the hog." The only dark cloud on the horizon this summer here in Vermont has been the lack of precipitation. (Perhaps `dark cloud' is not exactly the right phrase in this context, but so be it!) It has been extremely dry here in Westminster since about the middle of June. It is not that no rain has fallen; it is only that what has come down has been manifestly insufficient for the needs of our friendly and thirsty plants. Fortunately, I have a well which I can pump a full pipe out of twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. On my property, therefore, there has been plenty of rain, albeit mostly of the artificial kind. Alas, many of my neighbors, to say nothing about the farmers here in the village, are not in my situation. For them, things have been dry, dry, DRY! In respect to Covered Bridges, there is good news this quarter, unbelievably good news, in fact, though here I am getting a little bit ahead of my story. First of all, progress has been made respecting the Society's project to stabilize and repair the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge. A trap door over the central pier of the structure has been installed, the damage to the roof caused by severe winds this past winter has been repaired, and some missing sideboarding and end-boarding has as well been replaced. If all goes well, before the snow flies next winter, we plan to have lifted up the far end of the span and changed both the bed timbers and the corbels, the latter being what Milton Graton used to call the bridge timbers, or bridge-bearing timbers. Anticipating events a little bit further, current plans will have us lifting the other end of the span, the one where the parking lot and the pizzeria are, in the spring or early summer of next year, and performing the same operation on that side, i.e., replacing the bed timbers and the bridge-bearing timbers at that end of the span. Once both ends of the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge have been tended to as above described, the structure ought to be weather tight and fairly stable. It should be pointed out here that in this matter, we, as a society, are very indebted to one of our members, that is to say, to Tim Andrews, of Barns and Bridges of New England. Tim, though still quite young, is already a master bridgewright, with to date several marvelously executed spans to is credit. He worked with Milton Graton on several of Milton's projects, and has worked with Arnold Graton as well. Those of you who are familiar with the Corbin Covered Bridge over in Newport, New Hampshire, might well have noticed the beautifully framed roof trusses. These trusses are an example of the way in which Tim approaches his craft: nothing less than perfection will do; anything less than perfection where perfection is possible is totally unacceptable. In respect to the work of repairing and stabilizing the Contoocook Covered Railroad Bridge, Tim has been willing to undertake the required tasks more or less at cost. Were Tim not of such a generous frame of mind, it is difficult to imagine how the work on this structure could be as advanced as it currently is. By the way, and more than just parenthetically, I would strongly suggest to members that if any of you should know of a covered project in search of a master bridgewright so that it can be successfully and sensitively completed, that serious consideration be given to Tim Andrews and his firm, Barns and Bridges of New England. Tim Andrews does not disappoint. Any project which he undertakes will be carried through to a most successful conclusion. Towards the beginning of my message to you this quarter, I said I had some unbelievably good news in respect to Covered Bridges to pass along to you. It is indeed good news, just as advertised, but alas this news is also tinged with sadness. Those of you who are long-time members undoubtedly either knew, or had dealings with, Evelyn Thomas. Amongst numerous other things, Mrs. Thomas was for many years our mailing chairman, no small job as both Dick Roy and Christine Ellsworth can testify. Well, Mrs. Thomas passed away late last year. So deeply attached to the Society was Mrs. Thomas that she chose to remember us in her will. Mrs. Thomas, fortunately for her whilst she was still alive, and now fortunately for us, was a lady of considerable means. Without going into a myriad of detail, her donation to the Society will amount to some 100,000 dollars. These monies shall of course be placed in the Eastman Fund, which fund by the unanimous vote of those members present and voting at the July meeting of the National Society, shall henceforth be called the Eastman / Thomas Fund for Covered Bridge Preservation. Thanks to the generosity of Evelyn Thomas, rather than only being able to spend between 2 and 3 thousand dollars a year for Covered-Bridges preservation, the National Society will now be able to make grants of between $7,000 and $8,000! Thank you Evelyn Thomas!!!!! Happy Bridging! Sincerely, Your president, David W. Wright![]()
OF COVERED BRIDGES INC. Minutes of the regular meeting March 25, 2001 19 people were in attendance for the March meeting at the Plymouth Church. The minutes for the Annual meeting were read and accepted unanimously. David welcomed everyone and especially a special guest who is interested in building a museum in the Bennington, VT area. John Dostal was feeling out for information and thoughts of different organizations and people that would be effected in his decision. This is still in the planning stages and no decision had been reached. John relates that the Bennington area is a tremendous drawing card with the Bennington Monument and the Bennington Museum and the town of Bennington itself. It draws 45 to 50 thousand people each year. It is located at the junctions of Route 9 and 7.It was voted out of committee that the museum would have a 120 by 20 feet covered bridge. The problem was where to built the bridge and museum. John also mentioned that he was looking for Stereoscopic slides by a Vermont manufacturer of these slides. The manufacturer would be H. H. White. After discussion on this subject, the meeting was adjourned. Slides taken by George and Bea Chaplin of New Jersey of a European trip, specifically of Austria, Switzerland were presented. The slides were projected by Dick Roy. At the April meeting, Joseph Cohen will be showing slides of his trip to the southern portion of the country. Respectfully submitted, Dick Roy Secretary Pro. Tem.
In the absence of David Wright, the meeting was called to order by Dick Roy with 20 people present. The minutes of the March meeting were read. Motion by Kenny Olson and Second by Russ Whitney that the minutes be accepted as read. Passed unanimously. Discussion ensued concerning stereoscopic slides. It was mentioned that "Kilburn Bros." of Littleton, NH was one of the largest companies of this type at one time. Mr. John Dostal of Bennington, VT. is building a Covered Bridge Museum in the Bennington Area. He is asking for material and related matter to be brought to his attention. The Society will supply some of this material. There will be another covered bridge built in the North Hartland, Vermont. area. This is being built in the town common and will be set over the stream when completed. The North Hartland, Vermont bridge will finally have its' twin returned. Arnold Graton is repairing the King Covered Bridge in Penn.. He is also considering doing work on the Masonic Park Bridge in California. Slate Bridge in Swanzey, New Hampshire, is being rebuilt at this time. It is hoped that there will be a dedication some time at the end of the summer. This is the last of the three bridges that were arsoned in 1993. The other two, Corbin Bridge in Newport, NH. and Smith Bridge in Plymouth have already been rebuilt. The dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony for the Smith Bridge will probably be held in April or May. Dan Brock reported that Robert Carson of West Groton, Mass. gave him some photographs of the bridge that was moved from Newmarket, NH. to Lynn, Mass. Dan has done an excellent job of tracking this bridge down and acquiring the photographs. The photos were passed around for viewing. Good job Dan. Joseph Cohen asked how the World Guide was coming along. He wanted a letter written to David Wright to move it along. Voted to write a letter. Joseph Cohen says that he has a printing firm lined up to print the brochure that is to be done by the society. Motion by Joseph Cohen, Seconded by Russ Whitney: To have the annual meeting on October 21, 2001 (3rd Sunday) at the Bull Run Restaurant in Shirley, Mass. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Russ Whitney Second by Bill Schermerhorn. To adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Joseph Cohen showed his stereo slides of the Southern bridges. Thank you very much, Joe, for your presentation. Respectfully submitted, Richard E. Roy Secretary, Pro Tem.
Held at the site of the Contoocook Railroad Bridge in Hopkinton, New Hampshire The meeting began a little late because of the workers wanting to have lunch prior to the actual meeting beginning. It took a little longer than expected to complete the work. The minutes of the April meeting were accepted as read. There were 19 members and guest present at the June meeting to discuss the bridge and help with a partial work party. Four members are to be commended, David Wright. Jim Garvin, Clarke Kidder and Tim Andrews, for starting early and doing preliminary work on the structure. A trap door was cut to get to the center pier, to see what has to be done to repair the structure in this area. Clarke Kidder supplied the generator; Tim Andrews supplied power tools and various hand tools. James Garvin supervised the job, as his department is responsible for the upkeep of the bridge. And David Wright, our president helped in all ways needed. A motion was made that Joseph Nelson and his wife Ruth be made Honorary Lifetime Members for the service he has rendered through the use of his web site, Motion by Dick Roy. Seconded by Don Prideaux. Motion carried unanimously. David talked about the possibility of a new covered bridge in Newport, NH at Pollards Mill road. For a while it looked pretty good, however after many debates and cost analysis, it was decided by the town fathers that a covered bridge at this site would not be feasible at this time. David Wright talked about preservation and related items. He will be getting a group together to talk about preservation and the roll of the Society in such matters. In anticipation of receiving funds from the estate of Evelyn Thomas, A motion was made by Dick Roy and seconded by David Wright to change the name of the Harold F. Eastman Memorial Fund to read as follows. Harold F. Eastman and Evelyn H. Thomas Memorial Fund. Motion passed unanimously. The next motion by Clarke Kidder. Seconded by Joseph Cohen to place funds received from the Evelyn Thomas Estate into the Eastman - Thomas Memorial Fund. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion on 3 CB's in Massachusetts, Bissell Bridge, Arthur Smith Bridge and Burkville Bridge. Mrs. Cara T. Welsh, 213 West Spencer Street, Ithaca, New York 14850 is asking for help with the nomination forms to get The Bissell Bridge on the National Register. The National Society is sponsoring this effort through the efforts of David Wright and Dan Brock.James Garvin, State of New Hampshire, Department of Cultural Resources, DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES. Federal monies used for Transportation fund. The Society helped with financing some of the work to be done on the Contoocook Railroad Bridge. The Division of Historical Resources has funds available to meet a 4 to 1 grant. The 20% for the grant will be acquired through the use of monies granted through the sale of "Moose" Vehicle registration plates. Some of the items to be placed out to bid are as follows; Dry Sprinkler System, installation of "Protector Wire", "No Char", The outside of the structure will be painted red as it previously was. A historical marker will be placed next to the Bridge. "It is the oldest Wooden Covered Railroad Bridge in the World, still extant." One of the few remaining in the United States. Smaller items will be financed by The National Society. Tim Andrews will be doing much of these items. This will include: repairing portions of the roof blown off in the winter of 2000-2001. The bridge has to be jacked up to replace bolster and bed timbers. It is hoped that these bolster and bed timbers can be donated. Replace missing siding and replace siding removed to work on bolster and bed timbers. Add finishing touches to the bridge. Motion, by Kenneth Olsen. Seconded by Tim Andrews to Adjourn. Passed Unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Dick Roy ![]()
Covered Bridge News ![]() By Bob and Trish Kane Delaware County: ![]() Hamden Covered Bridge - NY 32-13-03 What can we say? The dedication of the restored Hamden Covered Bridge was a tremendous success! The weather was perfect, food was plentiful, the speeches short, and the bridge looked absolutely fantastic. Best guess estimate on attendance was around 500 people throughout the day. In addition to the great speeches by local dignitaries, congratulatory correspondence was received from Governor George E. Pataki, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Covered Bridge expert, Richard Sanders Allen. One of the many highlights of the day was the unveiling of the historical marker, which will be located on Rt. 10, near the bridge. Delaware County Officials, as well as Hamden Town Supervisor, Wayne Marshfield, would like to express their sincere appreciation to everyone who assisted in making the dedication such a huge success. From the letters and e-mails that poured in, covered bridge enthusiasts in attendance were also very pleased with the event. Richard Donovan of Pennsylvania remarked that he thought this was the very first time so many covered bridge organizations were represented in one place. Lower Shavertown - NY 32-13-07 This 32-foot town truss bridge spanning Trout Brook was built in 1877 and was previously known as the Campbell Bridge. On July 10, 2001 there was an unfortunate incident with this privately owned covered bridge. A fully loaded fuel truck, driven by a new driver, broke through the bridge floor and rode it down into the creek-bed. Apparently he missed the instructions on his delivery sheet to use the alternate bridge located about « mile down the road for his delivery. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Phil Pierce shared the following with us: "The floor was supported by oak planks on pine logs cut at the site without pressure treatment and completely independent from the truss. Although the truck leaned into the truss, there was no apparent serious damage to it. A large wrecker winched the truck out without any further damage. The new bridge floor (which has now been replaced) is supported by a pair of steel beams with oak planks and running planks on top. There was no real damage to the truss structure and the Lower Shavertown Covered Bridge still retains its unique charm." Sullivan County: Other news: Of the nine State and National Register of Historic Places Certificates for New York's Covered Bridges, we have delivered four during the month of August. On August 19, we met with Bill and Gayle McMichael, owners of the Lower Shavertown Covered Bridge. They were absolutely thrilled to receive their certificate. We were honored to be invited to attend a meeting of the Delaware County Board of Supervisors on August 22. Following a warm and gracious introduction by Wayne Reynolds, Delaware County Commissioner of Public Works, we presented the Supervisors of the Town of Hamden, Delhi and Downsville with their respective certificates. Bob and I have felt a real sense of pride and accomplishment as we delivered these certificates. It has been wonderful to be able to share in the excitement of those receiving them. Plans are currently underway to present certificates for the Hyde Hall, Ashoken/Turnwood, Grants Mills, Copeland and the Newfield Covered Bridges. A personal 'thank you' to Dick and June
Roy Please keep our government officials, our country and the families of the victims of the recent atrocious act of terrorism in your prayers. ![]() Kentucky Bridge news by Melissa Jurgensen The Coleville Covered Bridge (17-09-03) in Bourbon County, Kentucky was completed in July. After 4 1/2 years of being closed due to flood damage it is open to traffic again. The bridge was worked on from June 1999 to July 2001. Most of the wood had to be replaced because of flood damage, insect damage, and neglect. The bridge deck is original wood, along with a few truss pieces. Some of the original wood has also been moved to non-load bearing positions. The bridge has been restored to it's original camber that had been lost over the years. The siding was left natural and the portals have been painted white with green battens, the Bower Bridge Company's signature colors. (The firm that originally built it) It also has a cedar shingle roof. The wood has been treated for insects and sealed with an anti-graffiti coating. (Those of you familiar with the bridge know that graffiti was a problem in the past). ![]() ![]() ![]() Slate Bridge (29-03-06)Photos ©2001 Sean James, P.E. ![]() ![]() Wellis Leggett Bridge, Compton County 61-18-09. This bridge was arsoned on July 8 or 9, 2001, ©2001 Elmer Jackson. ![]() ![]()
OVER LITTLE CHUCKEY CREEK IN GREENE COUNTY, TENNESSEE GREENE COUNTY, TN -AUGUST 8, 2001 - David C. Fischetti, P.E. of DCF Engineering, Inc., Cary, North Carolina in conjunction with Vaughn & Melton Engineers & Architects of Greeneville, Tennessee have completed working drawings for The Rehabilitation of the Bible/Chuckey Bridge over Little Chuckey Creek in Greene County, Tennessee. Robert W. Jacks, P.E. of V&M is the project manager. David C. Fischetti, P.E. of DCF is the structural design consultant. The rehabilitation of this 45 foot span pony truss covered bridge will be funded through TEA-21. ![]()
HISTORIC CIVIL ENGINEERING LANDMARK PRESS RELEASE DCF Engineering, Inc. For more information contact: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Houston, Texas -August 13, 2001 -The committee on the History and Heritage of American Civil Engineering of the American Society of Civil Engineers has designated the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge in Claremont, North Carolina, as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark at its meeting on July 30, 2001. In 1895, at the request of Catawba County Commissioners, Andy L. Ramsour constructed the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge over Lyles Creek. Bunker Hill Bridge is on Island Ford Road which served as a route to transport British prisoners of war after the 1781 Battle of Cowpens during the Revolutionary War. The North Carolina Section of ASCE is in the process of coordinating the dedication ceremony that will occur in November. The Bunker Hill Covered Bridge is the only remaining example of the Improved Lattice Truss timber bridge patented by Gen. Herman Haupt (1817 -1905) in 1839. Haupt was Chief of Military Railroads for the Union Army during the Civil War. In this capacity, he contributed to the outcome of the Civil War, particularly the Battle of Gettysburg, by repairing bridges and ensuring Union supply lines. This Philadelphia born civil and military engineer, author, inventor, and industrialist was one of the first to develop a rational method of truss analysis. Haupt's improved lattice truss bridge was a response to Ithiel Town's 1820 and 1835 patents for the plank lattice timber truss. Haupt used the analytical methods he developed in the 1840's to design a more efficient lattice truss which consisted of web members positioned only at locations which required support. Redundant members were removed, resulting in the improved lattice truss as described in his book General Theory of Bridge Construction published in 1851. General Haupt was keenly aware that his knowledge and ability as a civil engineer was vital in ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. "With even greater simplicity and economy than the ordinary lattice, it appears to be entirely free from its defects; and possessing many of the essential requisites of a good bridge, with a capability of extension to spans of considerable length, it seems to be unusually well adapted to the wants of a community with whom economy is an object" H. Haupt, 1890. In the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge, with the skin removed, we see the handiwork of Herman Haupt. During the 1987 rehabilitation, Arnold Graton, master bridgewright of Ashland, New Hampshire, removed the sideboarding and roofing from the bridge in order to gain access to chord members which required repair. Deteriorated chord members which were replaced in kind consisted of bottom chord members at the four bearing corners of the bridge. Arnold Graton replaced badly decayed or missing members with solid timbers of equal size which were ripped from a 12x14 timber, 38 feet in length. This old dense southern pine bridge timber had been in storage in the Graton's yard in New Hampshire since the 1950's. By removing the sideboarding and roofing, the incredibly beautiful framing of the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge was revealed. The temporary removal of the sideboarding of the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge by Graton was reminiscent of Haupt's order, as Chief of Military Railroads during the Civil War, to remove the roofing and sideboarding of the covered bridges in the vicinity of Washington D.C., to prevent the Confederates from easily burning those vital links. Through this particular structure played but a small role in the development of the nation, covered bridges which no longer exist played a pivotal role in the growth of the United States. The development of rational analytical methods for truss design in the 1830's and 1840's paralleled the growth and expansion of the railroads. Covered bridge structures were the first to benefit from methods developed by early civil engineers such as Whipple, Long, and Haupt. It is important to recognize unique and originally innovative Civil Engineering structures such as the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge as examples and reminders of the life's work of great American Civil Engineering pioneers such as General Herman Haupt. The Bunker Hill Covered Bridge is important because it is a reminder of General Herman Haupt's technical genius. The bridge itself is certainly not important as an innovative solution which would revolutionize the field of bridge building. It is very important to the history of technology because it is one of the first systems which resulted from the application of methods of engineering analysis based on mathematics which were developed in the 1840's. In covered bridges we see an emerging technology, pioneered by men such as Haupt, which was soon applied to both timber and iron bridges as American civil engineers rose to the challenges presented by a developing railroad industry. Founded in 1852, ASCE represents more than 123,000 civil engineers worldwide. It is the United States' oldest engineering society. ![]() ![]() The Wilcox Game Preserve Bridge (15-63-04). ©2001 Brian McKee
Marion, OH ![]() Rockford Bolt Company Bridge (13-04-01). © 2001 Dick Wilson
![]() File Cleaning From Marge Converse: The Burlington Free Press, Burlington, VT, July 22, 2001. Westford Covered Bridge Returns. A 14 year restoration project has finally been completed on the Westford, VT ( 45-04-05) covered bridge. Repairs began back in 1987 and cost a total of $220,000. The bridge was moved from its site on the Browns River to a location one-quarter mile away for the renovation. From Marge Converse: The North Star Monthly, Danville, VT, July 2001. Wolcott's Fisher Bridge Gets a Tune Up and Face Lift. The Fisher bridge (45-08-16) is also getting some repairs. Paul Ide and his crew are repairing the roof and internal rafters of this bridge which carries tracks once used by the St. Johnsbury and Lamoille County Railroad. The bridge is no longer used for rail traffic but was among the last in America to do so. The bridge was originally built in 1908 and spans the Lamoille River. From Marge Converse: The Caledonian-Record, St. Johnsbury, VT, July 21, 2001. Bridge Project Moves Ahead. The Greenbanks Hollow Bridge (45-03-01) located in South Danville, VT was accessed for repairs this summer by structural engineers of Hoyle Tanner and Associates based in Manchester, NH. The plans include replacing the leaky roof and other deteriorated pieces of the bridge. Also structural problems will by corrected and the temporary steel beams which currently help to support the bridge will be removed. A $300,000. federal grant made possible by the National Covered Bridge Preservation Act was secured to repair this bridge. It's one of two in Vermont to receive funds under this program. The other is located in Rutland. ![]() Here are a few items that are very worthy to be mentioned: The rededication of the Westford Bridge, VT (45-04-OS) will be held on September 29. (3 p.m.) The Slate Bridge in Swanzey, NH (29-03-06 #2) will be dedicated on October 6. The dedication of the Bunker Hill Bridge, North Carolina (33-18-01) will be rededicated and a Historic marker plaque will be dedicated on Nov. 3, 2001, placing it as a National Historic Engineering Landmark. ALABAMA COVERED BRIDGE PRESERVATION SOCIETY. Individual or Family Membership . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 The Okachoy Bridge, Alabama (01-19-01) was completely burned to the ground, July 2001, almost not enough to take a photo of. They need your help. Our Lifetime membership drive is going very well. We have at present
time 118 Lifetime Members. If you or anyone you know wants to be a
Lifetime Member, call or E-mail ![]() FOR SALE
By Jeanne Baker 80 pages: a guide of 5 tours (includes photos, sketches, maps, lodging) Cost: $12.95 + $3.00 s&h To order: Jeanne Baker 605 Jones Ferry Rd. #EE4, Carrboro, NC 27510
The following are items still available through the Society: All of the items below are available from June Roy, 73 Ash Street, Manchester, NH 03104-4906 or E-mail
By Andrew Howard This guide describes the public Covered Bridges Remaining in the state. The detailed directions to each Bridge is described as well as 3 views of each bridge. The Virginia Guide can be purchased for $6.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling. Other books available from the same author: C/B's of Madison County Iowa, A Guide.........$6.50 The Book Life in the Slow Lane is still available for
$16.95 + $3.95 Shipping and Handling.
For a white Polo Shirt with a blue NSPCB logo, send $15.00 plus $3.95
for shipping and handling to June Roy, 73 Ash street, Manchester NH
Covered Bridges of Vermont, by Ed Barna. This is a book depicting all the covered bridges in Vermont in the year 1996. Postpaid $17.00 From June Roy. New Hampshire Covered Bridges "A Link With Our Past, by Richard Marshall, color photos by Arthur Round. Excellent book on NH bridges $20.00 plus $3.95 shipping and handling. Proceeds to Eastman Fund. There is also an excellent book on Vermont Covered Bridges called: Spanning Time Vermont's Covered, Bridges. You can get a copy by contacting Joseph Nelson at 2 Sugar Hill Road, Underhill, VT 05489 or Visit >< Joseph Nelson is the President of the new Vermont Society.
The American Covered Bridge Collection by ScaasisTM Those of you waiting for the American Bridge Collection Scaasis TM models of the new covered bridge reproductions, do not have to wait any longer. I am assured by the personnel of ScaasisTM that the first 22 bridge models have been distributed to the Cracker Barrel stores and restaurants throughout the country. If you do not see them at these locations, ask for them. If you are not satisfied call Scaasis TM They can tell you where the nearest location to get these models. I have seen several of the models and they are terrific.
"The ORIGINAL Lighthouse Company"TM 2443 HIGHWAY 33 -NEPTUNE, NJ 07753 Phone: (800) 942-2139 - Fax (888) 918-1288 ![]()
Here are the directions to the Bull Run Restaurant Route 2A (215 Great Road), Shirley, MA From Boston: Route 2 West. Take exit 38 B-Ayer/Groton. Follow Route 110/111 for 1 mile to Ayer rotary. Third right off rotary. Route 2A west. Six miles to Shirley. From Worcester: Route I-190 North to Route 2 East to Shirley, exit #36. Go right on Shirley Road for one mile to the police station. Bear right at stop sign, Take first LEFT onto Center Road, follow three miles to Route 2A. Take a right. The Bull Run is on the left. From Nashua, N.H.: Route 111 to Massachusetts to Route 119. Left on 119 towards Groton. Pick up Route 225 toward West Groton then to Shirley town line. Take second left on Longley Road. One mile to Route 2A & The Bull Run Restaurant. From Route 495: Exit #30-Route 2A West. Littleton, Ayer, then Shirley approximately 10 miles. Print and cut off here and send along your check or money order Dinner Reservation coupon for October 21,2001 annual dinner meeting. To be returned with payment as designated below. Call Dick Roy at (603) 623-8406 or E-mail Deadline is on or before October 15, 2001- The reservation must be called in on that day Name ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Phone ( _______) _____________________________________________ _____Boneless Breast of Chicken - Baked Stuffed, Served w/Cranberry
Sauce and Gravy - $15.95 Choose one: ______ Real Whipped Potatoes. ________ Baked potato All above entrees served with Chef's choice of fresh seasonal vegetables, salad, hot rolls & butter, tea and/or brewed coffee. Send to Richard Roy, Make check payable to N.S.P.C.B. Inc. ![]() This web site page was coded by J.C. Nelson. The content is the intellectual property of the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges, Inc. and its membership. This file posted September 27, 2001 |